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Did someone say Rankshifts?


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That's right! It's been two months (or so!) since the last rankshift, and it's about that time again! For everyone who hasn't already seen the new schedule or line-up pages, fear not! Your local Gossip Gardevoir is here to make you aware of the changes!

But first, speaking of changes, how's the new avatar looking? My tumblr no longer exists, but luckily I was able to recover this fancy picture from it! ^^

Now, on to what you're here for!

Of course, it's clearly available on the aformentioned pages, but for those who don't want to switch tabs or windows back and forth, here is the new order that was put into effect yesterday-


And for the newer challengers that can't quite associate pictures to faces yet, the new order is, organised in blocks of four as per the League rules-







"But Gardevoir," you're probably asking, "how does this all work?"

I can answer that, actually! I interviewed Amethyst herself and figured out how everything is calculated. It's a little complicated at first, but I think it makes sense! ^^

Now, the first important thing to note is that the entry leaders (that is, Aya, Laura, Sigmund and Bennett) have the simplest calculations. In the cases of these four, their scores are simply their number of wins divided by the total number of battles! Simple, right? If we didn't have the four-badge above restrictions on the higher leaders, it could be that simple for everyone. But it would also probably be equally chaotic! ^^;

So here's how it works for the higher leaders, although it's more or less the same- quoth the Amethyst:

For leaders above entry, the win rate is calculated using both their own percentage of wins, and the a fraction of the score of the highest leader who's badge is required to face the one in question.

So for instance, one has to have the first badge to fight the fifth leader. So the fifth leader's score is their own win % plus part of the first leaders'.
This continues upwards to number 16.

When asked about "the fraction of the score of the highest leader who's badge is required to face the one in question," she elaborated-

Just three quarters. It's kind of an arbitrary ratio but changing that makes rankshifts more or less volatile, and this seems to work all right.

Now, I'll have all the details leader by leader after this, so don't lose interest yet! So, we've gone over positions 1-16, but what about Amaria? Why has there never been a new champion within the same season? Amethyst had an explanation for that as well!

Then, since you need every badge for the champion, not just number 16, the value of the highest-scoring leader is taken rather than what's just four-below her.

Her own win percentage is added to that, still, like any other leaders', which means that it's impossible by set up for the champion to have a lower score than the highest scoring non-champion leader.

Some would say this is a little biased towards her favorite leader, but this has been the same since Season One as well, when Lin was the feared Dragon champion. Naturally, of course, I had to ask "what if?" What would it take for the champion to be dethroned by another leader? Surely it wasn't actually impossible? Would she just have to lose every time?:

Literally all the time. That would give her a score equal to the highest scoring non-champion leader, and then we would probably need to stop and say, okay, why is this not working? Were the challengers actually that high skilled, or is there another leader that can do this job better?

This is all hypothetical, of course; we've seen Amaria battle, even before she was champion, and I'm almost certain we have nothing to worry about! ^^

Now, for the details! We'll go in order, as they were pre-shift. A special thanks to my unnamed source for these numbers~


First up was Aya:

Total Battles: 92

Total Wins: 57

Total Losses: 35

Total Win Percentage: 62%

Still a positive kill/death ratio win rate, at 62%, but not quite positive enough to move out of the lowest spot... Is she too focused on a certain Rock-type leader to do so? Or perhaps (and more likely!) she's improved thanks to him- previously, her win rate was a near half-and-half 51%! Maybe next time!


Second in line was Laura:

Total Battles: 84

Win Rate: 55

Loss Rate: 29

Total Percentage: 65%

Only very slightly better than Aya, but, not considering the number of battles overall, Aya has actually won more than Laura has! So very close! Interestingly enough, the previous rankshift had her placed at a 62% win rate, with the numbers not all too different than they are here... Contrary to Aya, perhaps the relationship she struck up with Bennett hasn't had much of an effect on her overall rank... Or maybe I'm just trying to connect dots that aren't necessarily related... ^^


Following Laura, a little conveniently... Sigmund:

Total Battles: 70

Win Rate: 52

Loss Rate: 18

Total Percentage: 74%

Mister- Sorry, "Doctor"- Controversy himself has a win rate more than 10% higher than the two below him! One has to wonder what contributes to it? Is it actual skill? Is it the lower number of total battles, or, chances to lose? Could it be the triples catching everyone off guard?

