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Awkward/Bad Habits


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So yeah, for some reason I wanted to get a gauge on everyone's peculiarity/weirdness on here because I've been told that I have some weird/bad habits.

One is that when I used to watch tv/or when I have the tv on in general I have to have the volume on a number that either ends in 0 or 5 (ex: 30 or 45), like if someone puts the volume on a number like 23 it'll start bothering the shit out of me.

Another that I have is that I wipe my face either when I yawn or just doing it for the sake of doing with the top part of my hand. I don't why I started doing it but when I used to work at Macy's I had people come up and tell me that I looked like a cat when I would wipe my face because I was always sleepy when I worked there.

Like is how it would sort of look like if I would wipe my face with my hand more or less...


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I say both "about" & "aboot" alot.=X

I can't sleep unless I can hear some sort of noise (like a fan for example).=/ Without that I start freaking out & think someone will break in the house so I always sleep with 1 eye open basically.

I prefer Seafood over Pizza (!!!).

In games (& even outside of games) my friends think I have some sort of god-like luck. Its either good or bad. For example, on Pokemon Online I used Golurk against a Dragonite with Stone Edge & a Quick Claw equipped. I normally hate Stone Edge because of its accuracy & I usually tend to miss with it alot.......Quick Claw activated 3 times in a row & Stone Edge hit all those times with crits.

I talk in my sleep.=/

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Whenever an item I value dearly isn't within physical contact radius of me, I freak out

And even then I forget that I'm holding that dear item sometimes

"Mum, be right there, I just gotta find where the hell my phone is *hint: you're HOLDING IT IN YOUR HAND YOU DUMMY*"

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If video game habits count, then I have a bunch

I have a compulsion to explore every area even in games that don't hide things in places

I have to micromanage EXP

I horde valuable weapons or limited-use items until I need them in the game and invariably never use them

I start games all the time and never finish them

And apparently I'm more in tune with my video-game bad habits than my real life ones.

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Bring up bad video habits, I'm an absolute perfectionist when it comes to racing games, if I mess up in one corner or hit another car during a race. I become extremely unsatisfied and restart.

And in fighting games, I need perfect combos and I despise getting hit by the computer and getting my combo broken.. -.-

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I have to micromanage EXP


For example, when it comes to a game like Fire Emblem, if one of my units has maxed rank in a weapon of his/hers, and has an alternate choice of weapon she can use, I will do everything in my power to give her as much alternate weapon exp as possible instead of continuing to use the powerful weapons coming with the max rank weapon, because this way I can make him/her efficient with the other weapon and have an advantage

The only problem is that I overdo it waaaaaaaaaay too much

Oh and I never want to use legendary weapons until the endgame because they're too preciousssssssssssssssssssssss

Oh, and I have this horrible habit of continuing to leave good games I'm playing in favor of other games, then I return to said game, and the cycle repeats.


Me and Ame have a lot of similar game habits...

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For example, when it comes to a game like Fire Emblem, if one of my units has maxed rank in a weapon of his/hers, and has an alternate choice of weapon she can use, I will do everything in my power to give her as much alternate weapon exp as possible instead of continuing to use the powerful weapons coming with the max rank weapon, because this way I can make him/her efficient with the other weapon and have an advantage

The only problem is that I overdo it waaaaaaaaaay too much

Oh and I never want to use legendary weapons until the endgame because they're too preciousssssssssssssssssssssss

Oh, and I have this horrible habit of continuing to leave good games I'm playing in favor of other games, then I return to said game, and the cycle repeats.


Me and Ame have a lot of similar game habits...

That's probably because I'm sure a lot of hers stem from Fire Emblem as well, so I've heard

As for myself I'm overly critical of things I don't like and very often myself- idk I'd probably go on for a while if I sat and tried to think about every one of my habits

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I twirl/wag some of my hair when I'm thinking. It can be really embarrassing when random people walk in and see me doing that.

I stay up way too late. Usually reading a story that I just can't put down.

I get really sad when I finish a book, movie, TV show, or game. Especially if there is no sequel or continuation.

I am a major procrastinator.

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I talk/mumble to myself sometimes. Other times I have silent thought processes and scenarios plotted out in my head that I sometimes nod to or shake my head at and don't even realize it.

Ever since finding out about EV's, I've been super picky about which pokemon i let my individuals fight in order to raise them a certain way and it bothers me if I have to use them and it goes against what I want. Like an alakazam pwning a machamp.

I gotta check trashcans and explore both the dead ends and the real paths completely in mazes in video games.

I too horde so many rare, expendable items to the point where I never use them. And usually travel back to some sort of healing station before its' really necessary to save money and to keep party members from ever dying/fainting. Ethers and PP Ups... what should I spend you on?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I talk out loud to myself even when it's just over text.

I name all of my possessions that have any sort of meaning to me. My DS is named Maxwell and my car is Gottwald, for example. I also talk to them.

I talk to things that can't talk back.

