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K at the moment I have


Scorch the Speed Boost Adament Shiny Cobusken


Double Kick


Sand Attack


Catlin the Own Tempo Timid Espurr


Charge Beam


Light Screen


Stainless the Rock Head Adament Onix

Rock Tomb

Rock Throw

Stealth Rock



Cupcake the Calm Sweet Veil Swirlix

Fairy Wind


Play Nice

Fake Tears


I am about to grind up for the second gym so if they learn better moves in that time (Such as Scorch is going to learn Flame Charge over ember).


Oh, Swirlix is Calm cause I spent over two hours doing to puzzle and its the best I got with a IV spread. Also I do plan to get a Ralts later on so he's not going to be a main and neither is Catlin.


Feel free to leave Suggestions. I already did the event mons for the first ward but haven't done any for the second one, this is my first time through the game.

Edited by NueGirl
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Your team seems to be very good rn. If you plan to add ralts later , replace swirlix by it , this way you will have a powerfull fairy/psychic mon and gardevoir is kinda strong on reborn. 


Keep espurr for now , you will need it for third gym. But later , you should put it on pc as you will already have a strong psychic mon if you plan to add gardevoir.


As for onix/steelix , i never found him strong but it's your choice. I would have replace it with a better steel mon such as magnemite or klink ( which you can find on the railnet and klink is very usefull against second gym ).


You should add a ground type , i can suggest you donphan ( verry good vs third gym aswell and strong pokemon in general ) 



I would finally suggest a strong water mon , don't hesitate to check available reborn list to see which mon you would enjoy. 



I hope i helped you a bit , good luck.



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3 hours ago, Zarc said:

Your team seems to be very good rn. If you plan to add ralts later , replace swirlix by it , this way you will have a powerfull fairy/psychic mon and gardevoir is kinda strong on reborn. 


Keep espurr for now , you will need it for third gym. But later , you should put it on pc as you will already have a strong psychic mon if you plan to add gardevoir.


As for onix/steelix , i never found him strong but it's your choice. I would have replace it with a better steel mon such as magnemite or klink ( which you can find on the railnet and klink is very usefull against second gym ).


You should add a ground type , i can suggest you donphan ( verry good vs third gym aswell and strong pokemon in general ) 



I would finally suggest a strong water mon , don't hesitate to check available reborn list to see which mon you would enjoy. 



I hope i helped you a bit , good luck.



Lol Just checked this after beating the 2 second gym and MAN I hate that over grown plant. It came down to a kid you not a Recover stall that left Stainless at 16 HP cause for some reason she didn't auto recover when I got it down to red at one point and I maxed out Curse. Crits killed the rest of the team.


I do plan on using better mons when I get to them. Egg I got in slums is about to hatch and if its any good I'll use it. I'm thinking Donphan or Mamoswine for my ground but giving I'd have to breed (And I would rather not at the moment) for a decent Mamoswine I'll hunt down a Donphan when I get there.


Also, Magnamite in the Railnet? Hmm. Hopefully I'll find another shiny mon to use. I ran into a shiny Pancham but a Crit Covet from Catlin killed it.


Also, sry if it took a bit to respond. I forgot to enble alerts like a moron and I don't know how to turn them on but I have it set to alert when I respond to something so it should come up now (I hope).

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@NueGirl no problems at all 🙂 



Magnemite is in the railnet but only after rock smash i think. You can also find a lot on Shade Gym ( 5th badge ) 



You can also wait to obtain the mystery egg on Beryl Ward. You can have pretty good mons from it. 



Also don't worry about shinies , shiny rate is high on reborn. So with a bit of patience , you can have a lot of shinies.

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That's a good-looking team, although you definitely should get a water type like Zarc said. If you've done the Obsidia daycare quest, then you could get the egg from Onyx ward as well (it's one of the few ways to get water types during early-game).


