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Team help for E18? (No story spoilers)


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Hi everyone!

I am looking for some tips for my in-game team, to tackle everything E18 has to offer! (I have already included some held items that are found in E18)


My current team is:

Blaziken (Speed Boost) w Brightpowder

Bulk Up / Blaze Kick / Hi Jump Kick / Aerial Ace (the last move varies until I finally find the TM for Protect... Does anyone know whether it's available as of E18?)


Jellicent (Cursed Body) w Leftovers

Surf / Trick Room / Toxic / Acid Armor


Rhyperior (Solid Rock) w


Choice Band

Stone Edge / Rock Wrecker / Earthquake / Megahorn (Thinking of swapping Rock Wrecker for some other coverage move - Poison Jab perhaps?)


Exeggutor (Chlorophyll) w Meadow Plate

Trick Room / Psyshock / Giga Drain / Leaf Storm


Bisharp (Defiant) w


Life Orb

Iron Head / Knock Off / Swords Dance / Brick Break (Thinking of changing the last move, Thunder Wave perhaps?)


Gardevoir (Trace) w Wise Glasses (Need a better item)

Trick Room / Calm Mind / Psychic / Moonblast


This team has gotten me through most of the game and I like the synergy of most of it. However, I notice that Exeggutor and Jellicent are struggling to keep up. Should I replace them? What Pokemon should I replace them with? (Thinking about Milotic and one more Trick Room mon)

I do have an Alolan Ninetales in my box at the same level as the team, which I use occasionally (with Aurora Veil, Nasty Plot, Dazzling Gleam and Blizzard).


Any tips?

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I suggest u set Life orb to blaziken and dread plate to Bisharp.

Blaziken moves: Flame blitz (blaze kick it's good too if u don't wanna suffer recoil) High jump kick knock off and protect/bulk up. I would run bulk up since i think protect it's no needed, but choose u.

Rhyerior cband ok, stone edge, earth quake, i would run ice punch over rock wreker and mega horn or poison jab

Exeggutor since runs Chlorophyll doesn't need trick room, or u set sunny day over trick room, or u replace jellicent with Ninetales. ( Sun it's a good support for Blaziken too and helps Rhyperior a bit since it halfs water moves power), and solar beam over leaf storm

Brick Break Bisharp it's ok, maybe Low kick it's better.

For Gardevoir maybe run the mega stone (u can find Gardevoirite in E18), and i would run: calm mind psichic/psyshock hyper voice focus blast (U can find that mt too in E18).


With those fixes ur team would totally change, since u would pass form a trick room to a sunny offensive team, imo it's better since a speed boost blaziken it's not quite good, while with a sun support it gets a serial killer. Also bisharp doesn't need trick room, sdance + suckerpunch it's veery dangerous and with lowkick/brick break u mainly hit steel mons which r usually slow. Twave in any case it's not recomanded for bisharp since it's an offensive mon and since if u still wanna use a trick room, half opponent speed allows him abuse of ur trickroom


Edited by Ghost141
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