I nickname everyone I meet whom I consider interesting or important to me. Chances are that if I've nicknamed you, it means I like you a lot and I wanna keep you in my life and if you get those vibes from me and you don't have a nickname, it means I'm thinking of one and just haven't found one that fits you yet. They sorta just come to me.

When I name things like my possessions or animals, I tend to go for the unusual or rare names. Most often, they're names I've read in old legends or storybooks. Example: I once had a dog named Noah. If I had children, I'd name them Isaac if a boy and Clair/Noelle/Deliah if a girl. I can imagine myself having a German Shepherd named Gilgamesh and a cat named Brynhildr.

I also tend to talk to objects or characters in books/games/on TV.

I chew on things when I get bored or agitated or if I'm thinking and if I am any of those things and I don't have something to chew on, I get really really antsy. My first choice is straws and I have a preference for 7/11 slurpee straws. Second choice is toothpicks.

I tend to ignore social conventions and rituals such as telling white lies to make people feel better or the need to take pictures during events considered "milestones" like weddings and sporting events or going "through the grapevine" to get information. You know, little things that people do that if you don't do them, they look at you weird. Shit like that like it's not that I'm unaware of them it's that in my mind, a lot of them make absolutely no logical sense and/or seem like giant wastes of time like why would you do that so I just don't and I come off as rude.

I'm brutally honest.

I tend to avoid eye contact when I speak to people. Dunno why, I just do.

I think in 5 languages. English, French and Creole are my three best and then I'll just randomly spout phrases I know in Spanish and Japanese in my head. I don't think Italian counts cuz the only complete sentence I can form in that language is "Cazzo di merda!" which means "piece of shit". It's a fun insult to use, though; try it out sometime.

I have these moments sometimes that occur for whatever reason -- they have multiple triggers -- wherein I get very, very dark and angry and full of simmering rage and in these moments, I unleash the grip on my vocabulary and my inhibitions and the target of my anger is treated to a very dark, very specific, very detailed and well-worded rhetoric as to exactly what I would do to them if given the chance and my thoughts on them. And immediately after, I switch back to my normal self. The effect is interesting.

I binge on candy and sweets when stressed. Some people smoke, others have a drink of choice, I gnaw on gummi worms and gorge on ice cream.

I meditate in public when bored or waiting for someone. Like, I will sit there heedless of the people around me, close my eyes, cross my arms and start doing breathing exercises. I've done this for a straight 45 minutes before and it turned out my friend was had gotten there earlier and was standing staring at me wondering if they should have woken me up or not. SPOILER ALERT: Never wake up, especially if it's in a rude way. I will hurt you.

On a similar note, if I don't feel like meditating, I will find random objects and attempt to balance them on my head. I've done this at work with serving trays during lulls in service, at school or on campus with my books and/or binders and once in a Wal-Mart with a bottle of water I balanced on my forehead while sitting in a lawn chair. It was great.

I have this weird habit of cracking my knuckles and then clenching my fists approximately 2 - 4 times.

I stop and stare at the sky just out of the blue, even in the middle of conversation.

I'm weird.

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Well thanks to ADD and OCD I have a lot of issues with some things in games and it also makes me slack off and play games when I have an important project to do. (Thank god I can keep up in classes with tests)

Once other is that I can not sleep unless something (whether it be a hat/hood or a blanket) is covering the back of my head/neck (used to think monsters would murder me at night when I was 5. Thank you evil brother and sister)

honestly if you knew me irl you would know the first thing because you can always see me sleeping in class or always clicking the button on my pen or constantly removing and putting back on a pen cap

also have this stupid and maybe dangerous habit of not eating breakfast/lunch and not sleeping for the amount of time I should, so I only get about 2-3 hours of sleep

Edited by AquaWind
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Well I developed this one recently, I tend to sway from left to right a lot when I do my jab, cross, hook, uppercut combinations for Muay Thay and Silat. Though it mainly happens when I do the jab cross blitz drill..... -.-

Another one is that I go all awkward in person when someone talks to me, I don't know I just can't seem to hold a decent conversation. I got example of this is what happened to me on Thursday, I was on the way to Muay Thai and I just got off the bus. And this girl who was walking by just stopped in front of me and stared like into my soul or something. And me being me I go all awk, not knowing what to do. So all I do is look left and then right to make sure that there was no one behind me or anything. I then just awkwardly raise my right hand and wave, shortly saying "Yo" and walk away. I happened to be wearing sunglasses because it was bright so I don't know it probably made me look cooler than what I normally look like and what not. I don't know I'm just super awkward around people now.

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-I can't sleep unless my feet are covered by my blanket plus i can't sleep unless I have a blanket.

-Whenever I get the motivation to do something it'll usually die within a day or two (sometimes in like 10 min).

-It's hard for me to keep a conversation going even if it's something I'm comfortable with.

-I talk to my plushys, figures and pillow case.

-I hesitate on like 60% of all my decisions.

-I praise/scold my pokemon(if my pokemon did badly in a battle i won't use it for any for a while even if it has a type advantage against the foe).

i probably have more than this but i've just never notice it.

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