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PokeNations 3: Week 6: Shift Focus


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Ayy did ya miss it? if you did, nice, because IT'S TIME FOR



PokeNations 3



I'm sure you've been waiting for it for a while now: Tier Shift! For those who don't know, in Tier Shift, pokemon get all of their base stats increased by an amount that's determined by their Smogon tier. Take Celebi, for example: its base stats are 100 across the board originally, but in Tier Shift, its base stats are all 110! Here's how the changes work:

  • Pokemon in OU/UUBL get nothing and they'll like it
  • Pokemon in UU/RUBL get all of their base stats increased by 10 points
  • Pokemon in RU/NUBL get all of their base stats increased by 20 points
  • Pokemon in NU/PUBL get all of their base stats increased by 30 points
  • Pokemon in PU and below get all of their base stats increased by 40 points

But, if you're unsure, you can still check out any mon's base tiers on Showdown, by typing this in any room: /ts [the pokemon's name]. Now, ban tiem:


  • OU banlist
  • Damp Rock is banned
  • DeepSeaTooth is banned
  • Eviolite is banned
  • In Eclipse-Zion, Minior and Araquanid are banned
  • Omniboosting Z-moves (Z-Celebrate, Z-Happy Hour, etc) are banned


Again, questions in hulk. Now for the fun part:






The glacial gladiators face The Light That Burns The Sky!




Will the night fall on the earthbound titans?




The soldiers from the heavens against the treacherous and the occult!



All of these are to be played with every mon in OU and below. Now, time for the typical PSA:

TO THE NATION LEADERS:  Matches will be 5v5 weekly on the Reborn Showdown Server. Please submit your rosters of FIVE participants and TWO substitute candidates for this challenge within the next 42 hours to your committee representatives. 


REMINDER THE 6TH: Post your Replays of your Showdown matches in the Nations Discord server:  https://discord.gg/MjcGDzf


Also: The 2-week rule is being held back now: the break week counted as a week, so since there were no battles, everyone can battle twice in a row from now on.


Replays have to follow this format:


Week No. 

Player A vs Player B


Replay Link



Have fun!



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Hycrox is away so I'm here to bring you your pairings for Week 6. Please contact your opponent as soon as you can and set up a date that's convenient for both of you. There's no rush, but please try to have your battle done by the end of the week if possible. 






Lordofcold vs Chimchain

Alex vs Cyanna

Dragoknight vs Digital Amber

Reignited'Light vs Personthing

Joker vs Njab


Subs: Azery, RosWellNow/Bigjra, 99 Losses




Hycrox vs pyyromanis

Fink vs Swampellow

Bibs vs Wendel

Lowkey vs Sparky

DMBY vs Smeargletail


Subs: Lia, Krim/ Boomdiada, Void




NDG vs Bazaro

DW vs Epic C

Pyrr vs Infernape88

Huend vs F1lthy

NerdKing vs MonoComplex


Subs: Amine, LeonVermillion/Ghost, Yin


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38 minutes ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

So this means silvally is usable for anyone and would get a 40 point increase, correct?


EDIT: 30 actually.


I'm not committee but every silvally except for Steel is PU, with Steel being NU, so everything else gets +40 while Steel gets +30.

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