It might be all of the above!

His sister would be proud. ^^


Last of the entry leaders, and debatably least Bennett:

Total Battles: 79

Win Rate: 66

Loss Rate: 13

Total Percentage: 84%

Still a lower number of total battles than Aya or Laura, but a very impressive win rate! If you were paying attention to what I mentioned before (that is, the rule about entry leader scoring versus non-entry scoring), you're going to eventually see that Bennett is held back from as high as the 16th spot with this kind of win rate only by rules and technicalities! Of course, due to these, we won't be seeing any extreme jumps... well, ever, but he's certainly showing promise! Clap, clap, Bennett! Aaron's training isn't going to waste! ^^


Now, on to the higher leaders. Remember, these are scored slightly different, but generally still heavily based on their own performance! Previous order dictates we start with Noel:

Total Battles: 37

Win Rate: 22

Loss Rate: 15

Total Percentage: 59%

...Well, Noel, cuteness won't get you a higher win rate, unfortunately! But I suppose that's not fair- he has a drastically lower number of total battles (as expected!), and as such a more volatile ratio. I think, based on previous shifts, we'll call this Terra syndrome from now on. We're going to see it a lot from here! Don't get discouraged, Noel, and... well, everyone else!


... Shade:

Total Battles: 32

Win Rate: 22

Loss Rate: 10

Total Percentage: 69%


Get the 69 jokes out of the way now- I know someone is going to try it! That said, not bad, Shade! Having five less battles than Noel, he also lacks the extra five losses. Perhaps everyone is too intimidated by him to challenge him more often? He's not that scary!


It seems like the leaders have almost instantly gotten less wordy, and although nobody can top Shade in that category, Titania would probably enjoy trying to...:

Total Battles: 15

Win Rate: 8

Loss Rate: 7

Total Percentage: 53%

...and with less than half of the total battles of even Shade, it might not be so hard! Unfortunately, this affects her win rate rather extremely, with each battle weighing almost seven percent! It's a good thing she didn't lose any more than she did... But it's not all your fault, "Tania!"


After Titania is the second of the orphan twins, Anna:

Total Battles: 22

Win Rate: 10

Loss Rate: 12

Total Percentage: 45%

... Ouch. Psychic is generally one of the better monotypes outside of the League, but maybe Anna still has some things to learn... I'll see if I can teach her a thing or two! Although, I wonder if it's her, or if the challengers are just more prepared for her? ... Perhaps she's got other things on her mind...?


Breaking away from that Sapphire line streak, we have Samson:

Total Battles: 31

Win Rate: 22

Loss Rate: 9

Total Percentage: 71%

That's more like it! Naturally I prefer the Psychic-type, but Samson is making the Fighting-type work well! It must be the Trick Room and/or the Triples! I think he's trying to impress someone... ^^


Following very closely in win rate, Hardy:

Total Battles: 29

Win Rate: 20

Loss Rate: 9

Total Percentage: 69%

This looks a lot like Shade in all aspects, but unlike Shade, Hardy has been at least somewhat consistent in "rocking" his opponents (more so than some of the leaders ahead of him!), and because of it, has moved all the way up to what we call the Elite Four block! Way ahead of your sis now, Hardy, and with the same strategy you've used forever! Forget what she says- we're all proud of you!


Here's where the total battles start to really shrink, and it shows! Starting with Ciel:

Total Battles: 18

Win Rate: 10

Loss Rate: 8

Total Percentage: 56%

A definite improvement over her rates from the last shift- previously, her win rate was an almost negligible 29%! Of course, this was also due to the aforementioned Terra syndrome (anyone who was at the holiday party should be especially amused by this! ^^), only having seven battles total! I hope your act balances out soon, Ciel!


