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The Land Where A Hero Lives


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I've been craving to write lately, and I've always wanted to write out a nuzlocke. Since I've done so many, they've kinda gotten stale. So, why not? I won't claim to be the best writer, or even decent. But I will try my best to make this crap entertaining. So I hope you enjoy.


*Can only catch the first Pokemon in each route/area*

*All Pokemon must be nicknamed*

*If a Pokemon faints, it must be released, or put in the graveyard.*

*I can only have a total of six Pokemon, if I need an extra for HM purposes, it will be allowed, but the Pokemon may not participate in battles unless one of my six faints.*

*If a Pokemon faints, I am allowed to catch a replacement given that I can catch a Pokemon on that route/area.*

The Journey Begins...

Welcome to the land of Hoenn! Hoenn houses many exotic, and unique Pokemon! Several trainers enjoy catching these Pokemon and participating in events called "Pokemon Battles!" Others find pleasure in breeding Pokemon, and even participating in competitions such as "Pokemon Contests!" However, our hero doesn't care about the latter two. He dreams of becoming the Hoenn League Champion. This is his story.

Littleroot Town

Mom: "Renzo, we're here. Hop on out of that truck, will ya?"

Renzo: "I still don't see why I couldn't, y'know, ride in the front."

Mom: "Just go settle in. Set that clock while you're at it."

Renzo: "A little twist here, aaaaaand done!"

As if on cue, mom bursts into the room. Apparently very happy about something...

Mom: "Quick, Renzo! Your father is on TV!"

Sure enough, there he was. Right in front of his new gym. Living it up.

Renzo: "Hmph. I bet he thinks he's such a big shot, huh?"

Mom: "Don't talk about your father in such an ill tone."

Renzo: "Maybe if he was around more I wouldn't."

Mom: *Sigh* "Listen... Go visit the neighbors, get to know everyone. Hey, I hear there's a girl next door right around your age."

Renzo: "I wish you didn't feel the need to try and hook me up with every girl we come across. Whatever, fine, I'll go check it out."

Grabbing my stuff, I quickly left my house, planning to greet the neighbor chick. I noticed a fancy building just to the left of me. Kinda looked like a lab. I decided to peek inside. There were a few lab assistants, and what looked like the boss of them all. He had a very nice beard, and was surprisingly built for an old nerd. Three Pokeballs caught my attention next.

Renzo: "Those have to be Pokemon! Sweet, maybe I can convince this guy to give me one."

The bearded nerd then stuffed the Pokeballs into a briefcase and headed towards a grassy area. I suppose he was heading towards the next town or something.

Renzo: "Guess I should pop in on the neighbors..."

I walked over to my neighbors place and promptly knocked on the door. After all, I can't just barge in like some caveman.

Woman: "Hello, you must be Renzo! What brings you here?"

Renzo: "My mother insisted that I meet you and your daughter. The pleasure's mine."

Woman: "Ah, I see. Nice you meet you! My daughter is upstairs. Go and say hi."

I'm telling you, it's like mothers all around are trying to hook me up. Who tells someone they just met to go into their daughter's room? Maybe she's just that friendly. Shrugging the weird away, I walked into the girl's room, hoping to not get any strange looks from her. Or worse, flying books, and or heavier items that could cause me head trauma. To my surprise, the room was empty. Is her mother not aware that her daughter is missing? It was a standard girls room. Neat, clean, and it smelled nice, of course. There was a huge rug smack dab in the center, with a lone Pokeball in the center too.

Renzo: "This must be a sign. Time to meet my first Pokemon!"

Before I could even pick the thing up, a girl burst into the room.

Girl: "Woah now, bitch! You think about touching that Pokeball and I'll shove this broom up your ass!"

To be honest, I was frightened.

Renzo: "Take it easy, your mom said you were up here. She told me to say hi. I just got curious. I've never seen a Pokemon up close before. What's your name?"

Girl: "My name's May, creep. I'm the daughter of Professor Birch. So you better watch what you do, and what you say."

Renzo: "Um... okay. Professor Birch? He wouldn't happen to have an amazing beard, and surprising physical build would he?"

May: "Yeah, that's him."

Renzo: "He left towards that field earlier. He took three Pokeballs with him. Are those starter Pokemon? If so, can you ask him if I could take one? I really want to be a Pokemon Trainer."

May: "First you barge into my room, and now you're asking such things? You have some nerve. Why do you want to be a trainer anyway?"

Renzo: "I really like Pokemon for starters. My main reason is my dad. He's never around, and he takes more pride in his stupid gym than he does his own family. Ever since he got that damn thing he's talked about nothing else. It's the sole reason we moved here to begin with."

May: "So you have daddy issues? Cute. Anyway, no, I'm not helping you. Now get out of my room."

Renzo: "..."

Leaving the witches nest, I decided to drop by my house and let my mom know that I was going out in the fields.

Mom: "Alright. Just make it back before it gets too dark, we don't know what kind of Pokemon lurk out there."

Renzo: "Sure thing."

Arriving at the field, I noticed a small girl running back and forth. Something was going down, and I wanted to check it out. Following the noise, I noticed Professor Birch being chased around by some dark colored dog.

Birch: "Oh thank God! You there! Reach into that bag and grab a Pokeball! There's a Pokemon in each, choose one and help me!"

Without wasting time, I peeked into the bag. Suddenly, I heard a voice.

Voice: "Yo, pink haired dude. Pick me. Don't even pay attention to the other two scrubs. I'm the one you want."

Renzo: "Uh... I don't really have the time to argue, so... Okay."

I picked up the Pokeball and tossed it. As soon as the ball hit the ground, it burst open in a bright, white light, and a Pokemon popped out. It was a small, green looking lizard. I think a gecko. Whatever it was, it looked badass.

Pokemon: "Alright. You just stand there and look pretty. Let me handled the mutt."

Renzo: "Um... Di- Did you just talk?"

Pokemon: "Ten points for you! Listen, we can chat later. Right now I have to beat this pooch up before Einstein here is supper."

A few yelps later, the pup was out cold.

Birch: "Phew, thanks for saving me. Let's head back to my lab and talk for a bit. Here, hand me that Pokeball."

Reluctantly, I handed over the Pokeball, and the gecko Pokemon was zapped back inside. Birch and I then headed back to his lab.

Birch: "So, your name is Renzo?"

Renzo: "Yeah. Nice to meet you Professor."

Birch: "Same to you! Now, let's talk about what happened back there. You really got me out of a tight spot. For that, I thank you. Actually, you deserve a reward. So, how about that Pokemon you used to save me?"

Renzo: "R-Really? I know I helped you and all... but you're gonna let me have a Pokemon?"

Birch: "It's the least I can do. However, there is a catch."

Renzo: "Crap.. Let me have it, I'll do anything."

Birch: "I need you to take this gadget called a 'Pokedex,' and fill it up full of info about the Pokemon of Hoenn! If you accept, I will let you have that Pokemon, and you can go on your very own adventure."

Renzo: "Sounds taxing... I'll do it. I want this more than anything!"

Birch: "So it's settled. Well then, here you go."

Birch handed over the Pokedex and the Pokeball containing the Gecko Pokemon. Before I could leave, May burst through the door.

May: "Really dad? REALLY?! You're trusting him with that rare Pokemon AND the task of filling that Pokedex up?! I can't accept this! You, creepy room guy. Meet me at Route 103. Bring your game face. Later, loser."

Birch: "I'm sorry, Renzo. She does that often with new people... I assure you she means well. However, it's probably best you meet with her. I wish you luck on your journey, Renzo."

Renzo: "Yeah, thanks. I'll see you around."

It had been an event filled day, but I still had one last thing left to do.

Renzo: "Mom, I'm back. I have something to tell you."

Mom: "What is it, dear?"

Renzo: "Don't freak out, but I've decided to go on a Pokemon journey. Professor Birch even gave me a Pokemon."

