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Interesting dreams you've had?


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Recently I had a weird dream where some man shot 2 guys as revenge for something. He then shot a third guy and when he did that he said "when I heard the third shot I realized that I was truly blind". A bit creepy right~ So what interesting dreams have the people of reborn had?

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Had a dream where I was in a weird room and a man came in pouring gasoline and literally pulled a torch out of thin air and said ''Today we die'' then I woke up screaming.  Thought I was screaming in my head till my cousin asked me are you ok lol.

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I remember being chased by long black haired woman with white long dress. And she chased me by creeping really fast, and bit my leg then I got paralyzed and fell down on a bed on roller and she pushed my bed to the wall and keeps walking on. I still remember the 90 degrees orientation that time. Then she put white clothes on me and I hear a melody which is my alarm and woke up.


That's a creepiest dream I had until now.


The saddest one is a dream where I go back to my hometown which somehow someway was in ruin because of war I never remember and never exist in real world. Then I was in a car with my parents and until we reached a building, I go out and wandering in an open area quite far from my parents then suddenly a plane appeared above my head and dropping bomb on me. Knowing I have zero chance of surviving, I immediately turned to my parents and shouts "You had to believe that I love you both!". Then the bomb explodes and I woke up crying.


I still have no idea why I'm saying that.

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I'll copy/paste some of my dreams from the ace club, since we have a dreams thread there too.


I was in a room with some other people. We all had supplies at our tables and a computer in front of us. Someone was instructing us on how to build something (was never specified what). She told us to pick up the gummy bears we had, but I looked and I didn't have any gummy bears. I just had four tootsie rolls and some smarties. I felt like I was being excluded. Then someone came over and sucked up all my candy into his nostrils. I shot lightning from my hands and knocked him out.

I then noticed a game was running on my computer. The setting was what looked like a laboratory with alien technology. I went up to a computer in the game and interacted with it. It asked me for a password. I thought "I guess I need to look around and find out", but the game wouldn't let me exit out of the password screen, so I had no way of knowing what it was. After a few minutes, the computer sucked me in and I was now physically in this room.

I searched the room and found a gun loaded with marinara sauce that could also be turned into a fan. I picked it up and explored the lab. In one room there were fans that weren't running, so I turned my marinara sauce gun into a fan to get them spinning. When I activated them all, a door opened to the exit, taking me to a cafeteria. The entrance and exit to the cafeteria was a ramp, but a voice in my head told me not to go down the ramp because I needed a pass (which I didn't have), and the staff down there were armed with spear guns.




I was placed in a psychiatric hospital for destroying government buildings and police stations. It looked more like a hotel than a hospital. I got my own room, which had a big bed and a lot of space. There actually wasn't any kind of treatment going on, and I never saw a staff member. We were pretty much free to wander around wherever we wanted, and we had access to all our personal items (clothes, toiletries, phones, etc.). It wasn't safe, though. Every day there were shootings and stabbings. I didn't talk to anyone except this one polite fancy-dressed man who said hi to everyone and shook peoples' hands. One night someone from a room near me was firing explosive bullets into another room, which left holes in the walls. I ran way, and someone was in front of my door. She had a red hoodie on. As I approached her, more people came to where we were. I asked her "What's happening?" She responded "I don't know." Then she was silent for a few seconds before saying "Wake up." And then I woke up.




I was climbing some blocks in the clouds with some people and had super jumping ability, but when it was time to go back down, everyone else just jumped down confident that they had the right angle to reach the faraway platform and they were spinning around in the air to gain momentum but I didn't know how to do that. Somehow I ended up lower but still not on the ground. Someone who looked like Dwayne the Rock Johnson  was advertising a bag of doritos that would let me back down to the ground safely but required I actually jump first to get them. I did but somebody else got the bag first.

Later I was somewhere where they had "goth cookies", which were golden Oreos with a green filling. Someone offered me one but the one I picked up had a spider on it and we both panicked. I felt the spider crawling on my neck and woke up. Fortunately, the spider was just part of the dream.




