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EP18 Shiny Giveaway (Updated 9/7)


What should I include in my next Giveaway?   

37 members have voted

  1. 1. What should I include in my next Giveaway?

    • Shinies
    • 5-6 IV Mons
    • Both

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  • Poll closed on 10/01/18 at 04:00 AM

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1 minute ago, Zero1Six said:

@Starry Knight just got online, shoot me a message when youre ready

@Dafcon alrighty, I'll send the request in just a sec


do the others if they're still online first have a box of shinies you can give out, if you get any water 5IV pokemon other then what I sent you or Marill let me know though

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3 minutes ago, Starry Knight said:

do the others if they're still online first have a box of shinies you can give out, if you get any water 5IV pokemon other then what I sent you or Marill let me know though

Just finished trading with one so I'm free now. I'll keep you updated on the water types

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On 8/9/2018 at 7:54 PM, Zero1Six said:

Now that Episode 18 is here, I believe it's time for another giveaway. This time, I will be offering only shinies, but I have about two boxes of unwanted mons. Feel free to request whichever ones and however many you guys would like! No need to trade anything special in return (unless you'd like to).

P.S. - Another giveaway coming soon, but even better than this and the one before ✌️😁


Please check the list for updates, as I will regularly be adding/removing mons. Some mons in the list are not in the boxes.

ONLY offering Pokémon included in the list below. 



  Reveal hidden contents

Deino x1 NEW!!!!

Cranidos x1 NEW!!!!

Caterpie x1 NEW!!!!

Scyther x1 NEW!!!!

Ralts x1 NEW!!!!

Crustle x1 NEW!!!!

Larvitar x1 NEW!!!!

Amaura x1 NEW!!!!

Buneary x1 NEW!!!!

Ledian x1 NEW!!!!

Abomasnow x1 NEW!!!!

Kecleon x2 NEW!!!!

Phione x1 NEW!!!!

Abra x2 NEW!!!!

Beldum x1 NEW!!!!

Noibat x1

Pyukumuku x2

Excadrill x2

Ariados x1

Arbok x1

Gastrodon x1

Fearow x1

Snover x1

Goldeen x1

Krookodile x1

Donphan x1

Bellsprout x1

Steelix x1

Graveler x1

Exeggcute x1

Tentacool x1

Stunky x1

Squirtle x1

Pidove x1

Geodude x1

Numel x1

Pidgeotto x1

Pansage x1

Klink x1

Dugtrio x1

Pidgey x1

Muk x1

Magcargo x1

Grimer x1

Sandslash x1

Hoothoot x1



  Hide contents

Gated D Latch: Bagon, Charmander

Supreme: Bagon

Kamu: Phione COMPLETED

Yusei561: Ralts COMPLETED

Eevee: Bulbasaur

Dracohunter34: Bagon, Shroomish, Zorua, Beldum, Charmander, Aerodactyl

Okita Souji: Scyther, Charmander

JROSA04: Bagon, Beldum, Goomy, Litwick, Shroomish

Starry Knight: Shroomish COMPLETED

Jacob Ludwig: Krookodile

Dafcon: Scyther, Bagon, Magikarp, Deino (non-shiny) COMPLETED

Montit: Gastly, Aerodactyl, Riolu

TheScourgeXV88: Beldum, Bagon

Freddiekane: Lucario, Goomy, Totodile COMPLETED

Haribob: Deino, Feebas, Axew

Saish: Totodile, Honedge

Siragon: Mudkip COMPLETED





I'm ready when you are

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On Fri Aug 10 2018 at 5:24 AM, Zero1Six said:

Now that Episode 18 is here, I believe it's time for another giveaway. This time, I will be offering only shinies, but I have about two boxes of unwanted mons. Feel free to request whichever ones and however many you guys would like! No need to trade anything special in return (unless you'd like to).

P.S. - Another giveaway coming soon, but even better than this and the one before ✌️😁


Please check the list for updates, as I will regularly be adding/removing mons. Some mons in the list are not in the boxes.

ONLY offering Pokémon included in the list below. 



  Reveal hidden contents

Totodile x1 NEW!!!!

Deino x1 NEW!!!!

Cranidos x1 NEW!!!!

Caterpie x1 NEW!!!!

Scyther x1 NEW!!!!

Ralts x1 NEW!!!!

Crustle x1 NEW!!!!

Amaura x1 NEW!!!!

Buneary x1 NEW!!!!

Ledian x1 NEW!!!!

Abomasnow x1 NEW!!!!

Kecleon x2 NEW!!!!

Phione x1 NEW!!!!

Abra x2 NEW!!!!

Beldum x1 NEW!!!!

Noibat x1

Pyukumuku x2

Excadrill x2

Ariados x1

Arbok x1

Gastrodon x1

Fearow x1

Snover x1

Goldeen x1

Krookodile x1

Donphan x1

Bellsprout x1

Steelix x1

Graveler x1

Exeggcute x1

Tentacool x1

Stunky x1

Squirtle x1

Pidove x1

Geodude x1

Numel x1

Pidgeotto x1

Pansage x1

Klink x1

Dugtrio x1

Pidgey x1

Muk x1

Magcargo x1

Grimer x1

Sandslash x1

Hoothoot x1

Woobat x1



  Reveal hidden contents

Gated D Latch: Bagon, Charmander

Eevee: Bulbasaur

Dracohunter34: Bagon, Shroomish, Zorua, Beldum, Charmander, Aerodactyl

JROSA04: Bagon, Beldum, Goomy, Litwick, Shroomish

Jacob Ludwig: Krookodile

Montit: Gastly, Aerodactyl, Riolu

TheScourgeXV88: Beldum, Bagon

Haribob: Deino, Feebas, Axew

Saish: Totodile, Honedge





Can I have noibat and steelix That would be great

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