Mom: "...Oh. I always knew this day would come. You're just like your fa-"

Renzo: "Don't you dare say that to me. You know that's a lie. Tch. Whatever, I'm going."

Enraged, I ran towards the grassy field. Stopping to catch my breath, the Gecko Pokemon burst out of its Pokeball.

Pokemon: "You really have issues with daddy, don'cha?"

Renzo: "I don't need to hear that from you. What are you anyway? I mean, what Pokemon? How come you can talk?"

Pokemon: "You're just full of questions today. First things first, I'm what they call a Treecko. I'm a grass type. As for the reason I can talk. I suppose it's because we share a special bond. You didn't hear that pooch scream "Ow, stop" now did you?"

Renzo: " Special bond...? Is that why you called out to me?"

Treecko: "That's exactly why. Pokemon sense the bond between others much better than humans can. It's almost like future telling. But enough about that. I certainly don't like being called Treecko, I want to stand out. You're my trainer. Care to name me?"

Renzo: "I guess. Hmm... How about Geiko?"

Treecko: "For the love of God. You're not calling me that."

Renzo: " ...Fine. Well, how does Chief Le- I GOT IT! I'm naming you Septus! What do you think?"

Treecko smirked. It seemed to like the name.

Renzo: "I'll take that as a yes. One last question. Um... are you male or female?"

Septus: "The surprises never end with you. I'm male. Can we get this show on the road, I'm starting to freeze over here."

Renzo: "Sure thing. Let's head for the next town."

Our small chat being over, Septus climbed onto my shoulder. He must have been tired of the Pokeball. I didn't question it and pressed on. It wasn't too long before I saw several shining lights. Right up ahead there was a road sign. It read: "Route 101. Head North to reach Odale Town." Pressing forward, we arrived in Odale Town, and right in front of a Pokemon Center.

Renzo: "We should probably rest up here. That alright with you, Septus? We can start training tomorrow, and meet up with may afterwards."

Septus: " Whatever floats your boat, dude."

Sleeping arrangements settled, we checked into the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy was happy to lend us a room. Funny how Pokemon Centers have bedrooms. On the house too.

As I laid in bed, I could only think of the events to come. What it would be like to be a trainer, all the Pokemon I would meet. I couldn't believe it was happening. But I had to put that aside for now. First thing tomorrow morning, I had to get the hang of battling. That is, if I wanted to beat May's ass in a battle. Thinking of her dumbfounded look, I drifted off to sleep...

Sooo, I hope that wasn't too long of an intro. Especially since I didn't accomplish too much. But it was just an intro, so I wanted to make it detailed. I promise that not every update will be so winded. That said, updates might also be, well, not be frequent. But I will try. Next time I'll be sure to have some actual progress.

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Update 2

Odale Town

Waking up the next morning, I headed towards Route 101 to train Septus as promised. We fought several wild Pokemon and I was really getting the hang of battling. I could tell Septus was getting stronger too. Before I headed to take on May, I took Septus to the Pokemon Center to get him patched up. Once we were rested, I pressed on towards Route 103. There she was, just like she said. May seemed to notice me too.

Route 103

May: "Took you long enough. Let's not waste time. Send out your Pokemon and battle me!"

I did as she said and the battle commenced. Despite being a rookie trainer, I handle the battle very well. I easily defeated May. Must have been the training Septus went under. However, May didn't look happy...

May: "Hmph! I guess you're better than you look. Color me impressed."

Renzo: "Thanks. You're not half bad either. You know, for a rude bitch."

May: "Don't get smart with me. Anyway, where are you heading after this? Petalburgh is just West from here, so you could go there if you're looking for gym challenges."

Renzo: "That's exactly where I'm heading. There's someone in Petalburgh I owe a visit."

May: "I see. Well, I think I should be leaving. I guess since you beat me, I should at least give you a prize. Take these Pokeballs. Don't get the wrong idea, I still can't stand you. If we meet again, I will kick your ass."

May handed me five Pokeballs before darting off. I didn't think she had a nice bone in her body. I guess people can surprise you after all. With old business taken care of, I proceeded to Route 102.

Route 102

Renzo: "Gonna have to do this sooner or later. Might as well be now. Let's see what this grass holds in store."

I searched the grass thoroughly, and eventually ran into a Wild Pokemon. It looked exactly like the Pokemon I saved Professor Birch from. My Pokedex scanned it, and revealed it as a Poochyena. Without haste, I chucked a Pokeball at it, and surprisingly, caught it first try. Suddenly, the Pokemon started to talk from within the Pokeball.

Poochyena: "Oi! Lemme outta here, ya bloody wanker!"

Renzo: "Um... Did you just call me a dick? ...Nevermind. "

Poochyena: "Wise guy, this one. Just lemme out."

Renzo: "Sure. Can I at least name you first?"

Poochyena: "No need, mate. Already have one."

Renzo: "Is that so? Do tell."

Poochyena: "They call me Crowley. Not really my thing, but the name grew on me. I've grown attached to it and what not."

Renzo: "Crowley, eh? Huh. To tell the truth, I like that name. No harm in you keeping it. But I'm afraid you have to stay in the Pokeball. I already have one Pokemon out."

Crowley: "You mean the green fella?"

Septus: "...Green fella?"

Renzo: "Yeah."

Crowley: "Fine. Look mate. I'm kinda the ring leader of the Wild Pokemon of this Route. Can't have my boys knowing I was captured by some snot nosed kid. So how bout we keep this between us, and scoot on through this route before they notice? Cheers."

Pressing on in Route 102, we came across several new trainers. I decided it was a good chance to see what Crowley was made of. He didn't disappoint. Almost every trainer was handled by him, aside from a lone girl right outside of Petalburgh. In Crowley's best interest, I let Septus handle that one. Finally, we reached Petalburgh, and the first order of business was getting medical attention. So, I went into the Pokemon Center. Once everyone was healed, I ran over to the Pokemon Mart to stock up on a few potions. The cash I earned from those trainers was really helpful. Supplies in hand, I walked up to the door of the Petalburgh Gym. Inside, I saw him. My father greeted me.

Dad: "Ah, Renzo. Didn't expect to see you here!"

The Goons

Septus emespr252.png Crowley emespr261.png

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Update 3


Renzo: "Yeah, hi. I came to tell you something."

Dad: "Oh? What would that be?"

Renzo: "When I get stronger... I'm going to come back here, and I will beat you. That said, I have no more reason to stick ar-"

Without warning, a green haired boy burst through the door. He looked pretty stoked about something...

Boy: "Um.. my parents said I could have my very own Pokemon! Um... but I don't know how to catch one. I've asked around town, but no one seems to want to help me. Could you maybe, hopefully, help me catch a Pokemon? Pretty please? I really want a Pokemon!"

Dad: "Oh! Wally, is it? I've heard about you. Sure, take this Pokeball. Renzo, since you're leaving. Can you help out Wally?

Renzo: "...Seems like the only way I'll be moving forward. Sure, whatever. Let's go... Wally, was it?"

Wally: "Let's! Thank you so much!"

Having agreed upon helping Wally, we set out towards Route 102. I told Wally the basics, and even introduced him to my Pokemon.

Crowley: "Bwahaha. Little bugger looks like he colored his hair with snot! Priceless!"

Septus: " Yo. I'm Renzo's starter, and the civilized Pokemon of the group."

Wally: "I don't really understand them, but nice you meet you guys!"

Renzo: "Don't worry. They just said hi. Anyway, I really need to get moving. I told you everything you need to know. So, good luck. If you need anymore Pokeballs, just go ask my dad. Later."

Wally: "Bye, Renzo! I hope we meet again!"

It felt good helping someone out, even though I originally thought Wally was annoying. The kid really warms up to you. Family matters aside, I was finally able to leave Petalburg, and found myself on Route 104.

