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e3 2013


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I'mma read over everything after work, but here's a little morsel you should all chew on. The new CoD game is actually worth paying attention to. They're finally moving onto a new engine for the game, and as such they can (hopefully) do more things with it. Remember when CoD4 came out and it was actually well met and for good reason? Yeah. Don't just shove it off because it's yet another CoD game. This one could be interesting.

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...CoD4 was the original Modern Warfare. One of two that I actually liked really well, actually. Considering this "new" one will be something like that... it may be worth a look at.

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I'mma read over everything after work, but here's a little morsel you should all chew on. The new CoD game is actually worth paying attention to. They're finally moving onto a new engine for the game, and as such they can (hopefully) do more things with it. Remember when CoD4 came out and it was actually well met and for good reason? Yeah. Don't just shove it off because it's yet another CoD game. This one could be interesting.

y'know that everything they talked about for the new CoD engine has been done before...

i noticed 2 things

1. Interactables in Multiplier... which i am slightly curious about

2. Dat Doggy... its pretty looking


1. The gun Physics look the same...

2. the Story doesn't seem to serve a purpose... like previous games in the series, they are always "run here, shoot these people! Move on!"

3. the story emphasizes struggle, and defeat, and being a soldier... question... what are they running from? why is everything all apocalyptic? who is the enemy?

i get the feeling that not even Infinity Ward knows...

Lastly... why do people think that this is a Xbox 1 exclusive?

this game will be on PS4 and steam as well... fyi...

...CoD4 was the original Modern Warfare. One of two that I actually liked really well, actually. Considering this "new" one will be something like that... it may be worth a look at.

Mael was being sarcastic, he is a huge FPS fanboy... er i mean fanman?

I am eagarly awaiting news on any 3DS titles. Oh 3DS, why won't you come into my hands sooner?

only new 3ds titles worth mentioning is Project X Zone, Pokemon X and Y, and SSBU

majority of the new Handheld titles are on Vita

ie. Tear Away, Dragon's Crown, Dragon's Dogma Vita, and the rumored Resident Evil Vita

there is also the fact that most Sony IPs on the PS4 will be Cross Compatible with the Vita...

so games like Knack, Infamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall...

they may all potentially be on the Vita... and not just that... but you get the games for practically free too

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I'mma read over everything after work, but here's a little morsel you should all chew on. The new CoD game is actually worth paying attention to. They're finally moving onto a new engine for the game, and as such they can (hopefully) do more things with it. Remember when CoD4 came out and it was actually well met and for good reason? Yeah. Don't just shove it off because it's yet another CoD game. This one could be interesting.

I'mma read over everything after work, but here's a little morsel you should all chew on. The new CoD game is actually worth paying attention to. They're finally moving onto a new engine for the game, and as such they can (hopefully) do more things with it. Remember when CoD4 came out and it was actually well met and for good reason? Yeah. Don't just shove it off because it's yet another CoD game. This one could be interesting.

They've no choice BUT to upgrade to a new engine. Battlefield's engine is vastly superior, and will only get better. If they want to continue to be the blockbuster series that they are, they've gotta get better rather than just relying on their name for sales.

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The Vita has really fallen off the map. When it first came out. I thought all its features were awesome, and it'd be a great handheld - until I realized that it's a 3DS knockoff in disguise.

Anyway, what I personally want to see on the WiiU is an F-Zero game. That would be a mind-blowing experience to play, especially if it's anything like GX barring the story mode which totally sucked but that's not really why people play it anyhow.

The one and only way Vita's winning me over is with two words:



I feel like Microsoft has pretty much nothing to offer at all this year that can be honestly taken seriously. Granted, I haven't done too much insight, but that's because nothing really has jumped out at me that I couldn't get for PS3, and I'm one of the few living XBox players who can't say that Halo 4 struck his fancy.

C'mon Auntie 'Tendo. You got this E3.

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vita's shelves are pretty empty, i have to say, even with psas, p4g, and ac3.

The Vita?

I was ready to write the vita off as a failure at the beginning of this year, tbh.

The Vita is boss as all holy hell...

Mael also forgot to mention Gravity rush, soul sacrifice, Guacamelee, and Disgaea 3...

