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Reborn Playthrough Teams/Suggestions


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i highly suggest having some pokemon with pick up handy for those times when a new pokemon needs to play a game of catch up the pick up ability gives so many useful items like hyper potions and full heals in fact today on of my pokes picked up my first ultra ball and a couple of king's rocks, its a ability i highly recommend resetting for if need be

pokemon with pick up early game are pachirisu, zigzagoon and lillipup too sort off

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i highly suggest having some pokemon with pick up handy for those times when a new pokemon needs to play a game of catch up the pick up ability gives so many useful items like hyper potions and full heals in fact today on of my pokes picked up my first ultra ball and a couple of king's rocks, its a ability i highly recommend resetting for if need be

pokemon with pick up early game are pachirisu, zigzagoon and lillipup too sort off

What level is your pokemon with pickup? I need dem King's Rocks' for a Drizzletoad. :D

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my pachirisu is 11 im pretty sure one of the kings rock was his the other two im not too sure but yeah low levels around the teens is when you can get kings rock pretty rare though and i have three lol just next time you grind have the three i mentioned in the team and dont get your hopes up youll find one eventually

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Im trying to get past Serra, and her Snow Cloak/Hail/Blizzard combo is destroying my team. I have a lvl 50 Blaziken, Lvl 46 Gastrodon, Lvl 49 Alakazam, Lvl 46 Purugly, Lvl 46 Drapion and a Lvl 46 Gardevoir. Any team suggestions/ strategies?

I'd say the same as (apparently) most people, which is Drought Ninetales. If you have/get one and send it out with Blaziken, the battle should be easy enough (as long as neither dies)

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I think if you breed it with a Ditto you have a chance of hatching one. Abilities on eggs were bugged in Ep 8 (I'm not sure now), but since Vulpix only has 2 possible abilities you should be fine I think...

While on the subject of weather-inducing Pokemon, has ANYONE been able to get a drizzletoad? My toads are all damp or water-absorbant.

Edited by Khayoz
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So Im trying to get past Serra, and her Snow Cloak/Hail/Blizzard combo is destroying my team. I have a lvl 50 Blaziken, Lvl 46 Gastrodon, Lvl 49 Alakazam, Lvl 46 Purugly, Lvl 46 Drapion and a Lvl 46 Gardevoir. Any team suggestions/ strategies?

For your case you need to get a weather inducer (heck can just be sandstorm/sunny day/rain dance as a move) to get rid of hail as for now you only have 1 poke to hurt her team hard and that's Blaziken. Since this is a doubles battle, you need at least 2 to dent her at the same time to shrug off the potential her hail team brings.. I managed to beat her without a weather inducer cause my team had 3 fighting types (Infernape, Scrafty, and Toxicrank) and a steel type (Magnezone) so I did a lot of super effective damage to her that could bypass her BS after having statistics finally work in my favor (not missing due to snow cloak + brightpowder)

Edited by Ussi
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