Favorite dream:

I was playing hide and seek with an elephant/cow hybrid in a garden. It was usually easy to find because its trunk stuck out of the bushes. At one point, we were playing near a tower which supported an object that was shaped like a diamond, had a white, powdery texture and was surrounded by a black structure (I forgot the shape and other details; I just remember it was black). I accidentally knocked it over.
Almost immediately, someone appeared before me. Apparently the object I knocked over was very important to the garden people and the elephant/cow. She summoned a black staff that's tip was a clear, see-through dome with a purple flame inside (it reminded me of Chandelure). When she summoned the staff, her entire appearance changed. She now had long purple hair, yellow eyes, and extremely pale skin with a grayish tint.
The scene changed. I assume what happened between that scene and the next was that I explained that it was an accident and we became friends.
Now we were playing tag in a building which was part school, part shopping mall, part science museum. I had to handicap myself a lot because I was more than twice as fast as her. First we went through a classroom, then a room with a lot of glow-in-the-dark objects, then a shopping mall. To the east, the mall led to the science museum, where someone in a white lab coat was standing in front of something on display and speaking to a group of people, all of which looked fascinated.
The artifact was round and deep blue, with parts of it that were yellow. It looked like if you touched it, it would feel like a mixture of static cling and silk. I don't remember all of the explanation, but the artifact had something to do with ocean currents and lightning. It was supposedly important for understanding more about the world and helping people.

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I somewhat recently had a dream where I was playing a mobile app that cast an illusion on me to make others see an attractive girl when they look at me while it's on and running. I was at an amusement park and was getting hit on by a lot of guys.

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Once, I head a dream where some of my former classmates had a party. They rented a house. On the next day, i met their parents. They told me that my classmates never returned home. After hearing that, i went to the place where they held the party. For some odd reason the drinks, the snacks and everything else was untouched. After that i found some secret passage. But i woke up, right when i took the first step inside. Needless to say, i never found out what happened to them.

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I was eating lunch on a train, sitting next to a robot that looked like a human child. Once I was finished I explored the train. At one point I saw two people loudly and passionately talking about Dr. Who and its impact on society. One of them was wearing a labcoat and the other was muscular and had three teeth, all of which were yellow. The one with the labcoat noticed me and asked where I was going. I said I was just exploring the train, and he said there's a lab in the back and he's an assistant there. We went to the lab in the back. There was another person wearing a labcoat, and a giant green gummy bear wearing a top hat who was the head scientist doing a study. The assistant said in order to participate in the study, I'd have to give up the big toe on my left foot. I agreed. He sat me down in a chair and brought a circular container half-filled with water. He put my left foot in the container, pulled off the big toe with no effort whatsoever, and wrapped it in bandages. It turned into a giant isopod.




I was in a car. There was someone else in the car with me, who was constantly arguing with the driver. At some point we weren't in the car anymore (I don't remember what happened in between being in the car and not being in it). We walked past a wall of tall bushes into a shopping center looking area. There was one large building, and spelled out in red, white, and black letters on the front was "This building was made from every cow in the world!" I went inside. There was a bakery just left of the entrance. There was a line of people, and the baker was making a blueberry pie with weed inside it for the person at the front of the line. After that was done, the next people, a husband and wife, came up and made an order (I don't remember what they ordered). The husband said, in a voice that sounded like he was experiencing the highest level of happiness humanly possible, "My uncle makes the best weed. Maybe next time I'm here I'll give you some." The baker smiled and said "I look forward to it!" The husband, wife, and person behind them in line all simultaneously said "Eeeeeeeeee".




I was a spirit observing a couple in a car. I possessed the man and made him eat potato chips. The wife got angry and said "What did I tell you about eating potato chips in the car?!" Pedestrians, police officers, and other drivers pointed guns at them.

Scene change. I was now at an island nation of people who worship fish. I went inside a temple, which was a popular tourist place. Scattered around the temples were batteries. I somehow learned (as in the knowledge came to me randomly) that inside the batteries were trapped souls. I went to someone working there and was offered a piece of garlic bread to not tell anyone about it. I ate the garlic bread, then I found a wrecking ball and used it to destroy the temple, freeing the souls.

