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The Easiest Gym Leader Battle


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  On 7/23/2018 at 4:33 PM, example said:

Really, difficulty of those fights depends too much on your team and your playstyle, it would be hard to distinguish easiest and hardest leaders. For me, Ciel, whom most of the people find easy, was often a nightmare, when I was fighting Amaria for the first time, I only wanted to do a test fight without chosing specific mons and tactics to see what she is up to, and accidentaly I wiped her without a lose of a mon, but again I struggled with Noel. There are very few leaders of which we can say everyone beats easily, like Samson or Luna, but I wouldnt be so sure about Radomus or Kiki.


Samson breaks through defense/stall orientated teams. Trying to setup/status is a nightmare. Personally Amaria was weak against both my defense/stall orientated team and offense orientated team.

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Most recently it was Titania (Fire moves may become part dragon, but Scizor still falls over to them), but I think every time I have played through Reborn one leader has been much easier than all the others with my different teams.

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First 2 gyms, because of Braixen (Howl + Flame Charge)!


Shade... He was super weak against Dark moves.


Corey, because of event Electrike (Flame Burst destroys his field and removes the pokemon you face).


Shelly, because a fake out meowth/persian and a hard hitting fire type/move, shuts her down for good.


Similarly, unless you harvest reputation points, Noel for burning the field and Serra for smashing her mirror arena!

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Julia because she is the first gym and i was VERY prepared ,Luna Speed Boost Blaziken with metronome nuff said and almaria(Gardevior with Max Sp.Atk and Sp.df holding a twisted spoon OHKO every pokemon except Deliverence which i finish off with Nemesis(my Dragalge)) ( ̄▽ ̄)"

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As most have said, Luna. In my first playthrough, Blaziken sweeped her team and in my third playthrough, Scrafty, Escavalier and Swampert had an advantage against all her Pokemon; the only Pokemon that took longer to defeat was her Umbreon.


Some of Reborn's Gym Leaders will be less of a struggle to defeat depending on the team of Pokemon one is using (unless you are using a team full of counters then it will probably be easy). In reality, no Gym Leader in Reborn is easy to defeat; one way or another there is a high probability of a Pokemon on their teams that will take you by surprise.

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  On 7/23/2018 at 5:32 AM, TracerIsCute said:

Amaria for me, changing the terrain w/ Florges made it 10x easier ^-^ Other than her, I would say Titania, The Agate Couple and Kiki


I agree with Amaria. Ampharos + Electric Terrain + Cotton Guard + X SpDef on her Rotom. Let the sweep begin.


Julia and Victoria were right lol

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Definitely Amaria. I'm just testing the water with Lilligant but she just obliterates everything. I don't even know what Pokemon she has.

The second one is Adrienn. The reason is because if you remove misty terrain, you'll find Fairy Tale Field which also boost Steel Move then everything will be a walk in a garden.

The third one is Luna probably? My memories seems a bit missing when battling against her. But I remember I defeat her in 2nd attempt.



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Easiest was definitely Aya and Adrienn. Then, Amaria, on whom I didn't even have to change the field owing to my monsterously tanky team and venusaur wrecking everything with petal dance.

Toughest was Shade, followed by Kiki and Samson.

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  On 7/25/2018 at 11:45 AM, kithas said:

Everybody defeated Amaria by changing the field haha I knew it would be hell, but two sludge waves after it was just like that.


I didn't actually.


Though I do a self-imposed challenge of not changing the fields of any gym leader if I can help it. Makes it feel more interesting.

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It depends on team. e.g. with my Bug monoteam, Charlotte was by far the easiest (weird, huh), while in my Poison monorun, Charlotte was actual hell.

I'd say that nobody is THAT hard, as long as you have the team (or the mon) for the job.


I am not the kind of person to change the field too, I'd rather just exploit its benefits and defeat them in their own game. It just feels better. Just storming through everyone by using Grassy/Electric/Misty terrain feels cheap. Kinda like playing an easier fanmade game, or even a canon Pokemon game. Reborn isn't the place for this.

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Julia and Florinia are both pretty easy with a team of decent mons. On my first playthrough I unexpectedly swept Amaria on my first try with a Mow Rotom equipped with Choice Specs, although the battle was a lot harder on my second playthrough.

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I literally don't remember fighting Corey, to be honest, so I guess he must've been easy? I dunno.


Florinia has the dubious dishonor of being the only Gym Leader I beat on my first try without prior preparation, but I'm fully aware that that was a case of sheer dumb luck. What are the chances of one landing all 5 hits of Rollout, yet alone having the last one be strong enough to OH-KO a cradily despite being resisted? I imagine that she'll give me more trouble in later playthroughs.


Luna was pretty easy, even though I didn't have any Fairy or Bug moves on my team. I personally focused on a different aspect of the Dark Crystal Cave than most to make up for it: it becomes a normal Cave with just a single use of Earthquake. I let her sableye try to build the arena back up, sure, but my flygon won that matchup all the same... and then deliberately collapsed the cave on her malamar, because I was not interested in getting Contrary-swept! I don't think a Dark Leader's doing something right if their opponent is laughing maniacally throughout most of the fight, right?

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There are 2 answers for me:

1) Luna, just for being really easy. As long as you have an EQ mon, it's horrendously easy to get rid of her one advantage: the field.


2) Earlier iterations of Shade, simply for the reason that Moxie Scrafty takes a massive dump on him in those versions.


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Charlotte and Florinia for me. My EV trained Archeops holding Wide Lens spammed Rock Slide and killed all of Charlotte's team solo without taking a single hit. Florinia was easy with the team I had at the time. I remember getting Luna down to only her Umbreon with 4-5 mons left and thinking it would be an easy fight - my Toxicroak with Drain Punch wasn't up to the job and got PP stalled by her constant Moonlight + Luna's ultra potions + Double Team, and my other physical mons just didn't do enough dmg or got stalled by Toxic + Moonlight. Tried it 2-3 more times and just defeated him with neutral special moves in the next try as the physical SE hits weren't enough. I could have changed the field with EQ or something, but I make it a point to defeat every gym leader in their own field.

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