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Shiny butterfree


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First, I don,t know if this is the right place to ask my question and  Thanks for this amazing game! Secound I would to ask from every one is there any way to make my shiny  butterfree like the original colors  (like the attached picture) I hope my request is simple ...


If there complete pack for all pokemon pictures have looking  exact as original shiny pokemons that would be awesome.


Thanks for supporting





butterfree-f back.png

Edited by MrGamer_ForFun
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What you can do is go to the folder where you installed your game, and then open the folder 'graphics' and then open the folder 'battlers'


For me, this is the directory (this will most likely be different for you)


C:\Games\Pokemon Reborn\Graphics\Battlers


In the 'Battlers' folder. you will see all the images (or sprites as they're called) of all the pokemon in the game. 

Butterfree is #012. 


If you want to replace the shiny sprite with the original shiny sprite or a custom sprite, you can simply replace the file(s). 

Before making any changes, I would advise you to create a backup first. 


So in your case, replace 012fs.png, 012fsb,png, 012s.png and 012sb,png with your file. 

important: the file name has to be the same. 

E: I'll explain this a little better. 

Suppose your file is called ''butterfree_original_shiny_sprite.png''

If you replace 012fs.png with this file, it will not work, because the game doesn't know what to do with butterfree_original_shiny_sprite.png

You have to rename butterfree_original_shiny_sprite.png  to 012fs.png for it to show up in the game.



Edited by Arkadius
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AH many many thanks my friend i did what you said and it worked perfectly, But  my pictures for buttefree  doesn't have nice resolution on the game ( only buttefree looks in the game not very clear but other Pokemons have nice looking ) if you have more tips for me i would be thankful.

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I usually look up sprites on bulbapedia or pokemondb

Pokemondb offers us these

female front


male front


female back



male back



These sprites are good, but they're small. So what I'd do is open them in photoshop and resize them.

When resizing sprites, I always go with the ''nearest neighbour''  image scaling method. This keeps the hard edges. 


Here's the result and a comparison:


Female front

ngqFla9.pngb90apwL.pngit seems this is still relatively small, here's a bigger one FJEAjih.png

Female back


Male front

mT52AlO.png93TiSUr.pngsame as before, m1Yhthm.png


Male back




As a free alternative to photoshop you could use a program called ''GIMP''  but I am not sure if it has the same options photoshop has. 


Edited by Arkadius
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