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In another dream of mine I cam back to the area that I'm living in now and found that it was in ruins. I then went into my house and found that the only person left in it was my mum. The rest of my family was nowhere to be seen. I then started singing a song to cheer my mother up. We then both eventually started dancing and then I woke up. A sad but kind of nice dream.


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I was watching videos of a game on Youtube. The game seemed serious at first but quickly started making less sense, like it was becoming a parody of itself. It took place in an underwater city in a similar way to Spongebob, from what I could tell. I don't remember many details of what was going on when it was serious, just that it was an RPG. What I do remember is a mother urging the player to find her daughter, and saying that she couldn't put up missing posters because she was allergic to them. Then the player goes to an abandoned factory where a mysterious voice over the intercom talks about the history of things exploding in this factory. The voice said there was a giant rat that inhabited the factory, and there was a person who tried to pet the rat, and when he did the rat's tail detached and the rat exploded. 


The scene changed to a spy who was dressed like Santa Claus. Among his equipment was a seatbelt that was wearing a Santa hat. It fell off in a fight, and he said "How is it supposed to sleep warm at night now?" 


I woke up from the sound of my own laughter from having this dream.




I accidentally poured lemonade into a bowl of cereal instead of milk. But after I did that, I remembered I already poured milk into a bowl of cereal earlier, and it was right next to the bowl with lemonade in it. Then I put one of the bowls (I forget which) into the microwave for some reason.




I was on the "final planet" at the "edge of the universe", which I assume means the closest planet to the point where the universe currently ends. I could see space and the view was like I was playing a game on a handheld system. There were actually a few Ace Trainers there that I battled. I advanced to the next area through a white space and I was in a room where people were carving watermelons.

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  • 1 month later...
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Last night I had a dream I lived somewhere that was like NYC. I had a sword under my pillow, and I'd apparently won a lot of swordfighting tournaments. I was enrolled in some kind of program where they had a daily task for participants to do, and I'd just started. There was an official location for participants to go when they did this, but you could also do it from home, which was what I was doing. The first task was to cook a hot dog in a microwave. For some reason, before I put the hot dog in the microwave I cut about a third of it off and separated it from the rest of the hot dog. 


Later that night, there was a news program on and it was one of the reporters' birthday. The oldest looking reporter called him over, and they got into an argument about putting a coffee machine at their workplace. The younger reporter thought it was unnecessary, and the older reporter yelled at him sarcastically. "YEAH, WHO IN THE WORLD LIKES COFFEE?" He kept repeating this, yelling louder and louder each time until the whole city could hear him. This disturbed some nearby pirates, who decided to bomb the city. Apparently this was the second time these pirates had bombed the city because people were being loud, and a warning on the news advised people to stay as close to the moon as possible to avoid getting caught in the blast. 

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I don't dream often, but my most morbid dream that I can recall is probably the one where I got shot up near a lake during fall, then somehow transitioned into diving down into the lake before finally drowning. I do have a profound hatred for having things stuck in my skin, so I probably wouldn't be too happy about being shot and realizing that, but I think the shock of actually being shot would overpower that feeling of disgust and fear entirely, so I'd probably seek help rather than drown myself, lol. The interesting thing is that most of my dreams seemingly end with me dying, or at least that's the most distinctive part that I remember afterwards.

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Last night I dreamed that I was part of a team of ~3 ppl fighting to save the world, and were on our last mission where we had to get to I-forget-where to do I-forget-what. Part of the journey was to climb a vertical wall. Then there was this guy whom I'm supposed to know (think Fern in Reborn) who said "you thought you could get away with it? Too bad" and then he pressed a button and the floor beneath us opened to reveal boiling hot lava. I'm bad at physical exertion so I thought this was the end, but I was better at climbing walls in the dream than I expected so I made it to the top with much effort, and so did my team. We thought that was it but at the top we found enemy dude back at it again, this time with four bombs. He told us what he was going to do with those bombs but I forget. Out of no where, Bianca and Hugh from Gen 5 Pokemon games appeared and Hugh somehow swung around and pushed enemy guy into the lava. Wow. I woke up hearing enemy dude complaining about that heat and wondering where the fucc Bianca and Hugh appeared from.

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I had a dream last night where me and a friend were travelling in the digital world from Digimon together. I didn't do anything at all that had to do with digimon yesterday but I guess my brain just wanted to dream about digimon for some reason.