Route 104

I walked around casually, scoping the place out. There was a small patch of grass just North, and a lovely looking beach further West. I noticed a deserted cabin, but it seemed like it was recently ditched.

Crowley: "Oi! Lemme get on in that beach action, mate."

Renzo: "Really, Crowley? Hmm... What about you, Septus?"

Septus: "Being in that lab for so long, it would be nice to see a real beach again. I'm up for it."

Renzo: "Alright, go nuts."

Call me crazy, but Crowley actually seemed happy. I didn't hear a single snarky remark from hin the entire time on that beach. Guess he really likes beaches. Septus really enjoyed himself too. I guess that's understandable when you're a starter Pokemon.

Renzo: "Alright, boys. Let's get a move on."

Crowley: "Come on, mate. The fun's just starting."

Renzo: "That's all well and good, but it will be dark soon. We have to reach the next town before then."

Septus: "I guess I had enough fun. Alright, Renzo. Where to?"

Renzo: "I saw what looked like a forest just a while ago. I think that's our next destination."

Septus&Crowley: "Alright then. Let's go."

Before I could go to the forest, I wanted to catch another Pokemon. So, I headed towards that small patch of grass I spotted earlier. Searching it, I eventually stumbled across a female Taillow.

Renzo: "Sweet. A flying type. Alright Crowley, give it what for."

Crowley easily weakened the Taillow, allowing me to catch it.

Renzo: "Thank you. Now, I don't feel like wasting much time. So, I will call you Raven."

Raven: "...Oh. Okay."

Renzo: "Another talking Pokemon... Today is just full of excitement. Anyway, can't waste much time here. Town to reach and all."

Leaving the grass, I stumbled upon a lone trainer. The trainer spout off about how rich they were, and how they bought their Pokemon with money. Crowley dropped said Pokemon, and I got a hefty chuck of cash for winning.

Petalburg Woods

After defeating the spoiled trainer, the forest greeted me. I didn't want to be caught inside this place at dark, so I ran inside full sprint. It looked like any other forest, really. Trees were everywhere, and there were a mass abundance of bug type Pokemon. I saw several trainers as well. All wearing straw hats, and carrying butterfly nets. I could only assume they were bug catchers. Perfect time to train Raven, right? I gave Raven a Potion, and she looked ready to rumble.

Renzo: "Alright, Raven. This place is your training domain. You have nothing to fear."

Raven: "If you say so..."

Renzo: "You got this!"

I walked up to the first bug catcher, who was really eager to battle. Raven, despite being so worried, quickly pecked all of the trainers Pokemon. She did the same with the next bug catcher as well. Before I could congradulate her, I heard a scream. Following the sound, I came across a man in a suit and tie being mugged by some dude in a pirate get up.

Man: "Kid, you gotta help me! Please! Don't let him take my GOODS!"

Renzo: "...What? GOODS? ...I don't wanna know."

Pirate: "Hahaha, so you got help, eh?! No matter, I will swiftly beat this punk and take those GOODS to the boss!"

Unfortunately for him, Septus swiftly pounded his poor Poochyena to submission.

Pirate: "Damn! I can't report this to the boss... I'll be back for those GOODS!"

The pirate man dashed off in a hurry. The suit and tie man thanked me, and gave me a Great Ball for helping him.

Renzo: "Well, that was weird."

Septus: "It sure was. Here I thought our encounter was strange."

Renzo: "Yeah, yeah. Oh, look there! I see the way out."

Crowley: "Thank God, mate. There's a tick crawling towards my bum."

Renzo&Septus: "..."

Crowley: "What?"

Raven: "Um... Let's just... go."

Dashing towards the exit, we arrived on Route 104 again.

Route 104

It was dark out, really dark. But I could still make out the outline of several trainers. Septus, Crowley, and Raven needed the battle experience anyway, and it's not like we had a choice to turn back. So, we battled each and every single trainer in the area. Septus, Crowley, and Raven all grew in strength significantly. Battling our way through, we finally reached the next town.

Rustboro City

Renzo: "Finally! Alright gang. I think we should check out the Pokemon Center. You three look beat."

Crowley: "Aaaw, here I was thinking we'd fight another trainer."

As we walked to the Pokemon Center, I caught a glimpse of the town's Pokemon Gym.

Renzo: "Sweet! It's a shame it's so late now..."

Slightly disappointed, I entered the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy was happy to heal up my Pokemon, and give me a room to stay in for the night. With everyone well beyond tired, we quickly clocked out.

Gym 1

I awoke early the next morning, pumped for my first gym battle. Septus and the others must have known this, because they were all up and ready to go as well. As I left the Pokemon Center, I thanked Nurse Joy for the room. Walking around the city, I eventually met with the Gym's door. I noticed a sign too. It read: "Rustboro City Pokemon Gym. Leader: Roxanne, the rock loving honors student."

Renzo: "So we're dealing with rock types...? Well, I guess that settles who gets all the glory in this battle."

Septus: "Heh. Awesome."

Crowley: "Bloody hell. It just had to be rock. Of course it did."

Raven: "I know I won't be useful in the battle to come. But I'm willing to try if I have to."

With the VIP settled, I entered the gym. There were rocks everywhere, and it was extremely dusty. Amongst all this, I spotted her. Roxanne, my first gym challenge.

Roxanne: "Welcome, challenger."

Renzo: "Thanks. How does this work, exactly?"

Roxanne: "If you mean the battle, we just battle until either side is out of usuable Pokemon. If you win, you get my badge. Are you ready?"

Renzo: "Yeah, I think so."

Roxanne: "Then let's begin."

Roxanne led off with a Geodude. My main plan being, beat her with Septus.

Renzo: "Alright, Septus. Bullet Seed!"

Before Roxanne could give a command, Geodude fainted.

Roxanne: "Nicely done, challenger. But don't think you've won yet."

Roxanne then sent out a Nosepass. My plan was still unchanged.

Renzo: "Septus. Use Bullet Seed again!"

However, Nosepass survived the attack...

Roxanne: "Nosepass. Use Rock Tomb!"

Septus was rammed with several rocks that were surrounding the area. I guess that explains why they were there to begin with.

Renzo: "Septus! Are you alright?"

Septus: "Don't count me out yet. I'm not gonna let a buncha rocks beat me down."

Crowley: "Oh yeah? That looked like it hurt, mate."

Renzo: "Whatever. Septus, one more Bullet Seed!"

Septus: "Got it."

Roxanne: "It won't be that easy!"

But in fact, it was that easy. Septus pounded Nosepass with several shots until the creature fainted from the pain. It was at the moment that I realized I won my first gym badge.

Roxanne: "Well that was upsetting. Nicely done all the same. As your award, I am happy to present to you the Stone Badge!"

Renzo: "Alright, I've been waiting for this!"

I took the badge with glee, and gave Septus a high five.

Crowley: "Great, now can we get out of here? I can't take much more of this bloody dust."

Renzo: "Yeah. Thanks for the badge, Roxanne. Later."

We left the gym and were about to head back to the Pokemon Center when we saw that business man again. To our dismay, he was chasing the pirate man...

Man: "Hey! Give me back my GOODS!"

Renzo: "Great, this guy again."

Man: Oh, it's you. Please! You have to get my GOODS back from that man!"

Renzo: "I'm not even sure what these GOODS are! ...But I don't have a choice, I guess. Fine, I'll help you out again. Which way did he go?"

Man: "He ran towards Route 116! Please get those GOODS back, they're really important!"

Renzo: "Sure thing."

I'm not sure what these GOODS are, but it's not like we were heading anywhere else important at the moment anyway. With no time to waste, I set off towards Route 116. I had to catch me a pirate. Fun, fun.

The Goons

Septus emespr252.png Crowley emespr261.png Raven emespr276.png

Seeing as this was a really long update, I put it in spoilers. I hope that makes things easier on the eyes.

