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Pokemon Reborn: Ask Your Questions: Quests, Pokemon/Item Locations, and Other Information

The Fush


Since there seems to be an array of topics on individual questions everywhere, I've created some general topics to ask them in, just for neatness.

In this topic, you can ask about any problems you're having regarding in-game quests and pokémon locations, along with anything else of the sort. Have at it, you phoenixes.

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i feel retarded because i cant find a way to cut web in adventurine woods... Anyone can tell me how?

You need Honey for that, find the trees that can be slathered with honey, and exit aventurine forest and run around for a few minutes, the trees will spawn a Heracross and a Pinsir, defeat Pinsir and Heracross will remove the web for you, Pinsir does the removal of logs if you defeat Heracross. Honey can be exchanged with Ice Creams at Nyu's house that locates in North Aventurine woods, or can be bought at the florist in Lapis Ward, or with Honey Gather ability in Combee.

Edited by TimTim
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You need Honey for that, find the trees that can be slathered with honey, and exit aventurine forest and run around for a few minutes, the trees will spawn a Heracross and a Pinsir, defeat Pinsir and Heracross will remove the web for you, Pinsir does the removal of logs if you defeat Heracross. Honey can be exchanged with Ice Creams at Nyu's house that locates in North Aventurine woods, or can be bought at the florist in Lapis Ward, or with Honey Gather ability in Combee.

Actually, I'm 99% sure you don't have to leave, they can just magically appear right in front of you after enough walking (250 steps). And Nyu takes more than just Ice Cream, he'll also give you Honey for candy like Peppermints, Pop-Rocks, etc (Not 100% sure, but I think Common and Rare Candies are the only things he doesn't take).

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i feel retarded because i cant find a way to cut web in adventurine woods... Anyone can tell me how?

this videos by lostelle should help you solve the web puzzle

You will need honey. Tim Tim and Etesian already said where to get em with money but if you have a pokemon with honey gather(teddiursa and combee) u can get it for free but it takes time.

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The TM for Drain Punch will not be added as the TM list for Reborn is going to be the same as the one for 6th gen. It's highly unlikely that items like the Focus Sash will be modified for more than one use because as far as most things go, Reborn is trying to stay as similar to the canonical pokemon games as possible.

Life Orb is something I won't help you with because I disagree with the use of the exploit you need to get it. I'm sure you'll find someone else willing to explain it to you though.

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is the TM for drain punch going to be added in? or maybe items like focus band/sash made more than 1 shot?

also, trying to figure out how to get life orb....

Drain Punch is a pretty decent move, so its natural for it to be available lategame - but seeing as we are starting to get pretty decent TMs (e.g Flamethrower), we might be getting it in the next episode, who knows?

I believe Focus Band is actually a non-consumable item unlike Focus Sash which is a one-off item. It would be silly to add a Focus Sash that doesn't disappear after use because that would make things like boss battles way too easy. Plus, the sort of item does not exist in the main Pokemon games.

Uh... correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think there is a legit way to get the Life Orb yet. But you can abuse a glitch involving the Strength rocks (search around the forums) and get it.

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If I remember correctly, once you get rid of the pulse tangrowths you go back to the Beryl manner.

Then you go to the house and there is a Gothoritha who wants you to clean up the house. Once you tidy the whole house you get a soul candle and can take a Gothitha. I think that this is correct. Apologies if it isn't.

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The ill fated doll will get you an


much later in the game, and as for the poocheyena line, no place only spawns them but the alleyways tend to spawn them frequently enough it should be viable.

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Just confirming here, but the totem poll event with the ill fated doll, but what pokemon come from it besides Baltoy, Claydol and Golett?

And is there a place with only Poochyena/Mightyena spawns, I'm trying to farm a shiny.

I'm pretty sure Natu can show up as well.

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Just confirming here, but the totem poll event with the ill fated doll, but what pokemon come from it besides Baltoy, Claydol and Golett?

And is there a place with only Poochyena/Mightyena spawns, I'm trying to farm a shiny.

Claydol doesn't come out of the totem pole, but Elgyem and Natu do, like Xiri and Sheep said. Xenome is referring to a different event that also uses the Ill Fated Doll, too.

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apologies if this has been asked before... im trying to breed some pokemon (namely scrafty, alakazam, and growlithe) and ive noticed that... well... you dont get multiples of the gift/event pokemon... left me in a kind of a bind.. im assuming you get ditto or something somewhere.

So the question becomes, in the most recent update, the one that preps you for episode 16, where/how do you get ditto?

EDIT: I just found him with the pokedealer.

Edited by Leon99
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apologies if this has been asked before... im trying to breed some pokemon (namely scrafty, alakazam, and growlithe) and ive noticed that... well... you dont get multiples of the gift/event pokemon... left me in a kind of a bind.. im assuming you get ditto or something somewhere.

So the question becomes, in the most recent update, the one that preps you for episode 16, where/how do you get ditto?

You can buy a ditto with shards in 7th street.

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