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The Hardest Gym Leader


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Who was that Gym  Leader that made you tear out your hair in frustration? 

For me it was Noel, Shade, Ceil, and Amaria

Noel: rain prevented me from setting the grass on fire, weakened my Charizard's fire moves, but thanks to Floatzel's Swift Swim, I beat him



Shade: Didn't have a dark or ghost type, luckily scrappy helped turn the tide of the battle.    

   Ciel: Stupid Noviern and its stupid BoomBurst wiping out my team. Earthquake wiped my team early into battle as well, Thank god for air balloons and Magnet Rise.

Amari: Single Battle; Could not take of the field at ALL, had four pokemon to nullify electric moves 


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Shelly, pre-nerf Aya, pre-nerf Serra, Charlotte. Aya and Serra were once nightmares, it's sad to see what Aya has now been reduced to now they've removed her minimize Muk and her Tentacruel.


1 minute ago, Blocky said:

*take advantage

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On my first reborn run : Samson. Cause i completely had to restart as i didn't have a team able to defeat him , the only one who could was rufflet catchable in route 2 but to train him... no thanks.


Now i will say Charlotte and Shelly ( i remember Shelly in reborn hardcore... oh my god. ) 

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Titania. It took me half a dozen SR's to work out a strategy to overcome her.


After her it was Ciel, Amaria, and Shelly.


These were mostly because I purposefully change fields with terrain effects or whatnot. 

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For me it was Noel,Aya,Samson and Titania


Noel because same reason as you, it seems like he can control the weather because every time i battle him it is fricking raining FINE if i cant set fire to the house then ill just spam sludge wave with Dragalge nyahaha!! ψ(`∇´)ψ


Aya : this is only because it was my first time and i underestimate her so i got curbstomp so bad a couple of times not to mention that field effect benefits her more than me as it nerfs most ground type attacks i found it easy if you let her Toxapex alive as it keep spamming toxic spikes  


Samson : because of big top arena not only does it boost fighting moves depending on luck but my pokemon always got outspeed with Hawlucha with unburden which keep using arcobatics like OMG (╬▔皿▔)凸


Titania: F*ck you A-sandslash y r u so quick and spamming earthquakes not only that but the hail is annoying rendering focus stash useless not to mention the field changes fire type to dragon type i was so confused when my charizard use heat wave on that stupid Klefkie and the game said it does not effect it .AND that aegislash of hers FFFFUUU*kkk i cannot predict when will it use king shield so annoying (ノへ ̄、)

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Forums are a lot slower compared to discord so take your time and feel free to edit you posts whenever. As for hardest leader:


Original run aka pre field effects: Aya. Serra is a close second due to hax but Aya I swear was the hax queen. Imagine Sludge Wave always poisoning your Pokemon to a very slow death only halted by Super Potions. Oh and Pokemon were at the cap or overleveled usually. So it was a hard battle on top of that annoyance. I don't think anyone had an easy time with her.


Current run (started from E11): I'd have to go with Terra actually. I haven't really struggled on leaders that much since I got a lot better at Pokemon due to modding and all that. Oh wait I forgot about Aya and her ace change. I'd actually go with Aya from the 10.5 change which she still had no field. That Dragalge was a pain to fight and killed me so many times. Terra was mostly the Garchomp popping out at a random time and just mercilessly killing me. I also struggled quite a bit on Noel due to that Swellow.


From things I've created: Anyone who's seen that Terra fight knows it's a league of its own BS. That fight was brutal with bad AI. Now imagine it with good AI. Yikes! Pretty sure I nerfed it due to how tough it was.


My Current Overall Opinion: Factoring everything in, I'd have to go with Titania. There's a lot of close seconds but they all usually have something very exploitable or a field effect that doesn't give them as much of an advantage. Titania is good. Her Scizor can sweep if you aren't prepared which I wasn't and only won by luck. Really though there's not much bad about her team and it's pretty well designed especially with the hail aspect. Never would have guessed Steel and Hail went so well together. It's actually because Titania is so good is why Amaria is so bad.

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Shade for me, I was too lazy to train up a decent dark type and went in with a bunch of other mons that had supereffective moves instead. Took me like 15+ tries x_x


Y'know that in-game story about "Savage"? Yea, I think I ended up like him when I finally beat Shade x_x 


Shelly and Terra are a close 2nd ^^ 

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Definitely Shade, I win over him by chance. That gengar and mimikyu are my greatest opponent. Aya is pretty hard too.


Terra is the hardest? That mewtwo in glitch world is the hardest. Mewtwo makes me sacrifice 2 underleveled pokemon to reduce its speed so I have less prepared pokemon to fight Terra. But since I still win, I guess Terra isn't that strong.

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Always taking into account my first blind run, because after that everything got invalidated:

1) Charlotte is the evil that must be purged.

2) Shade had two teams: his lead, and 5 mons

3) Ciel .. Between band archeops (rip axed) and boomburst spam, I wasnt allowed to exist

4) Noel.. Swellow.. nuff said

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I don't know why, but I never had an easy time with Charlotte. It tends to take about 5 tries for me to beat her now, yet alone about 6 versions ago


Same with Titania. I had to meticulously counter her Pokemon in order to beat her.


Serra, is all about that hax. Evasion was her game and I did not like it.