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I was at a building that looked like a school. I was meeting someone here who in the reality of this dream was a friend of a friend who I'd talked to a few times on the Internet. She was guiding me throughout the building and eventually we were in a cafeteria. She asked me a question. I don't remember the question but my response was "I'd always protect my friends!...I think." She grabbed my cheeks and shook my face up and down, saying that I needed to have more faith in myself, so I did. Then a chef said donuts were here, so I got excited. A person at the nearest table said I needed to calm down.



Someone was kidnapped and I was on a quest to save them! My quest took me to a white building with black circles on the ceiling where toilet plungers formed, small at first but growing to the size of regular plungers before falling to the ground and vanishing (this was an infinite loop, not a single event). When I got to the end I had a conversation with a fortune teller, who was a middle aged Italian lady with an afro. (Human) skeletons emerged from the ground. I got on one's back and rode it to a mall where the kidnapped person was taken.

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I've had a rather.....interesting dream last night.

What had happened was that a rumor has passed through the media that if you got a text from a certain number, said text shows up in a very specific way. No matter your version of your phone, the screen goes green, red, or blue. No one knows this number at all. If you try looking it up, you will find nothing. 


If you get this text in a green color, the media said a green knight appears out of no where and makes you literally fade away from the world. 😮 

If you get this text in a red color, the media said a red knight appears out of no where and sets you ablaze. I know, harsh. >_< 🔥

If you get this text in a blue color, the media said a blue knight appears out of no where and freezes you till you "crack." 🔹


And this was actually happening all around the world, with no rhyme or reason. There was despair everywhere, as everyone was panicking, fearing that they would get one of these texts. The government had no idea what to do about this situation, and had labeled these text attacks as terror attacks. 

I got a text from an unrecognized number. Then the screen turned green. And so the green knight appeared out of thin air in front of me. It swished its sword in my direction in an expecting manner and so I faded away. But then, once I saw myself fade away, I faded back right into reality. The knight was absolutely bewildered; nothing of the sort had ever happened in that world before. The knight faded me away many times, but I faded back into reality just as fast every time. The green knight became very agitated.

And that's all in this dream because I woke up. ._.



Guess I had plot armor in this dream...


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Lately I've had several Dreams in which I was female, which never happened before, including notably one where I was assaulted by a man in a shady backalley. Obv doesn't compare to experiencing that for real but it was still a pretty unpleasant thing to have on my mind after waking up.


My most recent weird dream had me watching a news flash about the massacre of soldiers in their own military base, by an unknown force. It was extremely graphic and showed footage of corpses in various states of decay. The most disturbing thing was that all the dead soldiers seemed to be female and had the same generic, Barbie doll face even in death. All with the exact same frozen expression and wide open, bright blue eyes.


Another one that's a bit older had me fight off an invasion of blob-like creatures in my house. They kinda looked like Pyukumukyu and fell as very bright fireballs from the night sky, before trying to break the Windows and get in. They were surprisingly docile and easy to throw back out though.

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One of the most memorable is me getting stuck in a glass elevator and suddenly the building shakes and the building falls horizontally and the elevator sled out of the building (which is impossible but because this is really tall building. It's possible) and crashed near a ferris wheel. My lower half was crushed (with other people inside the elevator) and I'm trying to get out to get help but people outside scream when they look at me crawling.


There's a dream where I basically travelling everywhere, and ends up in tall blue glass building (when I say tall, I say it reaches cloud). Then I walk out from my car stretching at the rooftop at the edge of the building and a white girl with bob cut pushed me off the building and say I'm already dead. I'm so shocked that it makes me woke up.

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I was walking home from somewhere when a barrier appeared, sucked me in and took me someplace else. There were three people there with guns. They said they would shoot me and then make a song about it. Before they could shoot me, though, someone started to sing and they were knocked out.

"In West Philadelphia born and raised,
on the playground where I spent most of my days..."

Will Smith appeared seemingly out of nowhere. After singing the opening to the Fresh Prince theme song, he took a piece of cheese out of his pocket, ate it and disappeared.

