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Reborn Playthrough Teams/Suggestions


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Alright, well this is mostly for the new members and to keep things somewhat tidy. Simply you post your current playthrough team and post whatever advice you have: whether it is picking between on pokemon or another. Things like type advantages, weaknesses, good move sets for whatever gym you're facing/going to face, and having couple of back ups, if you're main partners become over-leveled.

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Well for Shade, the two that I had that helped me out in a way were Mightyena and Granbull since the type advantage that Mightyena has since it's a dark type and Granbull with it's high attack stat. But when I faced Shade my Mightyena was around level 33 and you can also get Houndour in the alley where the Magma Gang in the North Obsidian Ward. Also there is the Nuzleaf you can obtain after battling Shiftry and its Pokemon Gang, you can find them if you go in that Cave by the Beryl Ward Gym.

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There is this cave by the Beryl Ward gym, you should see the entrance if you just walk to where all the graves are. And when you travel through the cave and do a bit of exploring you should eventually find your way to a hideout that a bunch of Nuzleaf and a Shiftry. Careful though, because the Shiftry leader is at level 65.

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There is this cave by the Beryl Ward gym, you should see the entrance if you just walk to where all the graves are. And when you travel through the cave and do a bit of exploring you should eventually find your way to a hideout that a bunch of Nuzleaf and a Shiftry. Careful though, because the Shiftry leader is at level 65.

65? It was only 55 for me? Either you don't remember or Amethyst has changed it since you did it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I'm on my way to the second gym, and most of my team is starting to get near that level cap; which worries me. Should I keep my Kricketot lower leveled to go take on the gym? I just caught a pidove to add a bit of type advantange. Also, I just found the scraggy gang; does that mean I can catch one near by? I'm getting a bit worried at my type sets, considering I'm mostly normal based at this point... so yeah. Any tips really >W<

I'm also considering trying to get an entire team with uproar in their movesets. I'm srsly considering it. XD

Current Team; Spinda[lvl19], Whismur[lvl19], Kadara[lvl21], Kricketot[lvl16], Dewott [lvl19]

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So I'm on my way to the second gym, and most of my team is starting to get near that level cap; which worries me. Should I keep my Kricketot lower leveled to go take on the gym? I just caught a pidove to add a bit of type advantange. Also, I just found the scraggy gang; does that mean I can catch one near by? I'm getting a bit worried at my type sets, considering I'm mostly normal based at this point... so yeah. Any tips really >W<

I'm also considering trying to get an entire team with uproar in their movesets. I'm srsly considering it. XD

Current Team; Spinda[lvl19], Whismur[lvl19], Kadara[lvl21], Kricketot[lvl16], Dewott [lvl19]

Someone took on the gym by only using kricketot and fury cutter and won. So, kricketot will be useful if you go that route. As for the scraggy, "Uh, Scraggy should be in the slums, if you go back there you should find it. I just checked my Scraggy and its location is 'Obsidia Slums Back Room', so it should be...in a back room, if that helps you any." - Ashka I hope this helps ^_^

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Welp, I need some help for once. I'm at Aya right now and it looks like my team might go down. ;w; Any suggestions on a team or pokemon that can let me win?

Current Team:
Gardevoir [Lvl. 45]
Accelgor [Lvl. 30]

Magmar [Lvl. 45]

Porygon [Lvl. 39]

Feraligator [Lvl. 44]

Scrafty [Lvl. 43]

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@Cowtao, Magnemite and Geodude will be boss against Aya. Probably in the place of Porygon and Accelgor however you would then have 3 pokemon weak to fighting and only 1 resist so i would recomend rebalancing your team with something like ghastly later. On another hand i found stealth rock and steel types far too useful in this game.

For everyone else i was thinking to potentially make a rain team around my eevee (will breed for both vappy and joltein), torterra and Toxicroak. I was wondering if anybody else knew some rain abusers/strong setters in this game that i may have missed.