Terra's Garchomp. I had no idea why it was doing so much damage to me. I would Intimidate it and drop it's SpA and it would still 2KO if not OHKO me.


Remember when Noel's Cincinno had Skill Link Kings Rock? I used to have a difficult time with that...geh.

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In the current version, I'd say Adrienn (although that's probably because I used 2 dragons and no steel types throughout the game until E17). Pre-nerf Aya and Titania come really close, though.

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For me, Shelly was the first Gym Leader I had trouble with- the illumise was a pain in the butt to get rid of before it used Rain Dance (note: I didn't stop it the time I won), yanmega is pretty strong that early in the game, and geez if the anorith's Telluric Seed wasn't annoying! Wound up having to overlevel+ Common Candy my starter so that my quilladin (now a mighty chesnaught) could take a few hits and give the other poke time to do the actual damage and hunt down a Telluric Seed of my own- and even then, it still took me a few more tries to beat her!


I actually don't remember how much trouble Shade's gengar did or did not give me, but I do remember having a fair bit of trouble with the rotom (mostly because I really needed the field to be in Factory mode when the true devil came out, and Shade isn't always compliant with his Discharges). That mimikyu, though... That was quite the roadblock on it's own accord!


Adrienn has the dubious honor of being the only Gym Leader I trained a pokemon specifically for and had it actually work. Xe refused to blow away the Misty Terrain, so I decided to just do it myself. Bonus Points: a Max Revive was absolutely essential to my strategy for actually getting past xem. That says quite a bit about the battle, no?


Titania gave me just as many problems as she seems to have given everyone else. It probably didn't help me any that I was kinda underleveled going up against her and trying to grind in Never After seemed to be quite the hassle. I'm not gonna lie, though, my victory actually caught me completely off-guard; my flygon (my last pokemon) had terrible track record in terms of surviving enemy attacks (low IVs will do that to ya), and Titania's significantly-higher-levelled-than-your-current-cap aegislash had +3 Atk. under its buckler- and yet the flygon managed to hold on and deliver the killing blow anyway! 


And lastly... Amaria. There are... levels to this madness. To begin with, I'm running the Reshiram route, so I had all the emotional shenaniganry associated with that to put me a little off-balance on my first try. This also means that she used Mega Evolution against me rather than the Z-Moves she uses in the Zekrom route- that's significantly harder to prevent and potentially far more devastating to go up against, no? This also means that she uses the team opposite of what you tell her you prefer- a detail I did not pick up on at all until after I had quit the first time as it led me to believe that she forced you into playing Doubles regardless. The fact that her Doubles team is ridiculously brutal didn't help; leading with two twice-Field-boosted Surf spammers with Water Absorb is an absolutely ridiculous start, especially since one's packing a Life Orb to capitalize on all the free healing, and the other has friggin' Rain Dance on its moveset! Out of nearly 20 attempts, I had only managed to take down a single pokemon one time. ...Two months of tarrying later, I finally built up the nerve to try again, this time using what I learned about manipulating which battle style she uses against her. On one hand, she's much easier to deal with in singles (I took down half her team on the first try). On the other hand... Dual Screens+Vollt Switch right out the gate, backed by perfect-accuracy Hydro Pumps? A significant number of Swift Swimmers on a Field that lowers non-Water pokemon's Speed already? The potential to give already bulky pokemon a free (boosted) Aqua Ring and a Sp. Def. if you time things poorly? Three friggin' Ultra potions?! Goodness, she has a lot going for her this time, and none of her pokemon even have Surf! It took me a whole day's worth of poking and prodding, as well as spitting on color theory enough to make poor Indra cry, to finally pull out ahead and claim my goddang Badge, and even than I would've lost yet again if she hadn't opted to waste her last turn trying to heal up Deliverance. 


So, uh, yeah, those are all the Reborn Gym Leaders that gave me a significant amount of trouble that wasn't simply because of a cheap level spike (glares at Samson) so far. Sorry about the text wall...

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well... let's start from the simplest ones


Julia, Shade, Aya, Radomus, Luna, Adrienn were too simple, really

Charlotte, Terra and Amaria could be hard, but I had a trump card: Gastrodon. Storm Drain sludge wave was hard counter for Amaria, Storm Drain wass good aganist SWAGSIRE by succesfully pp-stalling and for Charlotte... well, muddy water spam was pretty impressive to be honest

Samson and Ciel could be tough too, but I had a quiver dancer and it made the job incredibly easy

Corey, Shelly, Kiki were interesting and made me reason, I had to make good choices and have a strategy, especially for Shelly, Nothing too big, however

Noel was not really easy due to it's stallish Clefable, but pp-stalling him was not hard and I defeated him itemless thanks to recover Gastrodon and Struggle Bug Larvesta

Titania was pretty hard, of course an interesting fight, but I had a nice team with Silvally and Volcarona, so there's no steel that can handle them

Florinia and Serra were hell. Serra was just a lucky girl, I mean it was her strategy, while Florinia had her immortal Cradily I was phisically unable to kill. In both cdases I had to take out of the pc my level 9 Trubbish and manage to get a couple free turns to set the toxic spikes before Cradily or Froslass and Jynx


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Aya (episode 15). I had five Pokemon at that time who were weak to poison and after 15 tries had to use the destiny bond sharpedo to defeat five of her mons by constantly using destiny bond and reviving it with cotton candy. That battle was hell.

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