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Pokemon Reborn: Ask Your Questions: Quests, Pokemon/Item Locations, and Other Information

The Fush


Since there seems to be an array of topics on individual questions everywhere, I've created some general topics to ask them in, just for neatness.

In this topic, you can ask about any problems you're having regarding in-game quests and pokémon locations, along with anything else of the sort. Have at it, you phoenixes.

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It's the very first house when you enter Spinel Town. You can't enter it because a tree is blocking the door, but as soon as you walk to the tree, it disappears and then you can enter. The good rod is inside that house.

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Are "team checks" allowed in this thread? I want some new Poke's but not quite sure which one would be worth my while at this point with regards to coverage and power.

Feraligatr 30

Ice Fang


Water Gun


Magby 28

Fire Spin

F. Attack

Flame Burst

C. Ray

Crobat 30

Wing Attack

C. Ray



Spinda 24




F. Attack

I just beat Corey. Advice? I know where to go next but a heads up about what cool pokemon I should be on the lookout for, or may have totally missed, would be awesome :D

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Well you can get a Shinx from the game corner for 4,000 coins, if you put the time to get the coins. A trapinch too for 10,000 and from what I remember you can get the coin case from a guy in the onyx ward game corner or in the surrounding area.

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My hatred of, and utter lack of skill at, Voltorb Flip would leave me grinding for weeks ahaha. 100,000 is crazy. I've even tried using the calculator but it only works some of the time.

I've heard something about teddiursa? I've checked every alley and home in both rain and shine in Peridot and obsidian but no dice

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I try to go for triple 7s in the slots but it'd take a long time to do. You're past Corey, so that's good. Next will be the Ghost gym, which you should find alright since it's not very hard. I would advice grabbing that Abra or that Ralts because a Psychic type is a great thing to have for Aya's gym, and at the levels you are now the grinding to let it catch up wouldn't be too intensive. But all I can really say is keep an eye on the Obtainable Pokemon list and use what you like, it doesn't matter a great deal. :)

Edited by Ashka
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I try to go for triple 7s in the slots but it'd take a long time to do. You're past Corey, so that's good. Next will be the Ghost gym, which you should find alright since it's not very hard. I would advice grabbing that Abra or that Ralts because a Psychic type is a great thing to have for Aya's gym, and at the levels you are now the grinding to let it catch up wouldn't be too intensive. But all I can really say is keep an eye on the Obtainable Pokemon list and use what you like, it doesn't matter a great deal. :)

Just wanted to add--grabbing a Pokemon that knows earthquake will also make Aya's gym a whole lot easier. It's a double battle, though, so be sure not to knock out your own team.

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h3h3 wasteland.

but its really not that hard :) you are going to find alot of usefull stuff along the road too

you can start it when its raining, there will be a person with glasses in the building with all those stairs

Edited by strhally3
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Can someone explain this whole Aqua/Magma thing?

I went to the Magma ally during the night, and they just told me to leave. Came across Aqua the same night, joined them, then they talked about an "operation" the were going to do during the night. I went to bed before I did that, and I went back to the Magma ally today. I double battled the two guys, then Aqua people stormed in..... Was that the operation? Because I thought it was at night...

And I promptly got my ass kicked by the Magma leader. So I loaded my save, went back to the Aqua ally, and they said I did a good job, and told me to keep some fire pokemon. Except I didn't finish the "quest" by beating the Magma leader....

I'm super confused here.

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