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[SPOILERS] Help with some Battles in Episode 18


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Is the Triathlon Hypno fight actually beatable? Because after you finish fighting the first question mark Trainer, my Pokemon aren't healed immediately after. I think I've soft-reset for nearly 50 times now and I get completely blocked at that point. If that's actually meant, do you guys have any tips? The battle with Cain and Shelly were already egregious to begin with. 

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1 minute ago, InsertNameHere said:
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It only heals you if your pokemon doesnt faint during the single battle. So try to not let any of your pokemon faint after the first double battle.



Wow, that's tough. I didn't know that. Thanks for informing me!

And uhh, as for my team...



- Leech Seed

- Giga Drain

- Leaf Storm

- Nature Power



- Dragon Dance 

- Crunch

- Waterfall

- Ice Fang



- Sludge Wave

- Earth Power

- Surf

- Flamethrower



- Quiver Dance

- Bug Buzz

- Heat Wave

- Roost



- Brick Break

- Night Slash

- Ice Shard

- Icicle Crash



- Destiny Bond

- Shadow Ball

- Dark Pulse

- Dazzling Gleam


And, those last two Pokemon are actually traded, for someone who might be asking about availability. I haven't played in a long time though, so I'm not entirely sure if they're illegal Pokemon still. And uhh, apologies also if the post is blocky. I don't really know how spoiler blocks work in the new forums.




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1 minute ago, Damashi The Kaotic said:
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Wait, the pulse hypno is fight able? I just had question mark battles. Is it because I'm on the Zekrom route, or is it because I never lost a battle?



No, you cant fight the hypno. Hes talking about the three fights you have before and after getting hypnotized by hypno


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37 minutes ago, SHIA II said:


Wow, that's tough. I didn't know that. Thanks for informing me!

And uhh, as for my team...



- Leech Seed

- Giga Drain

- Leaf Storm

- Nature Power



- Dragon Dance 

- Crunch

- Waterfall

- Ice Fang



- Sludge Wave

- Earth Power

- Surf

- Flamethrower



- Quiver Dance

- Bug Buzz

- Heat Wave

- Roost



- Brick Break

- Night Slash

- Ice Shard

- Icicle Crash



- Destiny Bond

- Shadow Ball

- Dark Pulse

- Dazzling Gleam


And, those last two Pokemon are actually traded, for someone who might be asking about availability. I haven't played in a long time though, so I'm not entirely sure if they're illegal Pokemon still. And uhh, apologies also if the post is blocky. I don't really know how spoiler blocks work in the new forums.




Don´t worry, your pokemon are perfectly legal by now. But your team is pretty frail. As mentioned before: Aegislash works wonders! (Aegislash + Heracross-Mega fought the entire battle for me). Plus: I don´t remember the pokemon used by the opponents, but generally speaking, giga drain is better than roost on volcarona and makes sweeping with it a little easier.


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47 minutes ago, SHIA II said:

And, those last two Pokemon are actually traded, for someone who might be asking about availability. I haven't played in a long time though, so I'm not entirely sure if they're illegal Pokemon still. And uhh, apologies also if the post is blocky. I don't really know how spoiler blocks work in the new forums.


One thing I'd suggest is that on the first question mark battle use the fight against Umbreon to heal your team while you have Nidoqueen out. Umbreon's only attacking move is Foul Play, so if Nidoqueen is built for special attacking it won't be able to hit it hard. Apart from that it has Protect, Wish, and Toxic. All this means that Nidoqueen will be extremely resilient to Umbreon's attacks, and you'll be able to get the rest of your team in shape for the double battle that comes up.


Also, you put your post in spoiler blocks click the eye symbol up at the top of the posting box. Its seven buttons over from the Bold option.


For the second double battle I'd suggest you do something to cripple the Clefairy (some way to put it to sleep works wonders. Then wipe out the ice team, putting Clefable back to sleep as necessary. Heal up while keeping Clefable asleep, and then take the Psychic team. Using that its really just two trainer battles, only you have two Pokemon out to their one.


Edited by wcv
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I just slapped Volcarona and Gyarados in front of the team and Double Danced my way to victory. Sometimes I forget Sweepers exist. Thanks for all the replies though, I appreciate the fast feedback! 

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I have the same problem:


Maybe someone has an idea, I always loose the 3rd battle


Can I make the gym leader before? or is this unpossible?


my team:



Item: Metronome
Attacks: Thunder, Cotton Guard, Echoed Voice, Electric Terrain
(Combination with Echoed Voice and Metronome works well)



item: Shell Bell
Fly, Strength, Inferno, Flametrower


item: Assault Vest




Stone Edge



item: Left overs


Shadow ball


trick room


item: left overs


iron head
Dragon Rush



item: black sludge


toxic spikes

cross poisson


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Well this has been very informative that I can't let any pokemon faint during the triathlon battle. Although after beating Shelly and Cain you can figure who is fighting you the second part if you look at their team composition very carefully. I got healed after the first battle with Shelly and Cain but I had let my pokemon faint that battle so I assume it's during the second one you can't let them faint and you'll be ready to win the third one although I might need to stock up on more items though. Time to buy more cotton candy then and train all of my mons to 85 at least. My current mons helped me but thinking of switching the team. What really helped me though is the battle order I send them because mostly if I send them in the wrong order I lose the battle.


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Every double battle in Reborn is beatable if you have a pokemon with Wide Guard. you can breed a male ralts, Evolve him to level 50 with exp share from grand hall double battle(it takes 2-3 battles) and buy some rare candies/ 20 k each so around 600k if u plan to get him to level 80.(you get around 30k with amulet coin in the double battle af Grand Hall) Gallade learns wide guard leveling up. The AI always tries to use double targetting moves if it can ( dazzling gleam, heat wave, blizzard etc) , and even if you use wide guard in succession, the AI refuses to do anything different. The other pokemon next to Gallade can set up and win 🙂 after battling Charlotte, I realised Wide Guard is a must in this game 🙂

Edited by VagusY
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