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Update 4

Route 116

I didn't have much time to waste, the salesman looked pretty worried. Unfortunately, the route was full of trainers, and wild Pokemon. I fought my way through several wild Pokemon and countless trainers before reaching a cave.

Renzo: "This must be where the pirate went... Hold on. Who's that?"

I couldn't believe I didn't notice it before. But there was a old man just outside of the cave's entrance. He looked troubled.

Renzo: "Um, sir? Something the matter?"

Old man: "Some random thug stole my darling Peeko! That cave looks dangerous, but I can't just let him take Peeko! I know, can you save Peeko for me?"

Renzo: "Odds are, I'm probably looking for the guy that stole Peeko anyway. So, yeah. I'll get Peeko back. Just wait here."

I ran into the cave desperately trying to locate the pirate. Eventually, I found him standing next to two large boulders with fairly thick cracks. No human could make use of those though. The pirate had a Pokemon with him. I could only assume that was Peeko.

Pirate: "Crap, crap, crap! Dammit! I came all this way for a dead end?!"

Renzo: "Yeah, and now you're gonna hand over that Pokemon, and those GOODS too."

Pirate: "You think so, eh? Well if you want them so much. Come and get them!"

We duked it out, and within a minute, he was defeated.

Pirate: "Damn! Fine. Take the stupid Pokemon and these dumb GOODS! The boss won't be happy to hear about this failure... Whatever, I have to go."

Renzo: "Wait! Are you really a pirate? Who is this boss? Just what the hell is your deal?"

Pirate: "Well, since you'll be taken care of soon anyway. I'm from a criminal group called Team Aqua. That's all I'm telling you."

Before I could open my mouth, he dashed away. At least I saved this poor Pokemon, and got back those GOODS. I left the cave and returned Peeko to the Old Man.

Old Man: "Ah, thank you so much! I didn't get the chance to tell you earlier. My name is Briney. I own a small cabin just outside of Petalburg. Are you a trainer?"

Renzo: "Yeah, I was actually looking for my next destination. But I have no clue what that is."

Briney: "Well, if you already beat the leader here. Your next destination would be Dewford Town. As it happens, I'm also a sailor. I can take you there, especially since you really helped me out."

Renzo: " Really? That would be awesome!"

Briney: "It's the least I can do. Just head down to my cabin anytime you want. Come along, Peeko."

Having a way to my next gym challenge, I went back to Rustboro to give the strange man the good news.

Renzo: "I have your GOODS. But for the love of God, please don't lose them again. I have things to do too."

Man: "Ah, yes. Thank you very much! Don't worry, I'm delivering these straight to my boss at Devon Corps. Devon Corps. is actually located right here in Rustboro. You should pay us a visit. I'm sure my boss would like to meet the guy who saved our GOODS twice."

Renzo: "Alright. I'll swing by."

I followed the man into Devon Corps. It was a rather large building. I saw other men and women within the building dressed just like Mr. GOODS, along with several scientists. I assume they're working on hip and trendy gadgets. Finally, we reached the boss's office.

Man: " Hello, Mr. Stone. This is Renzo. He brought back our GOODS not once, but twice."

Mr. Stone: "So this is the boy who saved your bacon? Nice to meet you, Renzo. Rest assured, I do have a means of rewarding you for your selfless act of kindness. It's our newest invention, the Pokenav. You can check the Hoenn map, as well as make phone calls and other neat things. Here, take it. Also, if you don't mind me asking. Can you deliver this letter to my son? He's currently in Dewford."

Renzo: "Well, I'm heading to Dewford anyway. So I don't see why not."

Mr. Stone: "You're too kind. Before you leave; care to test that Pokenav out? Just give my number a ring, it's already programmed in your Pokenav."

I gave him a ring, and the Pokenav worked just fine. We shook hands, and I departed towards Briney's cabin. Before I left Rustboro, I ran into May. I could tell this was gonna be awesome.

Renzo: "Yo, May. What brings you all the way out here?"

May: "Jesus. I can't seem to get away from you. Nothing, I'm just exploring, looking for wild Pokemon. You know, that whole Pokedex thing. I'm guessing you're here for the gym, right?"

Renzo: "Yeah. I already won too. Now I'm on my way to Dewford."

May: "I see. Oh, is that a Pokenav?

Renzo: "Yeah, I just go-"

May snatched it up and entered her number before I could even finish my sentence. She then demanded a battle, to which I happily agreed to. But like the first time, I won easily.

May: "Damn it all! You've gotten way tougher since the last time we fought. What the hell is up with that Poochyena?!"

Crowley: "I like to believe I'm a natural born brawler."

Renzo: "I dunno. Crowley here is just really tough, I guess."

May: "Hmph. Well, see you around."

Another roadblock over with, I continued to press on towards Briney's cabin. Treading through the forest, the cabin came into view, and Briney was waiting outside.

Briney: "Are you ready to head out, Renzo?"

Renzo: "Yup! I'm raring to go, and by the looks of it, so are my Pokemon."

Septus: "I'm not sure how I feel about boats, Renzo..."

Renzo: "You'll be fine, Septus. If you want, you can chill in your Pokeball."

Septus: "I'm not that scared. Let's just get it over with."

I hopped in the boat, and Septus reluctantly followed. Soon after, we set sail for Dewford. We passed several swimming trainers along the way, along with several islands, and a half sunken ship. Which looked pretty interesting to say the least. We reached Dewford soon after, and I happily hopped off Briney's boat.

Dewford Town

Briney: "Well, here we are. I'll just wait here until your business is done. I'll take you to Slateport afterwards, that's where you'd need to go for your next gym challenge anyway. Besides, how else are you gonna get there? Bwahaha!"

Renzo: "Thanks, Briney. I won't be long, two days tops. Enjoy the scenery, check out the sun bathing ladies."

Crowley: "Hey, mate. Is this place a giant beach?"

Renzo: "Sorta. We don't have time to play around this time. Sorry."

Septus: "Soooo. Are we gonna go to the gym?"

The gym wasn't that hard to find, and I immediately checked out the sign. It read: Dewford Town Pokemon Gym. Leader: Brawly. "A big wave in fighting!"

Septus: "Hahaha! Another gym Crowley will be useless in! This is hilarious!"

Crowley: "BLOODY HELL! Is it too much to ask to get a gym I can fight in?!"

Renzo: "Stop your whining, Crowley. You'll get your chance, I'm sure. Still... A fighting type leader. Seems like something Raven can handle. You up for it, Raven?"

Raven: "I'll try my best..."

Renzo: "Right. Well, we should do some training. Yes, that includes you, Crowley."

We marched north and stumbled across two fishermen who were more than happy to battle. After beating them, we came across a cave. Knowing there would be Pokemon inside, we jumped right in to the action. Surprisngly, it wasn't too dark. However, that didn't stop a Zubat from attacking us. In the end, the surprise attack didn't matter. I smacked it with a Pokeball, and caught it.

Renzo: "Zubat. Male. Hmm.. I got it. I'll call you Norton. Welcome to the team, Norton."

Norton: "Yo, dawg! Waz good?"

Renzo: "What even..."

Crowley: "This guy is batty, mate. Lost his bloody mind."

Septus: "Did you just make a pun?"

Crowley: "What? A guy can't have a little fun?"

Raven: "Um... We do have training to do..."

Norton: "Yo, mang. Don't be a buzzkill!"

Raven: "..."

Renzo: "Back in the Pokeball you go."

Weird encounter aside, the training resumed. Countless Pokemon were slain, and growth was gained.

Septus: "...I feel strange."

Raven: "S-So do I... What's going on?"

Both Septus and Raven started to glow a bright white, and amongst the blinding light, I could make out their bodies. They were growing, changing. Then the glowing stopped, and what stood before me were two completely different Pokemon. Septus was now a Grovyle, and Raven had become a Swellow. She seemed to have gained a confidence boost too.

Renzo: "Wow. So this is what evolution is like. You two certainly look stronger."

