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The Hardest Gym Leader


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In Episode 15, and in my first playtrough, Samson was a nightmare.


Like, I had Pidgeot (Quick Feet i guess), Sceptile (Unburden), Donphan (Sturdy), Toxicroak (Poison Touch), Skuntank (Aftermath) and Hawlucha (Unburden ?), he still beat me each time I fought him. (I never beat him so I started a new playtrough)


Well, in my actual playtrough (second) I crushed him though. My team was composed of Noivern (Infiltrator), Honchkrow (Moxie), Purugly (Defiant), Skuntank (Stench), Serperior (Contrary w/ Leaf Storm) and Toxicroak (Poison Touch). It was pretty easy.

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  • 2 weeks later...



So, I honestly had very little trouble with Titania or Amaria, but I can see how they would be completely demonic if I didn't have X Items or if my team wasn't as prepared- Garchomp and Tsareena do very well against 'em- but Charlotte. Oh boy, Charlotte. 


My team wasn't even the most Fire-weak team, only two members were and an equal number resisted Fire; which grew to half after I temporarily added my (underleveled) Kingdra to the team- but I could not beat her!


I mean, Julia was easy, Florinia was tough simply because at the time I was Nuzlocking it, Shelly wasn't too much of a challenge, Shade I beat the first time, Kiki I had some trouble with, Aya was quite tough, Serra was kind of easy with her field gone, Noel didn't hurt too badly, Radomus was pretty simple, Luna I PP-stalled to death, Samson I swept, Terra... happened, Ciel wasn't very difficult, Adrienn for some reason didn't set up xyr Fairy Tale Field, and I've talked about the last two, but geez, Charlotte! 

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I had the most trouble with Titania...


I remember battling her dozens of time hoping for good RNG, her Aegislash both outspeed and one-hitted my entire team, even though at that point my Pokemon had proper natures, EVs and IVs...


Another fight I remember having a lot of trouble with was Radomus, his Gardevoir also outspeed and one-hitted my entire team which made me rebuild almost my entire team... Though I didn't have to change it after that.

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  • 1 month later...

for the moment (EP17?) the hardest was Samson, Terra, Shade and Corey (maibe Titania but a solution was created in base of my battle vs Adrienn)


Samson 'cause that Mienshao and Hawlucha, they've outspeeded all my team (including Galvantula), in the forum they recomended me to use double intimidate... nothing easy...

Terra 'cause the effects of Glitch Field (not acostumbred to 1gen mecanics)

Shade for my absence of counters for his ghost-type, eventually Meowstic was the key

Corey and all his potent poison attacks and that Crobat, the rest almost solved thanks to my Meowstic


maybe Serra and her glass gym... that was pretty insane but AoE attacks helped a lot


edit: and now Amaria get in the list...
if not for (once again) Meowstic prankster and Misty Field + Sunny Day, and of course Silvally + Grass Memory it could be my worst nightmare xD

Edited by Le Frey
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Most gym leaders never gave me much trouble. After a few tries after I figured their strat out I would counter accordingly, I never even had to change my team up most of the time.



Julia - Not too difficult with what is given to you

Florinia - I started with Chimchar so she wasn't all that bad either

Corey - I had a Meowstic(F) with me and just used that over and over, and whatever didn't get downed by that I just blew up the field with fire moves (Corrosive mist)

Shelly - One of the harder ones I faced. Her bugs were faster than Monferno/Infernape at the time and I couldn't quite down her mons. I ended up relying on Rock Slide Vibrava(When Trapinch was a casino award) and Thundefang Luxray

Shade - Luxray had Bite/Crunch and um... I don't really remember having trouble with shade at all

Kiki - Used Meowstic(F) to Psychic her team to death and built Calm Mind +2s with sand field

Aya - Meowstic is such a great early game

Serra - Lol Mach Punch

Noel - Lol Flare Blitz

Radomus - Leavanny's Bug Bite was a god send here. Sword Dances and many X Sp.Def and he couldn't stand up to it