Btw, what gender is that Espurr? The name implies female, but I'd rather not assume too much. A male Meowstic with prankster + dual screens + misty terrain (should you choose to use it) is an incredible support Pokemon. Since you won't be getting a Gardevoir until after gym 13, it'll be helpful for much of the game.


Also, if you take Zarc's suggestion and use Magnemite (which is a great suggestion btw), then Nidoqueen / Nidoking is another good option as a ground type. Although you'll have to wait until after the 3rd gym to get one, the wait is worth it imo. 

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3 hours ago, DevR said:

That's a good-looking team, although you definitely should get a water type like Zarc said. If you've done the Obsidia daycare quest, then you could get the egg from Onyx ward as well (it's one of the few ways to get water types during early-game).


Btw, what gender is that Espurr? The name implies female, but I'd rather not assume too much. A male Meowstic with prankster + dual screens + misty terrain (should you choose to use it) is an incredible support Pokemon. Since you won't be getting a Gardevoir until after gym 13, it'll be helpful for much of the game.


Also, if you take Zarc's suggestion and use Magnemite (which is a great suggestion btw), then Nidoqueen / Nidoking is another good option as a ground type. Although you'll have to wait until after the 3rd gym to get one, the wait is worth it imo. 

Catlin is a female. About to do second Tangrowth pulse and I plan to use Donphan. I looked around the Railnet for Magnamite (entrance in the first ward were it has the smashable rock but couldn't find one. All I kept getting was Noibats.)

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@NueGirl it's because they are available after you break the rock actually ^^ or maybe it changed idk , but anyway , you can encounter a lot of them on Shade Gym. 


Also , there is another entrance to the railnet : near obsidia pokemon center where you can find somes klink. If you have difficulties with 3rd gym battle , catch one.

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2 hours ago, Zarc said:

@NueGirl it's because they are available after you break the rock actually ^^ or maybe it changed idk , but anyway , you can encounter a lot of them on Shade Gym. 


Also , there is another entrance to the railnet : near obsidia pokemon center where you can find somes klink. If you have difficulties with 3rd gym battle , catch one.

Check out my newest team member, he's adament by the way in case your wondering.



Sry about the white background using paint/full screen-shot to post this and don't know how to cut it out.

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2 hours ago, Zarc said:

You can use Lightshot to screen , it's very easy to use. Just dl it and enjoy. 



Nice for this adamant phanpy , and IV are still correct ^^

Going to grind him up now, need to evolve him then lower his level to get Knock Off on him.


I may do that when my net is fast again. Its slow right now lol used the last of my speed downloading this game.

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Well got my third badge and MAN glad I added Rolan. It came down to trying to land Slam enough to kill the Crobat.


Honestly Catlin could of beaten it but it HAD to crit at the perfect moment cause I'm sure a +3 Psybeam would kill.

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11 hours ago, Zarc said:

@NueGirl oh okay 😄 

Found a Magnamite (After two hours of running around the power plant, decided to name it after the guy with three personailies).

Its is Timid but at this point I don't care and its ivs are pretty good. Should I change its ability to Sturdy or keep Magnet Pull?




Also mined a little and found a Flame Plate for my newly evolved Blaziken.


I just got an old man to check its hidden power and guess what it is...Fire.

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6 hours ago, Zarc said:

@NueGirl perfect 👌

K I enjoyed this game I really have but I can't play anymore due to fact that I have been looping in Chrysolia Forest for over TWO HOURS  and the path has not switched at all. I have check every freaking tree and they keep repeating the same locked out pattern whenever I move around. This is the dumbest maze/puzzle to ever exist in the game by far, I enjoy the puzzles but only when the have logic ways to complete and not take up HOURS waiting for the game to decide to finally open the right path up. So unless someone has more advice besides 'Looping' or click the trees' I'm done.

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2 hours ago, Zarc said:

@NueGirl i actually have the best advice ever : check " reborn chrysolia forest puzzle ".