Septus: "Naturally."

Raven: "Yeah. I feel like I could be of use against Brawly!"

Crowley: "Really? I mean, really? This is just great. Wonderful, really."

Renzo: "Calm down, Crowley. And Raven, I know you'll be of use. Everything will be fine."

Tired from training, I took everyone to the Pokemon Center where Nurse Joy patched them up. Once everything was in order, we left for our second gym challenge.

Gym 2

Inside of Brawly's gym was boxing arenas, punching bags, and several other things that would help fighting type Pokemon grow. I heard grunting noises just up ahead, and saw Brawley training with a Makuhita.

Brawly: "Woah, a challenger this late?"

Renzo: "Yeah, sorry about that. I was just wanting to wrap this up in one day. I hope it isn't too much trouble."

Brawly: "No problem, dude. We can get started right now if you want. I'm already all warmed up!"

Renzo: "Sounds like a plan!"

The battle commenced, and like I was planning from the start, I sent out Raven.

Renzo: "You got this, Raven. Now is your time to shine!"

Raven: "Yes...!"

Brawly: "Woah... That's a pretty tough looking bird. Aight. Machop, do me a solid, bro."

Raven swiftly took out Machop with a Wing Attack as soon as it hit the field. Brawly then sent out a Meditite, which just like like Machop, went down with a single Wing Attack. Brawly's last Pokemon was the Makuhita he was training with earlier. He seemed to pride himself in that Makuhita. Which is why I kinda enjoyed seeing Raven destroy it with a single Wing Attack.

Brawly: "Holy hell, dude. You've earned this, bro."

Brawly handed me a badge.

Brawly: "It's the Knuckle badge. I gotta say, bro. No one's beaten me this easily before."

Renzo: "I just wanted to be prepared for anything. But thanks for the compliment, and thanks for the badge too."

I left Brawly's gym extremely impressed with Raven. It had gotten slightly darker out, and I still had to deliver Mr. Stone's letter to his son. I guess it was something that could wait until tomorrow, though. I was pretty tired after all the events that happened today, and I know after all the training, my Pokemon were tired too. So, I decided to rest up at the Pokemon Center, and tackle the next task in the morning.

The Goons

Septusemespr253.png Crowley emespr261.png Raven emespr277.png Norton emespr041.png

Sorry for the wait. Got a bit distracted and forgot about this for a bit. But it's here now! Beware, it is kinda lengthy.

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Update 5

I woke up the next morning raring to go. I thanked Nurse Joy for letting me stay, and I asked her if she saw a rich boy type anywhere in Dewford. She informed me that she did see a silver haired man head towards Dewford's cave on the north coast. With that in mind, I departed for the cave again. Before I was able to enter the cave, I was interrupted by Crowley.

Crowley: "Hey, mate. Before we get down to business. You will make me evolve."

Renzo: "...That's not really up to me. Crowley, I know you're mad that you haven't evolved. But everyone has their time. You will evolve soon."

Septus: "Don't be such a baby, Crowley."

Crowley: "Bugger off. ...Renzo, listen to me, mate. I need this. If you recall, you so rudely took me from my home. The least you can do is honor this one thing I ask of ya, right?"

Renzo: "...Fine. We'll train for a bit. But if you don't evolve, let it go until you finally do."

Crowley: "Works for me."

Upon Crowley's sudden request, we trained in the cave for a good hour or two. He was certainly getting stronger. I wasn't sure how evolution worked, but I know that once Raven and Septus buffed up a lot, they evolved soon after. After a few more Zubats were slain, I checked up on Crowley's status.

Renzo: "How're you feeling?"

Crowley: "I feel tingly, mate. Like my whole bloody body is being sho-"

Then it happened. The same blinding white light that shrouded Septus and Raven, consumed Crowley as well. Just like before, Crowley's form was changing, and he grew in size. Before I knew it, the light vanished, and a newly formed Crowley stood before me.

Renzo: "Damn dude. You got much bigger!"

Crowley: "Heh. This is awesome, mate. I'm finally a Mightyena. I'd like to thank my mum and pops, and all of my friends who helped me come this far."

Renzo: "You just took a completely awesome moment, and ruined it."

Crowley: "What? Not even a chuckle?"

Renzo: "Let's just get on with our business. You got what you wanted."

Crowley: "Right. Lead the way, mate."

We travelled further into the cave. The further we went, the darker it got. Luckily, Crowley had an amazing sense of smell, and could pick up the musky scented stairways that led downwards. Eventually, we reached an open area with light. We kept on walking until we reached an open entrance to another part of the cave. Once inside, we saw the silver haired man Nurse Joy mentioned.

Renzo: "Hello. Mr. Stone's son, I assume? Well, hoping really."

Silver Hair: "Ahaha. That would be me. My name is Steven Stone. Nice you meet you.... um, sorry, I didn't catch your name."

Renzo: "It's Renzo, and the pleasure is all mine. I'm here to deliver a letter to you from your father."

Steven: "I see. That's awfully nice of you. Well, I'll just take that off your hands so you can be on your way."

I reached for the letter and noticed something else in my backpack... It was those GOODS I took back from that Team Aqua thug back in Rustboro. There was a note attached.

Note: "If you're reading this, then you have noticed that the GOODS have found their way into your backpack. I truly am sorry, but I have to ask you to deliver those to a Captain Stern in Slateport." -Mr. Stone

Dumbfounded, I took out the letter and handed it to Steven.

Steven: "Ahaha. I see my father gave you another task. He's good at that, pay it no mind. I hope he's not causing you too much trouble."

Renzo: "It's fine. Slateport is probably my next destination anyway."

Steven: "Is that so? Are you a traveller? Or perhaps you're challenging the Hoenn League?"

Renzo: "It's the latter. I've already got two badges under my belt. Besides, the way things have turned out so far, everytime I get asked to do something, it's always convenient for both parties. I'm assuming it's the same this time too."

Steven: "Well, you'd be right. The next gym is in Mauville City, and you have to go through Slateport to get to it."

Renzo: "This is starting to creep me out. Anyway, nice meeting you. I need to get going. Apparently I have GOODS to deliver. See ya around."

Steven: "Renzo, wait. Before you leave, take this TM. It contains Steel Wing. It's the least I can do after your trouble. Good luck with your league challenge. I believe you have the ability to become the Hoenn League Champion!"

With a small gift and kind words, I left Steven to read the letter from his father. Tranversing through the cave again, I eventually made it out. I immediately ran for Briney's boat and asked him to take me to Slateport. He kindly accepted and we set sail once more. The ride to Slateport was much shorter than the ride from Petalburg to Dewford. After an hour of sailing, we reached Slateport. There was a huge beach just outside of the city. There was people swimming, tanning, and playing in the sand.

Slateport City Beach

Crowley: "I'll be damned, mate. I'll be damned! We have to play on this beach! We have to!"

Renzo: "We still have errands to run..."

Crowley: "Don't be such a downer. How many times are we gonna get to relax on a beach this huge?!"

Septus: "After all the training and battles, I could use a little breather. The rest of the day off can't be so bad."

Renzo: "I don't know guys."

Raven: "I think it would be a nice experience. I've never been to a beach this big before..."

Norton: "Yeah dawg. I only know the cave life, yo. This shit is real."

Renzo: "I...He... You know what? Fine. Day off for everyone. Go nuts. There's a beach house up ahead, I'll see if they have any swim gear. Don't stray off too far."

I headed up to the beach house, and luckily they had plenty of swim gear. I browsed the merch for a bit before spotting a nice pair of pink swimming trunks. Captivated, I instantly bought them. They were just the right size too! Geared up, I greeted the others outside.

Renzo: "Alright. Operation: Relaxation is a go."

Crowley: "Bwahaha! Look at 'em. They're pink! What in the hell are you doing wearing pink swimming trunks, mate?"

Renzo: "It just so happens to be a lovely color, thank you. Shut up."