Honestly I feel that the 3ds is barren... seriously... only game worth mentioning on it right now is Fire Emblem awakening....

Every other good game on it has absolutely no replay value whatsoever imo...

Psp was a failure

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"Hey, Jory! Come give educated input about E3!"

Okay, I guess I can do that...


Well, first of all I can say as a huge Microsoft fanboy that the XBox ONE flopped so hard at its reveal that it would have won the belly flop contest at the local swimming pool. Check in once every 24 hours? Thanks for alienating the people whose internet connections are spotty as all hell, Microsoft. Really appreciate that one. Installing all my content? Yeah, you're gonna need to release a 1TB HDD for that one (at least). No backwards compatibility? Fuck you, Microsoft. Do you know how much money I dumped into your games? By my most basic of calculations, I've spent over $2000 on games alone. That doesn't include peripherals. Now you're telling me that I have to keep my 360 and that I can't trade it in to get any money back on my new XBox? Why don't you just sell your company to Donald Trump? It's a much faster way of going out of business.


Holy hell Sony, when did you turn into Robin Hood? You really hit the mark with your new system. Add that in with (unconfirmed) free online and you've got yourself a console that will FLY off the rack. I don't need voice commands to immerse myself in every Infamous game since the first came out. Backwards compatibility really excites me on this console, particularly because I've been absolutely dying to play the Infamous and God of War franchises. The earlier reveal date was the right move on their part, because this thing makes XBox ONE look like a goddamn toaster oven (no offense to toaster ovens intended). All Microsoft has over Sony now is the Halo franchise, which is a pretty dicey thing to lay your future as a game developer on. I'm pumped to hear what Naughty Dog has to say, as they've traditionally released amazing games.


I'm not well-versed in the ways of the Wii U, but cross-platform SSB sounds amazing. I'm looking forward to some of the 3DS announcements, as I'd never played Fire Emblem before (and still haven't) and so haven't been a part of the Fire Emblem frenzy. Honestly, I'm reluctant to pay attention to Pokemon news lately because I want to approach the games with the same childlike wonder that I did my first game, Pokemon Blue Version. I want to be immersed in things that I haven't seen yet.

What to expect?

1. We can expect a big showing from EA this year with a new Dragon Age title and Battlefield 4 nearly done with production.

2. I'd keep my expectations low as far as XBox exclusives are concerned, especially considering the unlikelihood of someone actually choosing to get an XBox ONE over a PS4.

3. We can expect some new Destiny news from Bungie, as they aren't usually quiet at E3 with a bun in the oven. I'm super-pumped for Destiny personally, so I'll be keeping a close eye on this one.

4. Pokemon X/Y news is a given at this point. Probably a couple of new 'mons as well as a new feature (LAN tourneys?).

5. On the PS4 side, we know that we're getting a closer look at Infamous: Second Son, which should be interesting. I was a little disappointed by the GI cover story, but we'll keep watching for good news.

6. Battlefield 4 looks like 3 but with more Michael Bay. WANT. Hopefully we'll see a better co-op function in this game or the scrapping of it altogether.

7. Half-Lif3. I'm just kidding. We're never getting Half-Lif3 :(

8. Bethesda will most likely be there with the latest information regarding The Elder Scrolls: Online.

9. Thief series is being rebooted. Having never played the originals, I'm less opinionated than most but I'm optimistic about it from what I read in GI.

That's my opinion on this year's E3 and its background. I don't think it's going to flop like last year, but neither do we have anything stellar from Microsoft yet. I neglected to mention CoD: Ghosts because a.) I lost all faith in the series with MW3 b.) It's already been done to death in this thread.

I'd like to hear some thoughts on the possibility of Microsoft releasing amazing news, such as an exclusive rivaling the quality of the Infamous, Halo, and God of War franchises.

Edited by Jory
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Jory... your my new favorite person...

Ps. Keep in mind that the theif reboot is being made by different

Xbox 1 exclusives have been mostly leaked... only promising games are the one that the alan wake people are making... and the game rare is rebooting... and I am willing to put money on that it is Killer Instinct 3

Speaking of bethsada... you forgot to mention their newst IP, The Evil Within... its created by the original resident evil guy... and will be a legit Survival horror game...