You're welcome 🙂 

I usually like to try to solve the puzzles myself but this one is just too aggravating to actually figure out. I'll have to remember this video when I get to this part on my next file. Apparently I missed a lot of things in the wards that were time sensitive. Still playing on my shiny one. My second one is the 'talk to everyone and do everything file so it will take me longer to do instead of the 'follow the story' route I'm doing.


Not even three mintues and I already see what I missed...how in Arceus' name was I suppose to know to walk towards the entrance enough to almost leave?!

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2 hours ago, Zarc said:

@NueGirl it was the same for me in my first run , i was like rush the game without especially pay attention to text or informations. But second i understood everything 

Normally I would completely start over but I love my Shiny Blaziken too much to just erase him lol. I may shiny hunt him again but I have a feeling Espurr may now spawn for me again, and she's kinda my only Psychic type at the moment.

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2 hours ago, Zarc said:

@NueGirl it was the same for me in my first run , i was like rush the game without especially pay attention to text or informations. But second i understood everything 

Finally out of that freaking forest. And LOL all this lady's things vanished into thin air.


Z-Crystals are in this game?! And I'm just now getting one for Pokemon I don't even have/will ever use unless I evolve it into an Espeon, Glaceon, or Slyveon?

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For Reborn there are two ways to play the game. The first method is to constantly switch out your Pokemon with new ones available for beating one gym and dumping them in the pc. Many people do this and especially in the early stages because it's easier to beat gyms. The second method is to stick to six pokemon no matter what. I always stick to my six pokemon by concentrating on type diversity. Your team seems to not have diversity which will really affect your playthrough. This is my team:

Emboar= Fire/Fighting

Greninja= Water/Dark

Noivern= Dragon/Flying

Magnezone= Electric/Steel

Nidoking= Poison/Ground

Granbull= Fairy


All my Pokemon except Granbull have dual typings. Thus I can hit many pokemon with a range of attacks that are super effective 90% of the time. Add some bulk to these pokemon by hp or defense ev training and they can take care of any gym.


I'm saying this because instead of asking what pokemon are good or what to catch, you should focus on dual typings and bulk. Once you have that then improvisation will win you every battle. You may find new favourites in Pokemon as well.

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10 hours ago, Zander said:

For Reborn there are two ways to play the game. The first method is to constantly switch out your Pokemon with new ones available for beating one gym and dumping them in the pc. Many people do this and especially in the early stages because it's easier to beat gyms. The second method is to stick to six pokemon no matter what. I always stick to my six pokemon by concentrating on type diversity. Your team seems to not have diversity which will really affect your playthrough. This is my team:

Emboar= Fire/Fighting

Greninja= Water/Dark

Noivern= Dragon/Flying

Magnezone= Electric/Steel

Nidoking= Poison/Ground

Granbull= Fairy


All my Pokemon except Granbull have dual typings. Thus I can hit many pokemon with a range of attacks that are super effective 90% of the time. Add some bulk to these pokemon by hp or defense ev training and they can take care of any gym.


I'm saying this because instead of asking what pokemon are good or what to catch, you should focus on dual typings and bulk. Once you have that then improvisation will win you every battle. You may find new favourites in Pokemon as well.


Well here's a list of my new team layout at the moment.


Scorch the Adament Speed Boost (Shiny :D) Blaziken

Blaze Kick

Double Kick

Shadow Claw

Bulk Up


Rolan the Adament Sturdy Donphan



Knock off

Strengh/Rock Smash


ZEL the Timid Sturdy Magneton


Flash Cannon


Metal Sound


ZEL's hidden power is Fire but haven't found the tm yet.


Now for the subs till I get the mons I want. Have one in my bag but can't open it yet lol


Catlin the Modest  Competitive Female Meowstic


Shadow Ball

Charge Beam

Light Screen


Aqua the Adament Speed Boost Sharpedo

Aqua Jet


Ice Fang



(In the middle of grinding so team better moves will most likely be added on. For Aqua I know for sure.)
















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