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Anyone got an Electrike with near perfect IV's compatible with HP Ice?


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Hello everyone!


I'm currently looking for an Electrike with near perfect IV's (30 or 31's) and a compatible IV spread for Hidden Power Ice (timid preferred but not necessary). I can trade you a perfect Gible or near perfect Honedge, or, if none of those suit you I can trade you an imperfect Porygon, Abra, Dewpider or other less common mons with a hard-to-get battle item (i.e. Choice Scarf, Choice Band, Muscle Band, Life Orb, Choice Specs, Leftovers, Rocky Helmet, or Black Sludge). Feel free to answer on this thread or message me, thanks! 🙂 

Edited by devinthheaven
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That would be amazing!! If you're somehow able to breed it as a timid mon that'd be awesome as well, but not necessary! I know it's hard to have all of those conditions at the same time.


What would you want in return?

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You elekid is ready! I slapped a Heart Scale on it so you can fix the nature later. I usually breed with a proper nature but I personally prefer a mixed Electivire set, so the nature (Naive) wouldn't be really good for you.
I'm a dummy, sorry. So your Electrike is ready 😛

I don't recall looking for anything in special, so surprise me =3





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