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Everyone and their mothers will probably tell you to use Gyarados so I'll avoid that (except for just now). Just looking at my own boxes to remind myself what exists so far and what doesn't, I see an Azurill-- Azumarill is actually pretty strong if you can get Huge Power on it, and it'll have Aqua Tail (90 base power) by level 21; it actually learns Rain Dance on top of that, at 35; and if you REALLY want to go full-competitive, you can get Superpower at level 42. I imagine Escavalier to be pretty good in Rain as well, as its only weakness is eliminated. I'd also vote for Lanturn because it has much-needed bulk and potential Water/Volt Absorb, although at the same time it's, and I hate to say this because I love it, pretty bad overall. I stopped using it after I beat Aya, but then again I stopped using a lot of things then (or before) like Noctowl, Gigalith and Crawdaunt. ... Speaking of Crawdaunt, it's not terrible either, especially with Adaptability, and you might even be able to get Dragon Dance on it with a little effort c: (not yet, of course, since it comes from the Horsea and Dratini lines)

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I ain't exactly good with Rain. I don't run it as I run a rather mixed set. I kinda replaced a few of the pokemon on the way. Would these changes help scale the odds?

Accelgor - Spiritomb
Porygon - Zangoose

Edit: I just now see that he meant that towards the guy above him. :I Sorry!

Edited by Cowtao
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Oh, yeah, sorry I guess I should have mentioned that first.

Umm, I think Porygon will be okay once it evolves at least- Porygon2 is pretty decent in different roles, depending on its ability. Keep it as a backup if anything. Zangoose is fine (especially if it has Toxic Boost and you get poisoned). As I recall, Ghost resists Poison so Spiritomb would be nice too... Seconding Magnezone though, if you're just looking to beat Aya. It's probably the easiest win-button you can have for her, although I think Ame is changing some things in the next release so that might change?

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H-Badger (Typhlosion) lv. 53 Flash Fire

Yuna (Gardevoir) lv. 52 Synchronize

Carpy (Gyrados) lv 51 Intimidate

Tweeter (Unfezent) lv 49 Super Luck

Auriol (Lucario) lvl 35 Steadfast

Sprout (Ivysaur) lvl 28 Overgrow

This is my current team. Unfezent will be replaced with Flygon once I finish training up Lucario. My question is if I should keep Ivysaur. I managed to get a timid Gastly, but honestly, Gengar isn't one of my prefered pokemon. I also don't want to lose my Fire/Grass/Water defensive core. But on the other hand, Ivysaur has overgrow, and also since I am not using a sun team, Venasaur would not be used to the fullest.

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Crobat/Jolly/Infiltrator (Acrobatics/Bite/Confuse ray) lvl 33

Ninetails/Timid/Drought (Flamethrower/WoW/Hex/Confuse Ray) lvl 34

Venusaur/Timid/Chlorophyll (Sleep Powder/Growth/Double Edge/Grass Knot) lvl 34

Magmar/Hasty/Flame body (Flamethrower/Fire Punch/Faint attack/smokescreen) lvl 33

That the official team,

Additions to be added:



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H-Badger (Typhlosion) lv. 53 Flash Fire

Yuna (Gardevoir) lv. 52 Synchronize

Carpy (Gyrados) lv 51 Intimidate

Tweeter (Unfezent) lv 49 Super Luck

Auriol (Lucario) lvl 35 Steadfast

Sprout (Ivysaur) lvl 28 Overgrow

This is my current team. Unfezent will be replaced with Flygon once I finish training up Lucario. My question is if I should keep Ivysaur. I managed to get a timid Gastly, but honestly, Gengar isn't one of my prefered pokemon. I also don't want to lose my Fire/Grass/Water defensive core. But on the other hand, Ivysaur has overgrow, and also since I am not using a sun team, Venasaur would not be used to the fullest.

Well you don't have have Chlorophyll on it anyway, so not sure why you mentioned that unless you planned to breed for it. Venasaur is a pretty good Pokemon though, and grass/poison is not a terrible offensive type combination for in-game. The only problem is that I don't think sludge bomb is in the game as a TM yet, so you have no way to get it on Venasaur. Other than that, Venasaur has the semi-reliable sleep powder, good recovery, and decent bulk.

Gengar, on the other hand, is more of a glass cannon. It has really good special attack and speed, so it hits hard and fast. The problem with Gengar in this game (so far) is its movepool. Part of the reason why Gengar is so good is because of all the TMs it learns, and almost all of them are unavailable thus far. Ghost STAB is not utterly terrible for offensive typing, but is not great either when used alone. Dark Pulse gets the same coverage, so no use there either. Tbh though I like Gengar more I would have to recommend Venasaur.

