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Best ways to friendzone?


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Guest Relinquished

I am not an expert, but you might regret it later. It isn't rare to develop feelings for somebody, after rejecting them. Especially in a male -> female fashion. Generally, it isn't wise to miss "opportunities"; all the more since the other person has a genuine crash on you. Consider that the most possible thing, is to be in her place, in your own next love interest, or something (i mean, the girl you will get a crash on, friendzones you)! Love is tricky, because in order to exist, it needs mutuality and synchronicity. Those are almost next to impossible to arrange, or be lucky enough to find "accidentally", as is... Or pursue them through great efforts and build them from scratch.


Since the other party reached towards you, you should respond by doing the same. Plus, it isn't rare either, to develop feelings for somebody, when you initially didn't have any.


Everything in life returns to you, at some point. Consider that. Were i to trade places with you, i would buy her a gift (flower, ideally, or ask her out to treat her), apologize deeply and ask her seriously to make up... Then, be tender towards her and show her affection. She is going to treasure you... This isn't to be found casually out there, boy. You don't find that easily; or worse, at all... Take care, now.

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Let me tell you that there is NOT such a way as the best way to friendzone. There isn't even a good way to friendzone. You just have to feel ok with yourself. That's what it matters. Of course don't be n asshole.... be kind. But for me to feel ok with myself I would tell her the true feelings of mine (i.e. I have a girlfriend and I love her and I cannot see you that way. But I do like hanging out with you, and if you wouldn't I would accept that given the circumstances.)

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This is a really tough one, and a very touchy issue. I would say the best thing you can do is be open and truthful about your feelings, or lack there of, for her. If she's suffering as you say, it may be wise to give her some space for a while as she comes to terms with the fact that her feelings for you aren't returned. You'll have to accept that a continued friendship may be awkward at first after this. The best thing is to be kind and patient I'd say. Also, I'd avoid the term "friendzoning" with her as that has some negative connotations. (I say that, but that may be what the kids say to each other nowadays and it's fine....and geez do I sound like an old man now...). 


Long story short, if you want to continue being her friend you'll need to give it time, be kind, and let her heal in her own way. 

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Crack out the horrid secrets, everything repulsive. If she stays she'll be a friend, probably won't want a relationship anymore. Do as friends do; become degenerates together.

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Honesty and don't be pushy. Tell her the truth, you're not interested in the slightest, and let her make her own descision on how to continue. If she's only in on romance, then that's how it is, don't try to force a friendship that isn't there.


And I'd really recommend not calling it the friendzone, the friendzone is something people get stuck in and try to break out of.

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Best way to friendzone a girl is to not let the problem rise, in this context her confession. If you're friends or best friends before, you can insert some statement when in romance talk that she isn't your type or you can never think of her as a lover which I think is a good move when you're single even if you're looking for partner.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/10/2018 at 12:59 PM, Felix~ said:

Crack out the horrid secrets, everything repulsive. If she stays she'll be a friend, probably won't want a relationship anymore. Do as friends do; become degenerates together.

Not this.



Well, you already turned down her feelings. That's usually the hard part. Just gotta be direct and honest with the typical, 'yeah, my feelings for you don't happen to run that way. sorry.' If you have genuine remorse for how this will affect her feelings, you can say that or let it show. Maybe not use the exact words 'not interested in the slightest'. Unless you think that person will become persistent and as kuro said, try to break out of the friend zone.

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It is such a situation dependent thing that there is real no right answer. I'd argue just being overly blunt about it is not the way to go but I trust that you aren't heartless so that probably wasn't an option in the first place. Really once you're done with the whole thing I'd try not to dwell on it too much as it will just make you miserable, as I've learned in the past.

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