Septus: "Pfft. You're a weird one alright."

Raven: "I think it looks good on you, Renzo."

Renzo: "Thank you, Raven."

Norton: "Woowee. Look at the booty on that one."

Renzo: "You have to stop, Norton. Please."

Norton: "Shiiieeet. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat. It's beach time, baby!"

Renzo: "I can't. I just can't."

The world was our oyster, or at least the rest of the day was. We played on the beach for what seemed like forever, and everyone was enjoying themselves. But just as the fun was getting started, I heard screams coming from Slateport....

The Goons

Septus emespr253.png Crowley emespr262.png Raven emespr277.png Norton emespr041.png

What is this? Another update so soon?! These are crazy times, yo.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Update 6

Renzo: "What the fuck?!"

Septus: "Should we check it out?"

Raven: "Well... Screaming isn't really a good thing..."

Renzo: "Yeah, we probably should."

Crowley: "Bloody hell! It's always something!"

Renzo: "We'll be back, Crowley. We're just gonna see what's going on. Besides, it sounded pretty bad."

Slateport City

We darted towards the sound of the screaming and came across a museum. People were coming from inside the museum in huge numbers. Whatever was going down, it was going down inside this museum. We rushed inside to see several Team Aqua members harassing random people. There was a set of stairs to the upper left, I decided to make a run for them. Upon entering another part of the museum, I saw someone who was dressed up like a captain of a ship. It must have been Captain Stern.

Renzo: "What's going on here?"

Captain Stern: "These goons came out of nowhere. They called themselves 'Team Aqua'. They're after some ship parts that were supposed to be delivered here, but I haven't heard of the parts arriving yet..."

Renzo: "...Oh. I don't suppose you mean these, do you?"

I whipped out the mysterious GOODS, and Captain Stern lit up with joy.

Captain Stern: "Yes, that's it! Where did you get them?!"

Renzo: "Mr. Stone from Devon wanted me to deliver them to you."

Captain Stern: "That's a relief. Here I thought they were in the middle of nowhere. But what does a bunch of thugs want with ship parts?"

Team Aqua Grunts: "Excuse you! We're not thugs, and what we want with those parts is none of your business!"

Renzo: "Dammit! Captain Stern, stay back! I'll handle these two on my own!"

I did battle with the two Team Aqua members. Despite having the advantage in numbers, they didn't have the skill. They were easily defeated. However, what seemed like a very important man entered the room. I could tell because he had that whole gotee thing going on.

Renzo: "Who might you be? Sick and tired of running into you all, you know?"

Gotee Guy: "I'll be blunt. I'm Archie, the leader of Team Aqua, and I have to say that you've done a very good job of twarting my plans so far."

Renzo: "You're the leader of these pirate wannabes? And what plans could you possibly have that involves stealing ship parts? If you ask me, your 'team' is nothing but a very organized bunch of theives."

Archie: "Hah. You're pretty funny, aren't ya brat? In any case, I'm not telling you a damn thing. You'll find out if you're meant to. For now, be thankful I don't crush you right here. Seeing as the plan here failed, I'll come up with another one. Farewell."

Just like that, Archie and his gang of goons left the museum. Captain Stern thanked me, and I handed over the ship parts.

Captain Stern: "I can't thank you enough."

Renzo: "Don't mention it. If Team Aqua attacks again, give me a call and I'll come rushing over. Those guys really bug me..."

Captain Stern: "Oh, uh, sure thing... What's your name...?"

Renzo: "...Oh. Sorry. Guess I forgot that bit in the heat of things... It's Renzo. Glad to meet you!"

Captain Stern: "Nice to meet you too, Renzo! I'll be sure to call if anything comes up."

With the GOODS Saga concluded I preceded to take Septus and the others back to the beach. Sadly, the battles and the chat with Archie took a while, and it was night time.

Crowley: "This blows. You know that, right?"

Renzo: "Yeah. Just look on the brightside. We don't have to deal with that sidequest anymore. Hell, we still had a bit of fun."

Crowley: "Whatever, mate. I just wanted one day on the beach. I guess I'll just take my anger out on the next gym leader."

Septus: "Easy there, cowboy. The gym leader might use bug types."

Crowley: "I hope it's fire. I'd fancy watching you burn."

Renzo: "You two need to stop. Let's just go to the Pokemon Center and rest up for tomorrow."

Septus&Crowley: "Hmph."

One childish fight aside, it was sleepy time for everyone once again, and thus, we resided in yet another Pokemon Center. I awoke the next day eager to get a move on. I asked Nurse Joy the way to Mauville City, and she directed me to a Route 110. Eager for more progress, I headed for the next destination.

Route 110

I wasn't on the route for more than a couple seconds before I ran into Professor Birch. I wonder what he was doing here...

Renzo: "Um... Professor Birch?"

Birch: "Oh, hello, Renzo! What brings you here?"

Renzo: "I'm heading to Mauville for another gym challenge. Why are you so far away from your lab...?"

Birch: "Just doing a little research. That reminds me! May is nearby, you should pay her a visit."

Renzo: "...Oh. Yeah, sure. I'm not sure how that will go though."

Birch: "Don't be shy, lad. Anyway, how's your Pokedex coming along?"

Renzo: "...About that, well... Let's just say I've gone quality over quantity."

Birch: "I see. That's perfectly fine. It is your journey after all. Besides, May has been filling hers up right and left. Well, I should get going. I have a few things to take care of. Do you have one of those Pokenav devices?"

Renzo: "Yeah. I haven't thought of a good use for it though."

Birch: "That's surprising. It does have a Map of the entire region."

Renzo: "...And here I've been asking for directions."

Birch: "Anyway, mind if I get your number? It would make checking up on things a whole lot easier."

Renzo: "No problem. Here."

We exchanged numbers, and Birch left towards Slateport hastily. I took a deep breath, and carried on. Like most routes, this one was littered with aspiring trainers. I crushed them all, and came across a road on the right with several people riding bicycles. Travelling further north, I saw that the route went on further east. There was lone trainer babbling some psychic mumbo jumbo, and I quickly defeated them before walking off slightly creeped out. This route had been going pretty well for me, I guess that should have been a sign that things were about to turn sour.

May: "You again? I swear, this is getting ridiculous. Whatever, I can at least kick your ass in a Pokemon battle."

Renzo: "Oh man, and it was a nice day so far. Well, aside from those Team Aqua jerks. Also, you've won how many times? Oh yeah, that's right. You haven't won at all."

May: "Tch. Things will be different this time!"

Renzo: "Yeah, sure."

It's like May doesn't even bother to try despite talking all this trash. Like the previous battles before, I was hardly troubled in battling her. It's nice, really.

May: "I don't understand this... Why can't I beat you?!"

Renzo: "Because your thing isn't battling."

May: "Is that so? What would my 'thing' be then? Huh? Tell me!"

Renzo: "I don't know, and honestly don't care. Now move aside."

I shoved May aside and carried on towards Mauville. I felt bad about how I left things back there, but I didn't feel like dealing with her today. I've had enough drama. Putting those thoughts behind me, I saw the outskirts of Mauville. I was getting close! Just a little further and I would be fighting for another badge.

Renzo: "Alright gang. We're almost there, just a little further."

Septus: "Yo, what's up with that Pokemon over there?"

My eyes are terrible. There was a wild female Electrike within ten feet from us. She looked pissed.

Renzo: "This is an electric type. That would be very useful. I think I'll catch it."

Crowley: "Oi, what a beauty she is..."

Renzo: "...Crowley?"

Crowley: "Nothin', mate. Carry on."

Renzo: "Okay..."

I decided to catch the Electrike, and with help from Septus, I succeeded. However, she wasn't very pleased.

Electrike: "Funny story. One day I was minding my own business, and some green haired brat tries to catch me, the loser fails and moves on. Going on with my regular day ANOTHER brat comes along, and to my dismay, succeeds in catching me. What a day, I tell you."

