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E18: Void-kissed (Community Release)


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When the hell did this happen?? I go away for a week and BAM!!

.....I had things planned too.... oh well.

Thanks Ame and dev team. I've enjoyed this game tremendously.

It's one of the games in which I've invested the most play time....no social life, no regrets.

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  • *    Pokemon can no longer begin disobeying due to over-levelling during a battle
  • *    The Pokemon Psychiatrist has been updated. His service now costs three Heart Scales but the Nature can be chosen.

I'm not gonna say these were needed changes, but there sure as hell are welcome. Having a mon over-level and start disobeying in the middle of an important battle was the absolute worst. Also, I cannot tell you how many times I soft reset to get the nature I wanted using that damn psychiatrist.

Edited by Data567
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Guest Relinquished

This is a job well done! What a great episode!


At least, i hope enemy trainers use items, this time round... And don't switch pointlessly... And their pokemon get to actually move... And the eggs don't get doubled... And the stairs can be used... And most importantly, that Budew is finally removed, as per v.Alpha change-notes!

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I just finished E18 on my old playthrough without prior relationship points which also ended up going into the Zekrom route. Here's my thoughts on the episode so far in the spoiler tag.

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Lastly I'd just like to thank Ame along with all the other developers, testers and everyone else involved in making Pokemon Reborn. You've done an amazing thing here and have created one of the best Pokemon fangames in existence. This journey has been incredible and I'm sure we will all have mixed feelings of joy and sadness when it inevitably comes to an end. Thank you everyone!



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Thank you Ame and everybody else for all of your hard work!


As I read on the list of updates:


*    Follower movement has been updated.


As a person who has held back on playing Reborn since episode 15, what exactly does this mean? Are following pokemon in the game now? Am I missing something obvious that I didn't see in the beta either? o.o Sorry for the stupid questions

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