Luna - Infernape is a strong starter for a reason

CHarlotte - My First major roadblock, it took me a couple tries and a little bit of dumb luck, but after lowering the accuracy of her starting mons via Surf spam, I began to focus solely on one mon until only her Rotom Heat was left, which couldn't hit me from accuracy debuffs

Samson - He was a bit of a rough start, but after I figured out his gameplan, I ended up just using Acrobatics on my Speed trained Infernape

T3RR4 - I don't remember having much difficulty here either. I think it was a combo of Vaporeon and Flygon

Ciel - I X-Drugged the hell out of my Flygon and spammed Rock Slide til the cows came home

Adrienn - I was in the middle of training my Metagross during this whom was about 10 levels lower than Adrienn's weakest mon and Metagross nearly solo'd it after some Iron Defense boosts and X items

Titania - The hardest fight for me by far. On my first few tries I couldn't even get past her Slush Rush Sandslash. She actually got me to quit reborn for a while and I only went back and did it days before Ep 18 came out. Ended up overpreparing for her via Magical Seeds and training an Excadrill. But the Excadrill took out at least 4 of her mons, Infernape beat Scizor, and Aegisslash

Amaria - I had no trouble with Amaria. I trained up a Storm Drain, Amensia, Giga Drain Cradily and stuck Thunder Punch on my Iron Fist Infernape and she never stood a chance. She never tried using water moves in fear of storm drain so I thunder Punched and Giga Drained her with impunity (Double Battle Zekrom route)

Hardy - I tossed out my Metagross and Mamoswine and boosted their defense all the way to the max. I then Meteor Mash'd, Brick Break'd, and Earthquaked my way around. His Archeops and Aerodactyl gave me some trouble but Ice Shard instantly puts Archeops in Defeatist range and can nearly OHKO Aerodactyl.


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For me it would have to be double battle Amaria, I had to drastically change my team to be able to finally beat her. I never tried to change the field to rainbow with sunny day so maybe that would've helped but I didn't have the foresight to try. But since this is so late in the game I had ready access to good counters like Rotom-W and Pelipper. While I benifitted off the terrain switching in Shade's gym due to Magneton (which you can't get this early in the game anymore I'm pretty sure, I think it got moved to the route 3 caves), getting dragged underwater here was really rough if you weren't prepared.


Close second or possible tie would have to be Aya because at this point in the game the best counters I had were Medicham and other poison types like Garbodor and Weezing. I really struggled with the additional status on this terrain (No one should have to put up with sludge wave freeze lol).


I personally never had any struggles with Titania as she gets hard countered by her own ace, being Aegislash. But if that wasn't the case I definetly would have had a rough time.



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Guest Relinquished

Shelly was something against my team of choice... That is, in episode 16. Then, i remembered there was that thing called "Fake Out" and my (always) Fire type starter, did the rest.


Now, in episode 18, she gave me a pretty hard time. You automatically get an Attack nerf and every time her bugs use that annoying bug type move, your Special Attack drops. New Shelly made me angry, somewhat, took me a number of soft resets to manage...


In old times, episode 16 again... Noel used to be my number 1, old Reborn City (pre restoration), headache. Especially ever since i learnt about Relationship Points and i "couldn't" torch the field, which is my favorite tactic. When i am bored and can afford raising a new pokemon (or more), moxie Sandile and Sand Stream Hippopotas (especially the latter, since it is almost always raining when i fight against him) helped a great deal. 


For some reason, though, now he feels TOO weak and is almost laughable. I couldn't "recognize" the dude, he was a big stopper for me, back then.


In episode 16, Charlotte was my first and foremost pain. So much, that i used the Strength Glitch, to go back at Reborn City, breed perfect IV pokemon, EV train them and then, go challenge her.


Now, though, i have no idea how she is, because i still have some more progress to make, until i hit her up.


Generally though, i feel like gen 7 implementation, watered down the "effectiveness" of all Leaders' teams. I used to struggle at pretty much all fights and they used to utilize items a lot (every leader would throw on their pokemon, 3 healing items in a row, even on a weak one and this was both a stalling tactic against you and a potential "killer" strategy). I used to soft reset at least once and they to be a threat. Especially Shade, without his Chandelure, was a very forgettable opponent...

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