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Shiny Hunting



So I missed a LOT of things when I blew through the wards so I decided to redo it but this time I'm using only shiny mons as a challenge.


Currently hunting up a Shiny Torchic, I'll post a pic when I find one.


About the natures if it has an attack boosting nature  and a decent IV spred (Such as max attack and speed ivs) I'll keep it. I know people have used random natured mons playing through and won battles so I'm not going to be over picky but if I get Adament yay! Though I will reset over something that lowers its attack or speed since that its best stats.


Plus when I get ditto I can breed out a good natured and IV Shiny later in the game.

Edited by NueGirl
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4 minutes ago, NueGirl said:

So I missed a LOT of things when I blew through the wards so I decided to redo it but this time I'm using only shiny mons as a challenge.


Currently hunting up a Shiny Torchic, I'll post a pic when I find one.


About the natures if it has an attack boosting nature  and a decent IV spred (Such as max attack and speed ivs) I'll keep it. I know people have used random natured mons playing through and won battles so I'm not going to be over picky but if I get Adament yay! Though I will reset over something that lowers its attack or speed since that its best stats.


Plus when I get ditto I can breed out a good natured and IV Shiny later in the game.

Wrong section unless your looking to find specific locations. GL with your challenge though

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2 hours ago, StarryDreamerKitten said:

Wrong section unless your looking to find specific locations. GL with your challenge though

Oh were would I post it then and sure leave some pokes I can hunt that help cause I don't know every location.


Oh wait found a location list. Close or delete this then cause I have no idea how. New at posting stuff if you haven't noticed LOL

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Also later on in the game you can change the nature of any of your Pokemon for just 1 Heart Scale. The new nature is set randomly out of the total options but you can just keep resetting the game till you get the desired nature.

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