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E18 gym help


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He gives you the notes that you need (low G (I think it's G that's high/low) being the lowest and high G being the highest). He gives them in order from bottom to top so push the rocks into position. Then use rock climb when done. And please put E18 leader instead of the leaders name because spoiler lock.

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14 minutes ago, Exfile said:

the notes in order from left to right are  Low g, a, b, c, d, e, f, high g. should be easy enough after that if you got the notes from the guy.

Ive tried that and nothing works, could you screen shot and send me the order you put them in?

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2 minutes ago, Apis said:

Hello there, I am stuck after the match of the puzzle according to its place and rock climb but the door doesn't open 

If everything in the puzzle matches with what is said in the thread linked below, and the door still isn't opening after rock climb, try clicking on or pressing "c" or "z" on each of the movable blocks in the puzzle.  For some reason, sometimes they don't register their position.  If that doesn't work, post your save file here and I can see about potentially helping.



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