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Reborn Team Update


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Well this is my current team and the back ups that I still need to train. I found Zorua and have my Zoroark that I've been searching, now I just need to find Eevee, that is hopefully a female and find the moss rock to turn it into a Leafeon.


Zoroark (Zero) Level 47 Illusion, Nature: Naughty

Foul Play, Night Slash, Grass Knot, Scary Face

Infernape (Son Goku) Level 49 Blaze, Nature: Naive

Flame Wheel, Mach Punch, Close Combat, Grass Knot

Luxray (Raika) Level 46 Intimidate, Nature: Bashful

Thunder Fang, Charge, Spark, Crunch

Crobat (Fang) Level 46 Infiltrator, Nature: Lax

Acrobatics, Confuse Ray, Bite, Poison Fang

Scrafty (Homie) Level 47 Moxie, Nature: Naive

Brick Break, Strength, Crunch, Hi Jump Kick

Gyarados (Sienna) Level 44 Intimidate, Nature: Sassy (Getting lazy in terms of training it same thing with Gardevoir)

Ice Fang, Dragon Dance, Aqua Tail, Bite

Gardevoir (Nora) Level 44 Synchronize, Nature: Gentle

Magical Leaf, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Calm Mind

The Back Ups:

Granbull Level 36

Seismitoad Level 42

Mightyena Level 39

Graveler Level 36

Porygon Level 39 (Until the items upgrade and the dubious disc are able to be found)

Numel Level 15

Pidgey Level 18

Pansage Level 23

Nidoran M Level 11

Lillipup Level 15

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Well I first encountered it in the alley in the north Obsidian Ward after beating the Magma Gang's Leader, first it appeared as a Murkow cause of its illusion ability and ran away. You'll have to chase it around playing hide and seek, and it'll only appear in alleys around the wards surrounding Opal Ward in different pokemon forms cause of its ability. It'll appear as a zangoose (this one is easy to not notice cause it hides behind a pillar), others it'll appear as a starly, zigzagoon, and teddiursa.

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Welp, after doing some running around causing amok in Reborn this is how my team is shaping up:

Infernape (Son Goku) is now level 50

Luxray (Raika) is now level 47

Gyarados (Sienna) is now level 46

Crobat (Fang) is now level 47

Gardevoir is now level 45

Seismitoad (Bubba) is now level 43

Pidgey (Zed) evolved into Pidgeot and is now level 37

Nidoran M evolved in Nidorino and is now level 29

New additions:

Accelgor (Kage) level 37 Modest

Remoraid level 20

Gastly (Kiki, for reasons) level 10 Mild

Vanillite (Nilla Ice) level 30

Cubone Level 35

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He's chilling at level 47 plus he has a Naughty nature and with him knowing Foul Play plus stab, he can relax and take a break until the next Episode is released. It's the same for Homie (Scrafty).

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I learned that after finding out from previous epsiodes that the leaders will probably not give you a badge because of something happening lol

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Yeah, I need to start working on backup teams myself. My Pachirisu was my go-to Electric type, but at this point he simply can't compete anymore. So I've been trying to raise up the Elekid I got to take his place. Unfortunately, it's bee slow going trying to juggle that and my main roster to keep them under the level cap.

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