Watch the trailer for it... that shit looks kdskfjslnxklvfujsldcldj scary Q_Q

I need a plushie to hug....

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1. Pokemon X and Y Q&A tomorrow at 6pm est

2. Though I don't particually care for the fable series, but there is a lot of rumors pointing towards Fable 4 getting announced... and for some reason Microsoft is trying reallying hard to hype it under the table...

A. The xbl forums for fable are apparently up

B. Apparently Fable 3 is currently free to pick up on the xbl market for gold members atm....

Wait... xbox? Free? Be right back... gonna go wash my mouth out with soap...

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Let's give Microsoft a big ol' round of applause after that presentation. After my panning of the original XBox ONE reveal, I have to say that there are things about Microsoft's new console that are extreme amounts of redeeming to me. Let's take this step by step (lol only 2 steps) as I break down some of the most fascinating parts of the XBox ONE press conference.


First and foremost, let's discuss the exclusives that have been announced thus far.

We have a new Halo title in the works, which is no surprise. The visual element of that reveal was incredible, but there was little other information regarding the new Halo game. It was more about Halo: Spartan Assault, the mobile title for Windows 8-compatible tablets and smartphones. But even that had little revealed about it, so let's move past that.

Respawn revealed possibly the highlight of E3 so far, Titanfall. With the rise in popularity of vehicle-centric warfare (such as in the Battlefield franchise), it was no surprise to me that someone finally decided to break out the mechs. However, I was pleasantly surprised by how in-depth the controls were as a pilot as opposed to just playing the mech. In fact, I would wager that I will have way more fun just running around and mucking about as a pilot than trying to pilot a mech. The gameplay element was insane. Much of what made me love this title was the mobility offered to pilots in order to offset the raw power of a mech.

Anticipation level: 9/10. Trailer will be here later.

Project Spark really wow'd me. I really liked the idea of a dynamic world being included in an action format. When that guy was surfing on the land he was building I was actually smiling really broadly. I'm pumped for this exclusive. It seems an awful lot like a response to Little Big Planet, but it really seems much more involved that its Playstation counterpart. As someone who's always loved Halo's Forge mode, this game is going to be an absolute playground for me. I can't wait to see just how much more detailed the worlds can be made. However, it seems a bit SmartGlass-centric to me. I suppose we'll have to wait for more details.

Anticipation level: 7.5/10. Trailer here.

The Crimson Dragon presentation was a bit lackluster. I found basically nothing interesting about it.

Anticipation level: 1.5/10.

Forza 5 seems like a crowd pleaser, but I was never really into these games. I'll leave this review to someone else and stick to what I know best.

Below was a fun presentation. It has an amazing soundtrack and I'm excited to play it. From an information standpoint, it left a lot to be desired. I was happy to see an indie developer getting a lot of screentime and I look forward to more developers getting published on XBox ONE and really helping to move the gaming industry forward.

Anticipation level: 6/10

The Console Itself

There's a lot to be said about the XBox ONE, and little of it seems to be positive. I will say one thing: Microsoft has recaptured my attention through today's focus on games. see

The transition from Microsoft Points to actual money is a double-edged sword: whereas it increases convenience for customers, it also decreases gifting potential, something that all LoL players are familiar with. I'm beginning to realize that the check-in really isn't that poor of an option, especially considering today's abundance of multiplayer games that you'll need to be connected to the internet to play anyway. What Microsoft really seems to be doing is drawing the multiplayer crowd rather than the singleplayer crowd, a strategy that has only been tried in reverse by Nintendo. Yeah, that ended well. Anyway, I'd like to step back and leave on a positive note here. I've already trashed the ONE enough recently.


Microsoft really saved their own asses by focusing on games instead of the console. With a great new lineup of exclusives coming out in addition to multi-platform games such as CoD: Ghosts and Battlefield 4, the future doesn't look nearly as dim for the XBox ONE as it did yesterday.

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The only bad thign about the Xbone was the fact that they avoided the DRM stuff which is really fucking bullshit.

I enjoyed the conference and would give it a 6-7/10 due to the redemption of TV and DOGS. The technical failures were hilarious. But Halo 5/Killer Instinct look great. Titanfall is on PC so I can just get it there.

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