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Pokemon Reborn E17 Complete Speedrun Route


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Hello everyone, 


Let me begin my stating that this game is amazing and has given me probably hundreds of hours of enjoyment. 

I started a speedrun route for E17 a while back, and I wanted to finish it before E18. I did manage to complete a route and revised it a couple times and since E18 is hopefully out soon I figured I should share this before E18 comes out. 


Unfortunately working life has not allowed me to do a full, non-interrupted run. I have completed several segmented runs and if I had to guess they would range from 10-16 hours rta. My last finished run had an ingame time of 15 hours and 45 minutes, this however is affected by the speedup-function which is allowed according to 'my rules'.  Without it, the run would not be RTA viable. 


The route can be found here: (it's a 154 page .pdf document, 28mb in size) 



In general the run uses Blaziken with great stats and speed boost throughout the game. Blaziken is probably the best/easiest starter and therefore the most suitable for the speedrun. Notable fights with Blaziken include solo'ing Benny, Serra, Luna, Samson, and Titania. Early on we pick up male meowstic with good stats which will be used in battles until about lvl 50. After that it will be used for prankster screens and fake outs. Notable fights include solo'ing Corey and Kiki. We also pick up poochyena and use it early on, basically only to moxie cheese Julia and after that he's simply an hm slave. We catch a flyer early on (pidgey/pidove) but don't use it at all until we unlock fly. The next pokemon we get is Mareep which is used throughout the game. Notable fights include solo'ing Ciel and Amaria. We also pick up Corey's Nidorina. It has 3 random 31 IV stats. We try to get great stats with sheer force. Notable fights with Nidoqueen include Aya and Adrienn. We also get Sharpedo with speed boost from the Aqua event as a water pokemon. Sharpedo solo's Terra and is used in plenty of fights. We abuse destiny bond strats to get through Garchomp, Mewtwo and other legendary and pulse fights. A great benefit of these pokemon is that they gain boosted EXP. During the run a lot of items are picked up (seeds, heart scales, ability capsules) and bought. The most important items are definitly the x-items. To be honest, x-items completely break this game, which is why they are used in the speedrun. I would be really glad to see x items nerfed in E18, even though that would render this entire route useless. Ideally I would like to see x-items to only raise stats by 1 stage as well as being moved to like the top floor of the department store. I have shared this, and other feedback (such as fun bugs like skipping the part where you are stuck in the nuzleaf cage in Rhodocrine Jungle) with Amethyst already.


The route also features detailed instructions about various puzzles which could be helpful in a casual playthrough (route 2, finding Amaria, Tourmaline Desert Scrapyard). 


I hope I can do a full run before E18 and record it, but I don't think I can find the time for it. 

I invite you to take a look at the route and maybe try the route for yourself.  I will be checking out this topic every now and then. 


Thanks for reading.






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I've mulled this over in my head multiple times but didn't think anyone would actually be motivated enough to route out the game, so veeeeery impressive considering how much work you put into it. I'm interested in reading your... rather long pdf as I get a chance, it could be fun to get people into speedrunning this game!

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Thanks for the replies! I started routing with Bobelle because it was fun, we came up with some basic strats and concepts, which I then proceeded to work out further. Once I start something I usually get some sort of compulsion to finish it... 

I am currently recordeding segmented run, because I couldn't find the time to do a full non-interrupted run. Segmented basically means you do the run in parts. I do however only record each segment once, instead of going for a 'perfect' segment. So there is definitly a lot of room for improvement. Just movement alone is really bad (the game gets more laggy when I record it, which is due my relatively old laptop...)  I just finished the water treatment center area and the Taka fight there, I stopped the segment before entering Fiore mansion (that's being attacked by team meteor). The timer is at 6h 39m 19s currently.

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I finished a segmented run and recorded it in full, i'll be uploading those recordings to youtube. 

E: Here's a link to the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV1soDJJkbF-rbEtaunfccBjGi4-8gWPT



I completed the game in 7h 46m and 6 seconds, a lot faster than I expected originally. The endgame, from Adrienn > Amaria, felt really fast in particular. 




About the run

Segmented meaning I did the run in parts, rather then do it all in 1 sitting, I couldn't find the time for that.

Usually when speedrunners do a segmented run, they only accept perfect segments. I did not, because I wanted to emulate an RTA run as much as possibe. So every segment has only been recorded once. 


When it comes to timing the run, I used livesplit, a program that basically every speedrunner uses. I don't  know how to do a run with paused in livesplit, so what I did instead was simply pause the timer at the end of a segment, then write down the time and start the timer from that time when starting the next segment. 


I recored with OBS. Because my laptop is quite old I captured the game in 640x360 30fps. Anything higher made the game very laggy. 


Another thing to note is that I set my date and time to monday, 16th of July 2018 at about 8 am. This was for a couple reasons: 1) the weather was clear at the start (no rain to hinder torchic's ember), 2) when it's not nighttime you don't have to fight a guard in the jasper ward and 3) a certain trainer's with 4 squirtle's spawns on monday in the grand hall which is used to level ampharos and meowstic at some point. Since this was recorded over the course of a couple days, I also kept track of the time on my pc when stopping a segment, so that I could set the time back to that specific point when starting the next segment. This way no weird weather of time of day effects happened ingame. 


How 'good' was this run?

I'd say it is quite average. I made a lot of mistakes. RNG was not that bad although it felt like High Jump Kick was a 50/50 at times. Some fights were awful. I recall the aster and eclipse fight at route 3 to be horrendous. I think this was because Blaziken's stats were worse than other runs. Movement was terrible. This was the first time I recorded and played the game simultaneously and since my laptop is quite old the game was more laggy than usual which caused my movement to be horrendous. I also don't have a 2nd monitor so I had to check my route on my phone (the pdf file, see post #1).  So when it looks like i'm doing nothing ingame, it's probably because I checking my notes. Definitely a lot of room for improvement. 


I don't think I will be doing another run, but maybe. I will be another segmented run though. It depends on when E18 comes out. Also I'm pretty sure this route would be obsolete once E18 comes out. 






Edited by Arkadius
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