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Best EXP Grind for this point in the game? E16-17 SPOILERS


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So I'm about to fight Adrien, and my team is high 70s to 80 (my max level for the time being due to gym badge restrictions). I have been grinding off of Clown Ingra or whatever his name is in the circus, because I can't reliably beat the people in Grand Hall. Is there a better place to grind easily? Lv65s just aren't giving the exp they used to as I go up in levels. I'm also having a hard time putting together a team that can take down Adrien.

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To beat Adrien get yourself a Nidoking and a Magnezone. They have Sludge Wave as an easy tm and Flash cannon as a natural level up move. Adrien gets swept by those two with some minute improvisation on your part. 


If you go to the east of Calcenon city there is a pretty decent chance of finding wild Audino. That's probably the best place to grind at that point in the game because of the easy to kill and high exp giving pokemon.

I would know because I spent entire months of episode 16 ev training and grinding other Pokemon there.

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The best place is really the Grand Hall sadly... Try to set up a team to defeat a lady in green that stands there everyday. I can even tell you the mons she send and some moves they have:

First two:

Chansey: has Flamethrower for sure and Softboiled almost sure

Komala: has Bulldoze 

After these two, she sends them randomly:
Reuniclus: has Focus Blast 

Gothitelle: Thunderbolt and Psyshock

Togekiss: Dazzling Gleam

Arcanine: Flare Blitz

Mega Venusaur: Sludge Bomb and HP fighting

Wigglytuff: Dazzling Gleam


She battles in doubles.

So the team I would recommend you for this NPC is two Fighting-type sweepers (for taking down Blisey and Komala), who are fast and have high Attack/Sp.Atk, such as, for example, Lucario, Hawlucha, Mienshao, Blaziken, Heracross (pick two of these) or even Scrafty, because his Dark type helps taking down Reuniclus and Gothitelle.

Then, if you didn't pick two fighting-types who can take down Reuniclus and Gothitelle, I would recommend you a Dark-type, such as Greninja, who comes in handy for defeating Arcanine with a Hydro Pump for example, and Venusaur, with Extrasensory for example. Then, pick someone who can sweep Fairy-types, because there are two: Togekiss and Wigglytuff. A good steel-type or poison-type can take well care of these two: for example, Gengar, Roserade, Metagross... 

Finally, a Pokémon who can help take out Mega Venusaur: pick either a good Flying-type or a good Psychic-type; those are the only Mega Venusaurs weaknesses.

The sixth Pokémon would be the one you want to evolve, holding an Exp.Share.

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