Renzo: "Jade."

Electrike: "What?"

Renzo: "That's what I'm gonna call you."

Jade: "Hmph. I suggest you leave me alone for a while. I'd hate to shock you to death."

Taking her words to heart, I decided it would be best to just move on. It wasn't too long before I finally set foot in Mauville. The place seemed to rely heavily on electricity, even... the... gym. Oh. The day was still young, so I happily walked towards Mauville's gym.

Mauville City

Jade: "There's that green haired brat!"

Standing right outside of the gym, was Wally himself. He looked like he toughened up a bit too. I couldn't wait to tell him about my adventure so far!

The Goons

Septus emespr253.png Crowley emespr262.png Ravenemespr277.png Nortonemespr041.png Jadeemespr309.png

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  • 1 month later...
Update 7

Wally: "...Oh. Renzo?! Hi!"

Renzo: "Hi, Wally! How've you been?"

Wally: "I've been doing well! Just training that Ralts you helped me catch! I was thinking about challenging the gym here. Oh, you know what would be awesome?!"

Renzo: "Hmm?"

Wally: "If we battled right now! I need to know if I'm ready!"

Renzo: "Sure thing, Wally! However, I hope you know I have two badges! I won't go down easily."

Wally: "Wow! Amazing, Renzo! Let's go!"

Eager to battle Wally, I reached for Crowley's Pokeball...but.

Jade: "Hold on! I will be fighting the snot haired kid!"

Renzo: "You really hold grudges, don't you? Fine."

Jade blasted Wally's Ralts with a few angry sparks and down the little guy went...

Wally: "Hold on... Is that the Electrike I failed to catch earlier? You managed to catch it? ...Wow, I have a lot to learn. I'm not ready to take on gyms yet."

Renzo: "Don't let it get you down, Wally. You've improved a lot since we first met. I'm sure you'll be taking on gyms in no time!"

I hadn't noticed before because of my excitement. But there was a man with Wally.

Man: "Okay, Wally. We need to get to Verdanturf now. Say goodbye to your friend, okay?"

Wally: "Oh. Okay, Uncle. Well, Renzo... I guess this is it for now. If you feel like it, drop by Verdanturf sometime!"

Renzo: "I'll make sure to do that, Wally! Actually, I need to train for this gym leader anyway. How about I just come along with you two? I could show you some good training methods."

Wally: "That would be awesome! Uncle, can he?"

Wally's Uncle: "Uh... sure."

Renzo: "I guess it's settled then."

Route 117

I followed Wally and his uncle to Route 117 where I commence my training. Wally watched intensely as I battled the trainers of the route, along with several wild Pokemon. Eventually we drew closer to Verdanturf, meaning my time with Wally was growing short. Not wanting to leave Wally without further knowledge of training, I took on even more wild Pokemon just to get the message across. As night drew closer we finally made it to Verdanturf. Wally's current residence wasn't too far into town. The air in Verdanturf was surprisingly clean and fresh. It was a nice relief compared to the salty breeze of Dewford and Slateport.

Wally: "Here we are, Renzo."

Renzo: "Yeah. I really enjoyed our time together. It's hard to find good friends, and with the stuff I've had to deal with lately, it's nice to hang out with a buddy..."

Wally: "I'm glad you had fun, Renzo! I know I did. I even learned a lot of stuff watching you train."

Renzo: "I'm glad I was able to help. I should be off, though. I have a gym battle tommorrow and I need my rest."

Wally: "Why don't you just take off at my place? It sure beats staying at a Pokemon Center! Say, Uncle. Can Renzo stay over? Please!"

Wally's Uncle: "I don't see why not. Sure."

Renzo: "Oh. Thanks a lot! It's been a while since I've rested in a legit house."

Wally and I stayed up a few hours later talking about gym battles, and the places we hope to travel to. I explained to Wally my dealings with the mysterious Team Aqua, and my journey so far. Eventually, we both fell asleep and I awoke raring for another gym battle!

Renzo: "Well, I should get going. Thanks for letting me stay over!"

Wally's Uncle: "Don't mention it. Wally seemed to really enjoy your company. Come back and visit any time you want."

Wally: "Yeah! See you later! Next time we battle I will be loads stronger, so look out!"

I left Verdanturf for Mauville in hopes for another easy gym badge. But before I made my challenge, I made sure to train just a little bit more. Jade and Norton tore through swarms of wild Pokemon, both evolving and growing in power.

Norton: "Daaaaayuuuum. This shit is too real!"

Jade: "Tch. Only natural for me. I only get stronger."

Training aside, I arrived in Mauville again and made a short stop at the Pokemon Center to heal up and make sure everyone was in tip top shape. I then headed towards the Pokemon Mart to stock up on potions and other essential items like Paralyze Heals and Antidotes. With all my preperation done, I eagerly ran towards the gym and read the sign. "Mauville City: Gym Leader Wattson. The cheerfully electrifying man."

Renzo: "So we're dealing with Electric types this time. Well, this one won't be easy... Sorry to say it, but... Raven and Norton will have to sit this one out."

Raven: "Understood...."

Norton: "I ain't got time fo' electricity!"

Renzo: "Okay... That means the rest of you should put up your best efforts. We may not have a counter, but we can still win. You guys ready?"

Team: "Yeah!"

Gym 3

I walked into the gym feeling really nervous, and there he was... Wattson was standing at the very back of his gym, and like the sign said, he was cheerful.

Wattson: "Oh my, a challenger! Welcome young lad, I am Wattson, the gym leader!"

Renzo: "Yo. Nice to meet you, Wattson."

Wattson: "Wahahah! I can tell from your eyes you're pretty tough! Shall we get started?"

Renzo: "I would like nothing more."

Wattson: "Wahahah! Well then, prepare yourself. You're in for a shock!"

Wattson led with a Voltorb while I led with Jade. My plan was simple. Get a few howls up, and try to sweep until I needed to switch out. Wattson had other plans though...

Wattson: "Voltorb, Selfdestruct!"

Renzo: "This is gonna hurt... Jade, brace for impact!"

The Pokeball look alike went boom, and severely wounded Jade in the process. But Jade wasn't so weak as to faint from such a heavy blow.

Renzo: "Are you alright, Jade?!"

Jade: "The fact you even have to ask is insulting. Of course I'm fine."

Wattson: "You haven't seen anything yet! Wahahah!"

Wattson then sent out his next Pokemon, Electrike. This was something Jade could easily handle. I gave Jade a Super Potion to be on the safe side, and preceded to howl one more time. After a few tackles, Wattson's Electrike went down. It was looking good so far.

Wattson: "Wahahah! This is electrifying! But the real battle starts now. Magneton, let's get ready to shock him good!"

It was pretty much my team's worst nightmare. I had no way of hitting a Steel type Pokemon. It resisted all of my moves from every team member I had. This was the worse possible match up I could have. But I couldn't just give in.

Renzo: "Crap... This is bad. Really bad. Okay, okay... Jade, you're gonna have to howl some more. If we max out your power, we can still win this!"

Jade: "Naturally."

Going with the same game plan, Jade howled away.

Wattson: "Magneton, don't let that happen! Use Shock Wave!"

Shock Wave it did... it was a critical hit. It all went so slow. Jade fell to the ground, limp, and with no life left in her eyes. I couldn't believe it... she was... dead.

Renzo: "...Jade? ...Hey. Knock it off. Get up. JADE! GET UP! What's going on... Why isn't she moving...? What did you do?!"

Wattson: "...I'm sorry young man. I'm afraid your Pokemon is gone. But as a trainer you have to be prepared for this sort of thing. Pokemon can die, and it happens in battle all the time."

Renzo: "...It's not something I want to accept... Jade..."

Wattson: "I am truly sorry about your Pokemon, young man. But we are in the middle of a battle."

Renzo: "...Right."

