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Final Decision. Strongest Pokemon Champion.


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Who's the one?

Here's their team for reference:



Heracross, Tyranitar, Arcanine, Gyarados, Venasaur and Alakazam



Skarmory, Armaldo, Cradily, Aggron, Claydoll and regular Metagross



Spiritomb, Rosarade, Garchomp, Togekiss, Lucario, Milotic



Hydreigon, Aggron, Salamence, Lapras, Archeops, Haxorus


Haven't included other champions from any generations because I don't think they're worth mentioning. Also no mega Metagross for Steven because it would be highly unfair as no other games have been remade to fit in megas.


My personal opinion is between Blue and Iris. Blue because of his op team and Iris because of dragon dance Haxorus.

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Red beat Blue. Red is Champion status, at least as per Bulbapedia. Red > Blue. Red is THE champion, especially if we include Megas.

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You could take that logic but his title still says pokemon trainer Red even though he appears in the PWT in the champion category. So I'm only considering official champions whom you know you'll always find in the Pokemon league.



In gen 4 of course she's the champion so she's tough. But what if you compare her to other champion teams? And how about her difficulty in platinum as compared to Blue's difficulty in Pokemon Fire Red?

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24 minutes ago, Zander said:


You could take that logic but his title still says pokemon trainer Red even though he appears in the PWT in the champion category. So I'm only considering official champions whom you know you'll always find in the Pokemon league.



In gen 4 of course she's the champion so she's tough. But what if you compare her to other champion teams? And how about her difficulty in platinum as compared to Blue's difficulty in Pokemon Fire Red?

well wallace, dianthe and even lance are champions and they are quiet easy in their games.

Never had a problem with Blue in FR/LG but I was quite familiar with his team. Cynthia caught me without an Ice type move and that was a challenge 😄 


What are the criteria for comparing with the others? are we counting fairy types? Gen 7 moves? 

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Cynthia. Need I even explain why? the first champ to have such a balanced team (Yes, I know Blue had a balanced team, but as Balanced as Cynthia?), THAT GARCHOMP nd, you know, having few real holes in her team

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I believe the issue with red is less him beating blue and more him being a Player Character. because if Red Counts, then why not all the other protagonists? they beat their champions, right? Plus, red is NEVER stated to be the champion in the games itself, so why would he count here?

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If you ask me, either Blue or Cynthia.


If we were to include Megas though (as every champion has at least 1 possible Mega), I would say that it would either go to Blue or Iris.


Reason being I see Blue having either Mega Alakazam or Mega Venusaur, and then Iris having Mega Salamence. Cynthia could have Mega Lucario, but it is doubtful as that isn't her signature Pokemon. And Steven has a decent enough team, especially with Megagross, but it doesn't hold to the the others if they all had Megas as well.

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Even if Red would count ( And I think he counts since in Gen 7 Blue says that both himself and Red were former Champions), I wouldn´t appoint him as the strongest champion. Maybe in regard of levels but the only pokemon of him which used to be a problem in every playthrough of Gen 2 and 4 was Snorlax and in Gen 7 he also wasn´t that great (in my opinion). But maybe there are some who look at him from an other perspective.

For me the only champion who posed a real threat was Cynthia as she is is the most balanced champion in my opinion.

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Well everyone seems to be having problems comparing so lets take the latest generation.

All pokemon are fighting in ultra sun and ultra moon. But there are no megas or z moves on any team.

Now here are the two criteria to consider:

1) If you had to build a team to fight these champions in USUM without megas and z moves, who would give the toughest challenge? All pokemon except any legendary Pokemon or ultra beasts are allowed.


2) In each respective generation, which Champion gave you the most trouble even after you knew how to use all three starters effectively?

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Cynthia. Her team is extremely good, with balanced uses and are overall quite powerful.


Blue is second as his team is also quite good, but with more of a take the most powerful Pokemon in Kanto and throw them together than a coherent strategy (which fits his character pretty much to a T.)


Steven would probably be third.


As for the others:


Red's team sucks. I'm sorry but it does. It was built for story reasons to give him the mascot of the franchise and avoid a canon starter. He's powerful in his games solely because of levels.

Lance's team is just kinda boring, and his overreliance on Dragonite gives him crucial weaknesses.

Wallace barely qualifies as a Champion IMO. But even so his team is just not very good.

Alder isn't even important enough to be the end boss of the League, and his team is easier than the Elite 4 when you do fight him.

Iris's team similiarly is awful.

Diantha's team is built that way for flavor reasons rather than them actually being good.

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