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Official Pokemon Breeding help please


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I'm officially into breeding pokemon. It all started on Reborn. During episode 15 I EV trained my main team members. Of course after EV training the immediate next thing that comes to mind is IV breeding. My first IV bred pokemon was a Goomy. Only 3 perfect ivs but I learnt so much stuff. Reborn is essentially a free breeding simulator. 


I can see IVs and EVs of all my Pokemon perfectly in Reborn and can change nature at will. This makes it extremely easy to breed pokemon in the game and I love it. Problem is that this is never going to be a thing in official Nintendo games. So my question is exactly how do I breed properly in Pokemon Black 2?

I'm playing it on an emulator but don't want to cheat. I'll beat the champion sometime but then it's all about the PWT where every Pokemon has perfect IVs and EVs.


I want to breed at least a Hydreigon properly so that it'll be good in the tournament and even the battle subway. But how do I see what IVs and EVs my Pokemon has? How long does it take to get a good nature even with the everstone gimics? When do I know to use a destiny knot? How to know when the EV training is complete? If someone who's done breeding before could help then it would be appreciated. I just want to breed my favorite Pokemon properly once for the fun of it. Thanks.

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1 hour ago, Zander said:

I'm officially into breeding pokemon. It all started on Reborn. During episode 15 I EV trained my main team members. Of course after EV training the immediate next thing that comes to mind is IV breeding. My first IV bred pokemon was a Goomy. Only 3 perfect ivs but I learnt so much stuff. Reborn is essentially a free breeding simulator. 


I can see IVs and EVs of all my Pokemon perfectly in Reborn and can change nature at will. This makes it extremely easy to breed pokemon in the game and I love it. Problem is that this is never going to be a thing in official Nintendo games. So my question is exactly how do I breed properly in Pokemon Black 2?

I'm playing it on an emulator but don't want to cheat. I'll beat the champion sometime but then it's all about the PWT where every Pokemon has perfect IVs and EVs.


I want to breed at least a Hydreigon properly so that it'll be good in the tournament and even the battle subway. But how do I see what IVs and EVs my Pokemon has? How long does it take to get a good nature even with the everstone gimics? When do I know to use a destiny knot? How to know when the EV training is complete? If someone who's done breeding before could help then it would be appreciated. I just want to breed my favorite Pokemon properly once for the fun of it. Thanks.

Use this calculator to check the Ivs. Keep a count a of the Evs that you gain. save often!




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59 minutes ago, luis said:

Use this calculator to check the Ivs. Keep a count a of the Evs that you gain. save often!




I entered stats for modest Dieno at level 1 with zero EVs and it says that sp attack IVs could be anywhere between 0-31. So it's basically clueless. At level 10 however on entering the highest stat it said the sp attack IVs could be 24-31. Does this mean that I have to level up the Pokemon just hatched from the egg so that IVs can be predicted better? Is that normal to do or is there an easier method to simply determine IVs?

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58 minutes ago, Zander said:

I entered stats for modest Dieno at level 1 with zero EVs and it says that sp attack IVs could be anywhere between 0-31. So it's basically clueless. At level 10 however on entering the highest stat it said the sp attack IVs could be 24-31. Does this mean that I have to level up the Pokemon just hatched from the egg so that IVs can be predicted better? Is that normal to do or is there an easier method to simply determine IVs?

It is, since the higher the stats, the clearer will be the variations caused by the IVs.


There's another way,  but it isn't as reliable imo. Its the Iv checker guy. you can find him in the battle subway after you beat the E4.

Here is a guide for him:



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1 hour ago, Zander said:

I entered stats for modest Dieno at level 1 with zero EVs and it says that sp attack IVs could be anywhere between 0-31. So it's basically clueless. At level 10 however on entering the highest stat it said the sp attack IVs could be 24-31. Does this mean that I have to level up the Pokemon just hatched from the egg so that IVs can be predicted better? Is that normal to do or is there an easier method to simply determine IVs?