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Had a dream a day or two ago where I was up late on my laptop playing a game or watching a video where a mother was killing her entire family. Suddenly a skeleton appears beside me and chases me out of the house and then I wake up.


Looks like the spooky month of October is having some effect on me.

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I just had a dream about an hour ago I was playing a video game where you explore four different oceans in a boat. The interesting thing about this game is that while it had a story, the main objective was to collect all the shiny stars, and that was what was considered game completion. It was possible to find all the shiny stars without ever doing a single story event (though you could happen to stumble on some of the story events while exploring). 


At one point, I saw a bunch of shiny stars all clustered together in a shallow section of water near some sand, with "X5" next to them (meaning they were each worth 5 shiny stars) and was like

Image result for shiny mari


so I went to collect them. I got them all, then went back to the boat and kept exploring. In one of the seas, I happened upon a story event related to the main villain, the Slime Man. The Slime Man was a blob that would always make the game graphics tv staticy/glitchy when he appeared. The scene I saw was him through a screen acknowledging the player's presence in his sea and sending some ships after us. This game didn't have any switches or variables associated with the story, meaning you could find the story events out of place from chronological order, and what I saw was an endgame scene when I hadn't done anything else story-related yet. I also remembered (idk where I got the information) that in some situations the Slime Man has the ability to glitch your save file and force you to start over. I sailed as fast as I could to the south ocean because of that and the enemies being too strong for me. 


Immediately when I got to the south ocean, I encountered a pirate ship belonging to this ocean's boss. I don't remember much of the conversation with the pirates, but it could be summarized as "You're in our territory, so behave yourself." I do remember hearing a recording of the pirate boss speaking through some kind of device, saying "I'm gonna get the Slime Man!" This recording played every few minutes. This pirate boss and the Slime Man were enemy gang leaders, but the Slime Man was much stronger. The dream ended shortly after while I wandered around the sea trying to avoid the pirate boss's ships.

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I had a dream where I was exploring underwater caverns in a submarine, with other people. At some point, the engines cut off instantly, and then the submarine stopped. We had to open the hatch and inspect the problem. As it turned out, there was a jellyfish that somehow made its way to the engines, killing it in the process. As we were debating on what to do next, someone heard something faint, coming from a different direction. I used my vision goggles with enchanced zoom options in order to see where the noise came from.


Horrified by the sight, I quickly turned around and briefly explained to everyone; There is a swarm of Voltirum Jellyfish heading toward us. This type of species is not your average jellyfish. The Voltirum Jellyfish is approximately 7'5" and the venom contained in the tentacles is enough to kill a human being in mere seconds. There was no other option, but to swim, and hope to outpace the warm of jellyfish. As we resurfaced, we came across an exit to the cave we explored, leading to a shore. Brimming with hope that the jellyfish cannot touch us on land, we swam as fast as our bodies could take it, and eventually made it to shore with no casualties.


I probably spoke too soon. What struck me as odd was that the Jellyfish swarm just remained afloat in the water, watching us. All of a sudden, the jellyfish's entire body decomposed itself; a big, metallic object came out from the inner core of each jellyfish. The objects grew and transformed into machine-like structures with an octopus anatomy. Sentinels. There was no escape now. The second we ran, the Sentinels took the lives of everyone but myself. Losing hope and confidence in my survival, I accepted my fate. Just when the Sentinel's arm was about to pierce my body, I woke up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I had a dream during a nap about an hour ago that I was playing a game that was like a combo of LLSIF and a bullet hell game. It had the circles in LLSIF where you have to tap when the rings hit them, but the circles were just circles, they weren't represented by idol cards. I was playing as Nozomi, who was floating a little above the circles. When a ring reached a circle, you were supposed to shoot it. I kept shooting them all right in the center until ones made of metal came. Some of the metal ones grew metal wings and flew around the screen. Shooting at them didn't work, and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. But then the game went from 2D to 3D, and I was at a temple (still playing as Nozomi). There were a bunch of switches on the ground and all of them needed to be pressed, but Nozomi could only press a few (it was determined by some kind of strength stat that wasn't explained), so you needed to do something to activate all of them at once. The dream ended when I was trying to figure out how to activate all the switches.

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