Second (Third?) only to Master and myself, and my personal favorite this season, is Luna:

Total Battles: 17

Win Rate: 8

Loss Rate: 9

Total Percentage: 47%

... and she's... not doing very well. It's okay though! Maybe it's just a temporary memory loss; that happens all the time! I'm sure she'll bounce right back soon! Her previous rate was 71%, so I know she can do it! ^^

(and secretly, even if she doesn't, she's still the best, even if she went from one of the most popular leaders to... one of the... not-most popular leaders... What's everyone doing?! Show her some love; she probably needs it!)


*ahem* So, anyway, next up was Saphira:

Total Battles: 21

Win Rate: 17

Loss Rate: 4

Total Percentage: 81%

And wow! She boasts the third-highest win rate, second only to Bennett (who's had nearly four times the battles) and Amaria (duh)! If she keeps up like this, Laura and Charlotte have nothing to worry about, and Sigmund better look out! Is her desire for revenge what fuels this rather high win rate? Considering how quickly her battles tend to end, maybe it's more than that... Charlotte herself says that "awesome runs in the family," and considering the huge comeback from her initially abysmal performance, I'd believe it. ^^

Way to shoot up to the 16th spot, just below the champion, Saphira!


Speaking of the champion, we're nearing the end; next up is Serra:

Total Battles: 19

Win Rate: 14

Loss Rate: 5

Total Percentage: 74%

Using the tried and true "Blizzard spam" that the previous Ice-type leader (and local oaf king) Blake had perfected, Serra retains a very respectable win rate, despite her protests that she's not as skilled as she lets on- of course, her negativity is just a side effect of her now-past modeling career (and by that, I actually mean her failing relationship with Bennett, but you didn't hear that from me! ^^). Yesterday's shifts have put her just below Saphira, making her the 15th-ranked leader! You don't get there with no skill, Serra!


From Ice to Fire, Charlotte:

Total Battles: 12

Win Rate: 8

Loss Rate: 4

Total Percentage: 75%

Only a single percent higher than Serra, and - last I checked - with a very similar strategy, Charlotte had quite a few less battles than many of her competitors, but she still managed to finish with a 75% win rate! Not bad at all, but I hope that isn't the hottest she can burn- maintaining a high spot like hers might end up being difficult! ^^


By non-champion process of elimination, Terra:

Total Battles: 10

Win Rate: 6

Loss Rate: 4

Total Percentage: 60%

Unsurprisingly, the most apparent case of Terra syndrome comes from Terra herself! With only 10 battles to her name in the last ~two months, her win rate is about as volatile as she is... A single loss more would have dropped her win rate by a huge ten percent! At least four couches remained safe? Hm.

I wonder how she'll handle such low challenge rates in the future...


Last, and this time definitely not least, Amaria:

Total Battles: 23

Win Rate: 20

Loss Rate: 3

Total Percentage: 87%

Also to no one's surprise, she retains the highest win rate of every leader, and with a relatively high number of battles too (even if they were mostly against the same four to five challengers)! I suppose those two go hand in hand, though.

... Speaking of hand in hand, it's a good thing her spot as Champion is 100% secure- I hear she's got something troubling her lately.

Or, someone, rather...


That's all for now, and if you kept up with this extremely long post, kudos! ^^

If you didn't, however, I'll recap the new order here, again, divided in blocks of four:







Keep this in mind for future challenges, and thanks for reading!

Statistics Gardevoir

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And here I was beginning to think nobody would actually read that part! Remember, the focus of the topic was the rankshifts themselves- the details were optional! ^^

Speaking of details,

Yay gardevoir!

... wait

His (Sigmunds) sister would be proud. ^^

Is that who I think it is...? O.e;

I'm glad someone noticed! Who do you think it's referring to...?

It's not Julia! ^^

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It's me. I'm Sigmund's sister. The cat's out of the bag.

Blatant lies

Look in the distant ties in family relations in the reborn characters and you will see the light

I'm just... not willing to shine the light on you guys.

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