Ultra Sun and  Moon

Hatch 20 eggs and beat the elite four an ace trainer at the battle tree will unlock the ability for you to see your IVs including any in the PC if that helps at all it also might be available in Sun and moon not too sure though

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6 hours ago, luis said:

It is, since the higher the stats, the clearer will be the variations caused by the IVs.


There's another way,  but it isn't as reliable imo. Its the Iv checker guy. you can find him in the battle subway after you beat the E4.

Here is a guide for him:



Ah that seems more easier to do. Thanks for the link.



I don't have either of those games so I can't use those techniques.

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On 8/1/2018 at 12:23 PM, Zander said:

I'm officially into breeding pokemon. It all started on Reborn. During episode 15 I EV trained my main team members. Of course after EV training the immediate next thing that comes to mind is IV breeding. My first IV bred pokemon was a Goomy. Only 3 perfect ivs but I learnt so much stuff. Reborn is essentially a free breeding simulator. 


I can see IVs and EVs of all my Pokemon perfectly in Reborn and can change nature at will. This makes it extremely easy to breed pokemon in the game and I love it. Problem is that this is never going to be a thing in official Nintendo games. So my question is exactly how do I breed properly in Pokemon Black 2?

I'm playing it on an emulator but don't want to cheat. I'll beat the champion sometime but then it's all about the PWT where every Pokemon has perfect IVs and EVs.


I want to breed at least a Hydreigon properly so that it'll be good in the tournament and even the battle subway. But how do I see what IVs and EVs my Pokemon has? How long does it take to get a good nature even with the everstone gimics? When do I know to use a destiny knot? How to know when the EV training is complete? If someone who's done breeding before could help then it would be appreciated. I just want to breed my favorite Pokemon properly once for the fun of it. Thanks.

Hey, I did a ton of this in Black 2! Even though this guide is for X/Y, a lot of the breeding process + the basics are still the same so it's a really, really good read. Some tips:


Write down your goals. I like to know Nature, IVs, EVs, and moveset (especially if my pokemon needs egg moves). For example, let's say I wanted the following pokemon: Modest nature Hydreigon, 31 IVs in every stat but Attack, Dark Pulse/Roost/Flamethrower/Draco Meteor, 252 Special Attack/4 Special Defense/252 Speed EVs. As it says in that guide I linked, a pokemon with 5 out of 6 perfect IVs is perfectly fine. You don't need all 6 IVs unless it's for your own satisfaction. My example Hydreigon won't use any physical attacks, so I won't worry about breeding good Attack IVs at all.


Get some helpful tools. Basically, the following:

  • Flame Body/Magma Armor. If you have a pokemon with Flame Body or Magma Armor in your party, eggs hatch in half the time.
  • Destiny Knot. When held by a parent, a  Destiny Knot selects 5 random IVs from the parents and passes them down to the baby. You use the Destiny Knot when you have parents with multiple good IVs. (Example: My Venusaur has 31 IVs in HP, Defense, Speed, and Special Attack. My Raticate has 31 IVs in HP, Speed, and Attack. If one of these pokemon holds a Destiny Knot, their baby has a chance to inherit 31 IVs in HP, Defense, Special Attack, Speed, and Attack!)
  • Everstone. When held by a pokemon, it passes its nature to its baby 100% of the time. Once you actually have a parent with the nature you want, it's super easy to pass it on.
  • Some Power Items. They speed up EV training dramatically, but they also have a use in breeding. When held by a pokemon, it passes down one specific IV to the baby. So, Power Lens passes down the Special Attack IV from the parent that holds it, Power ANklet passes speed, etc. I normally use these for EV training, not breeding tbh, but they have their uses.

90% of the time spent breeding is having one parent hold the Everstone to pass down nature and having one parent hold the Destiny Knot to pass down IVs from both parents. Anytime you get a baby that has better IVs than a parent, you replace the parent with the baby.  You just make progressively better babies until you get the 5 IV pokemon you want.


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