I guess Wattson's not always a cheerful man. But with Jade down, I didn't have much of a choice for a counter...

Renzo: "Septus, you're my best bet. We can still win this, and we have to."

Septus: "Yeah, don't worry. I'll give this overgrown magnet what's coming to it."

The battle was extremely fierce, the only thing Septus could do is spam Bullet Seed. Magneton was barely even affected by the blows firing off Shock Wave after Shock Wave. However, Septus wasn't affected by those either. It was a stalemate.

Renzo: "Keep firing, Septus! If we don't give up we will win!"

Septus: "Ugh... This thing is tough as nails. I'm not sure how many more hits I can take, Renzo."

Renzo: "You have to overpower it! I won't lose you here too!"

The battle with the Magneton continued. It showed no signs of weakening... but a sudden ray of hope found us. Septus started to glow a bright green color.

Renzo: "Are you evolving again...? No... This is different."

Septus: "I have all this energy...!"

Wattson: "Wahahah! It must be Overgrow! It's an ability that powers up Grass type moves in a pinch!"

Renzo: "This is great! Septus, fire off more Bullet Seeds!"

Wattson: "However, it means your Pokemon is extremely weak. One more Shock Wave should do it!"

Septus fired off the Bullet Seed attack, and scored 3 critical hits in a row on top of the extra two hits... Magneton went down.

Wattson: "Wahahah! That's a shocker! I really didn't see that one coming! Nicely done."

Renzo: "Wow... Finally."

Septus: "Phew. Talk about testing your limits. But this green glow isn't gone yet... I still have this power."

Wattson: "Alrighty! Time for our last stand. Manectric, let's show em our full power!"

Manectric was easier to deal with, much easier. I healed Septus with another Super Potion and began the same Bullet Seed spam as before. He lost Overgrow, but it was worth it. Wattson's Manetric fired off several Quick Attacks, but Septus didn't seem to mind too much.

Wattson: "I guess we won't get anywhere like this. Manectric, Howl."

Just like Jade, Manectric began to howl to increase its attack power. The Quick Attacks did even more, which was a bit scary. Septus fired off one more set of Bullet Seeds before having to stop.

Septus: "I don't think I can do this anymore, Renzo. I'm out of steam.

Renzo: "You're the only one who stands a chance. No one else resists those Shock Waves. Hang in there."

Luckily, Wattson's Manectric looked just as tired. One more hit would KO both of our Pokemon.

Renzo: "Overgrow is back! It's over, Wattson!"

Wattson: "You're forgetting about Manectric's Quick Attack, young man. You won't land that Bullet Seed."

Wattson was right. Septus would go down before he could use Bullet Seed, which makes this a battle of speed now.

Renzo: "You're right... I guess it's time to gamble then, Wattson. Which is faster? Your Manectric or my Grovyle?"

Wattson: "Wahahah! I like the way you think! Very well! Time to place our bets! Prepare yourself!"

Wattson ordered his Manectric for one last Quick Attack, but to his surprise I ordered Septus to use Quick Attack as well.

Renzo: " The moment of truth comes now!"

It all happened in a flash... the clash of the two Pokemon was so loud that I flinched, closing my eyes and covering my ears. When I opened my eyes I saw the losing Pokemon on the ground. It was... Manectric! Septus had done it, he won!

Renzo: "...Holy shit... We actually did it! You're amazing Septus!"

Septus: "Don't... mention it..."

Wattson: "Wahahah! It seems you have bested me! In honor of your victory; please take this offical league badge!"

Wattson handed me the Dynamo Badge, and we shook hands for a well fought battle. But the reality rushed back in and I realized that Jade was still dead... I didn't have time to celebrate.

Renzo: "Sorry, Wattson. I have some things I have to take care of.... Later."

I carried Jade back to Route 110 to bury her where I caught her. It was the hardest thing I've had to do on my journey. Jade may have been rough around the edges, but she didn't deserve this.

Renzo: "...We have to get stronger. I have to get stronger. I... I won't let anyone else die."

Septus: "You alright...?"

Renzo: "Let's go."

The Goons

Septusemespr253.png Crowleyemespr262.png Ravenemespr277.png Nortondpmfa042.png



Yeeeeep. I had an extreme case of the lazy. But this story is not dead yet! Tbh I'm really surprised I didn't lose at Wattson. But Septus really did pull through. Almost died a couple of times, but hey, I won. All that matters, right? Anyway, sorry it took so long, and I hope you enjoy the read!

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  • 5 weeks later...
Update 8

I walked on through Mauville heading North towards route 111. The next gym was in Lavaridge Town, but I thought it would be a good idea to check out and explore Mt. Chimney a little.

Septus: "Hey, you sure you're alright?"

Renzo: "Stop asking if I'm okay."

Septus: "I'm just worried, is all... I know you think it's your fau-"

Renzo: "DON'T! *Sigh* Look, just... shut up."

Route 111

The route was fairly simple. There was a few trainers here and there along with patches a tall grass. What caught my interest was what appeared to be a desert, but the sandstorms were so wild I couldn't explore the area at all. Pressing on I stumbled upon a wild Numel(male). I decided it would be a good idea to catch it since I needed a fire type badly.

Renzo: "Crowley, you're up."

Crowley: "Alright, mate."

The Numel was easily weakened by Crowley, and soon after, captured. I decided to name it Ryuga.

Renzo: "You seem capable. Welcome to the crew."

Ryuga: "Thanks? You seem like a capable trainer. I hope I get to burn lots of things down."

Renzo: "I'd doubt that, but whatever. Let's press on."

Finally, I reached Mt. Chimney, and to my surprise, there were two suspicious looking characters in red outfits guarding the entrance to the cable car which takes you to the peak.

Renzo: "Looks like our way to the top is a no go.. I wonder what those strange people are up to.."

Crowley: "Bugger if I know, mate."

Raven: "They kinda seem similar to Team Aqua..."

Septus: "Yeah. As far as goofy attire goes, they're definitely on the same wavelength."

Renzo: "Well, that only leaves us with one option. We have to travel through Fiery Path."

Septus: "I hate the sound of that."

Out of options, I entered the entrance to Fiery Path, and like the name would suggest, it was unbelievably hot inside.

Renzo: "Holy shit...!"

Septus: "Ugh... Yeah, I knew it. I already hate this."


Renzo: "You're just... weird. In any case, it would be wise to get out quickly. Let's go."

Fortunately, Fiery Path wasn't that long, so the suffering was a short thing. Eventually making it out of Fiery Path, I was greeted by Route 111 again. Like before, there were a couple of trainers to battle. I quickly defeated them, and soon reached the end of the route.

Route 113

The ash falling on this route was horrible, and it made it incredibly hard to breathe and sort of hard to see given how much was falling. But seeing as Lavaridge was out of bounds for the moment, I had no choice but to carry on this way. The route was tedious as it had little kids trying to be ninjas as well a few decent trainers to fight, and the ash didn't make battling any easier. However, the route wasn't that long, and I made it to Fallarbor Town.

Fallarbor Town

My first stop was the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy healed up my team and I was off to explore the town to find another way to Lavaridge Town. Sadly, as I soon found out, the only way to Lavaridge was through Mt. Chimney. Of course, the strangers in red blocked the only way to the peak. Walking around the town I noticed a couple more people dressed the same way as the strangers guarding the cable car heading towards Meteor Falls. I was eager to know what they were doing here in Fallarbor as well, but before I could take one step towards them I overheard one of them declare, rather excitedly:

Red Dressed Stranger: "Let's go steal us a meteorite!"

The Goons:

Septusemespr253.png Crowleyemespr262.png Raven emespr277.png Nortondpmfa042.png Ryugaemespr322.png



What are you talking about? I update this all the time. Anyway, sorry there's literally nothing awesome in this update, but I haven't really played since I reached Fallarbor. I'll try to work on that though! As if anyone really reads this anyway lololol

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