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I'll put it short



i downloaded the recent update of episode 8 and it remeind as episode 7 poison in vain. i even replaced all the files with the update and still the same thing. I open the game, its says episode 7. can someone tell me what im doing wrong, also where do i find cain after i defeat kiki? also im trying to find a Zoura,deino and a Corphish? Plz help btw im new to the page and i got lost(it took me an hour to find this)

Edited by Xavier175
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9 answers to this question

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Are you sure you're unzipping everything and running Game.exe from the right folder? Chances are the directories are being mixed up somewhere.

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about the pokemon you are looking for:

corphish you can find corphish on apophyll beach, when you smash some of those rocks that are scattered around it could appear.

i dont think deino is obtaineble yet, also see this: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/obtainable.html

i know you can find zorua somewhere in this game but i dont know where, sorry ^^

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i unzipped it and exracted the files, i put the update in with the Pokemon Reborn files and it did nothing ._. i tryed replacing them with the update= nothing happend, i also tryed tu put the update in a sepreat file and still nothing happen. Thnx for telling me where corphish is also where is zoura(u said u know but u didnt said where to get it)

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Maybe just in case, try deleting all of your old game files from the previous episodes (your Save file is stored elsewhere, so no need to worry about that) to make sure that they're gone and can't interfere- and then try downloading the full version of Episode 8 again.

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Basically you first encounter Zorua after you beat the Magma Gang's Leader in the alley in the north Obsidian ward. At least that is where I first enountered it. But it'll appear as a Murkow am then show it's actual form and run away. And you have to chase it around the wards that have alley ways. It'll only be found in the alleys (Opal, Obsidian, and Lapis) but appear as different pokemon (Zangoose, Starly, Zigzagoon, and Teddiursa).

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