Personally I would not go with Flygon, because it has similar problems to Gengar. Its best STAB moves so far as dragon claw and dig/earth power, unless you plan to level up Trapinch to level 55 first to learn earthquake. A much better choice (in my opinion) would be Staraptor, which has very good stats and two excellent abilities. Reckless would pair pretty well with brave bird, pushing the move over 200 base power with STAB. Close combat pairs very well with normal/flying coverage, and the best thing is it learns all of these through level up at decent levels.

Well that's everything I had to say, sorry for the long post but hope it helped you :]

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Thanks Desper, your thoughts are very helpful. Yes, I mentioned that I am not using Sun because I do have the option of breeding for chlorophyll, but also because Venasaur's learn set also seems to use sun as a crutch. Growth, Synthesis, and SolarBeam are three great options for Venasaur, that when used in sun, go from good/barely usable to great. While you do have a point that Gengar's fragility is a problem, I decided to keep him due to couple are reasons: Ground and Normal immunities help, and already having the TMs for sludge wave and shadow ball, and lastly, the ease of grinding. While training my Ivysaur, I found that the coverage provided by its learn-set is virtually non existent. The best place I've found for grinding it is in caves, where pokemon such as Geodude, Sanslash, and Onix, all take super effective damage grass. But the Zubats and Golbats that pop up are a nightmare for my green friend. 4x resisting grass and all having stab wing attacks. All this time I was having, what I can only call some poke-ralated PTSD flashes from remembering my Venasaur faint from a sheer cold from Lorelei in my Fire Red Nuzlocke.

As for Flygon, yes, I am currently having my Trapinch nicknamed DragonZord hold an everstone. Flygon is my favorite pokemon, so I am keeping him for fun more than anything else. He also has great synergy with Gyarados and Gengar, because the Stab Earthquake will come in handy down the line, since I know many of the gym leaders have had to be fought in doubles battles. Starraptor, while hitting harder with 120 base atk, I feel relies too much on recoil moves, and is another liability when facing electric types, such as those belonging to the Doctor. Gyarados, already is 4x weak to electric, and I would rather keep him than say, train up a Swampert. Flygon on the other hand, will them hard. Thanks for the advice.

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Well yeah, if you're talking about grinding, then Venasaur is very underwhelming. I was talking more about usefulness in terms of the main story. If I were to use it personally, I would breed giga drain over from my roselia so it has a more reliable attacking move. Sleep powder is cool because you can just set up growths and synthesis when needed, then sweep with giga drain. Imo that makes a better use of the level-up movesets than Gengar does (speaking of which, Gengar can't learn sludge wave, I checked before I made the first post).

The reason I recommended another flying type was because Venusaur can absorb electric attacks like they are nothing. It's understandable that you wouldn't want to use Staraptor though, since you preferred to keep Gengar and really want to use Flygon.

One thing I don't really understand though is that you say you had a tough time grinding Ivysaur (which evolves at level 32) and yet you are going to grind Trapinch up to 55. Not that I am bashing you for wanting the best moveset on your favorite Pokemon, I can totally understand that. I just don't understand how you can dismiss Venusaur because of grinding phobia when you are willing to grind one of the frailest, slowest Pokemon in existence to 55. Idk why, that just kind of baffles me. I guess everyone has their differences though xD

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Oh, did I write Ivysaur last time? Yeah I evolved it already. But the grinding for me was just annoying around lvl 40, so I stopped and moved onto Gastly. Oh yeah, You are right about sludge wave, since I remembered Aya used it with her Gengar, I just assume it could use the TM, but then it turns out Sludge wave is a Dream World move for Gastly, which I think is sort of unfair. Somehow Aya got a Gastly from spooky manor in the dream world, but whatever. I didn't mean to diss Venasaur, I love the thing, but after using petal dance and double edge a ton of times, I was really sort of annoyed with recoil and confusion. So I decided that a training a Gengar was going to a better use of time than breeding a new Bulbasaur. I too would like to breed gigadrain, but since I have a male Venasaur, I would fist have to breed a female one. 1/8 chance of that, and then I would need to breed for gigadrain and chlorophyll. As for Trapinch, it is sort of a challenge, but I promissed myself I would love the crap out of this thing after Voltorb flipping the 10,000 coins needed for it. It's speed isn't really a problem, because I just go to the Wasteland and dig on a bunch of Ekans, Arbok, (also helps that they always seem to use swallow first turn) Grimer, and Muk. It's atk is awesome for an unevolved pokemon, so it is a labor of love. It also helps that I have a Jolly nature, so I know once it evolves, it will wreck.

Edited by JayDo
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