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A Pokemon Reborn run with 0 Exp and a TON of other Restrictions


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Spontaneous uploads are a thing I'm pretty good at. I'm feeling slightly revitalized so more videos will actually be coming soon, big shock (and nice lie too) I know.

So anyway, these two fights, i mean, what can be said other than:

Cain eats a Metronome equipped Dugtrio to the face

Fern continues to prove himself as a bit of a bitch to fight.

In more detail now, Cain has very few things that can actually take on our good pal Dugtrio, who as we know also happens to be disgusting at manipulating the AI (though let it be known this battle is still super easy even without Duggy due to our options). We would've actually gotten to see the rest of my team fight... if Cain hadn't missed Will-o-Wisp. We take those. Coupled with the metronome item and its high speed, Dugtrio proceeds to either one shot or two shot everything in its path and we move on to one of my favorite areas, the Wasteland.

Make no mistake here, I fucking hate this place and its field effect. It also lags up my game like a bitch too, and it's got a lot of areas to explore to boot. So why would I even like this area? Because there's SOOOO much good shit to find here, a lot of which we get to showcase fighting Fern.

Ferns lead Rhyhorn unfortunately makes it hard for us to showcase these members however, so we'e gotta take it out first and we do so using Palpitoad, easy. From there Roserade comes in and does what it does to water/ground types best. Good stuff. That's when the champ himself comes in, MUK.

This thing is fucking awesome. They're rare but can be found at such a high level, and they come with not just the good stats of a Muk, but Gunk Shot, a move that becomes DUMBY POWERFUL on this field effect. Muk makes quick work of Roserade, and Ferns Krookodile comes out, only to find out that I have a horrible fate awaiting it. Pyukumuku continues to prove useful, even at this level gap. Ferns new addition Scyther comes out and I bring in another new pokemon we got, Onix, who procs weak armor and proceeds to rock slide scyther to death.

Ferns final pokemon, Decidueye, is a bit of a pest, but luckily our last two additions, Drapion and Weezing, can take the thing out just fine, even if it gets a swords dance boost (Drapion made it so weezing didn't have to come out at all actually. Thanks bro.).

So yeah, an easy battle and one that would've been hard if our new recruits weren't so OP. If you thought Cain was easy though, hoo boy, just wait until you see what his sister has to offer lmao.

Yeah next time is Aya cool bye

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Here's your description bro


Lets. Talk. About. Aya.

I totally wasn't getting how on Earth I was supposed to do this fight at first. Aya fights in doubles on the annoying ass swamp field which weakens ground moves and buffs her sludge waves, making her weird to fight. At first i tried to exploit the secondary weaknesses of all her pokemon... that didn't work. Then I tried to outpower her with wasteland poison types + Munna... that didn't work. I was almost out of ideas until a powerful realization came to me. JUST HIT EM WITH DUGTRIO AGAIN LMAO.

As funny as it is that Metronome Dugtrio bodies even Aya thanks to Dig not being weakened by the field, there's still actually a few things to worry about in this fight. For one, Dugtrio cannot one shot everything until it builds up enough momentum (even when it does it needs some support from another party member). Not only that though, Aya has a Salazzle that outspeeds everything available to me as of rn and has Heat Wave. So all I had to do was find ways around those, and the solution was actually much simpler than I thought.

All it took was my Palpitoad lead + Rain Dance to guarantee Dugtrio's survival from Heat Wave. Due to heat wave being weakened by doubles spread effect and being weakened by rain, Dugtrio could live a heat wave (or you know, dodge it like it decided to do in this attempt) and OHKO Salazzle the following turn leaving it open to pick up every remaining kill. From there though, I still needed something that could weaken Aya's remaining pokemon for Dugtrio to one shot them. Enter Muk.

Yeah remember this guy? Dude comes with Gunk Shot and Screech. Screech lowering Aya's defense by 2 + the metronome stacking effect lets Dugtrio effectively one shot every single pokemon of Ayas, and even if it were to faint, Muks powerful gunk shot can 2HKO nearly everything after one screech, not to mention the thing is really good at tanking in this fight.

Overall, a battle that seemed tricky to figure out at first, but ended up being laughably easy, only requiring three pokemon to beat. Can't say it wasn't fun at least, it just wasn't as hard as i remembered it being. Next time we go to save some children and go wherever else the story takes us. Until then, l8r.

Next time: Sirius and Bennett

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