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Team problem E18


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Maybe someone has an idea, I can`t win the fight in the




or can I make the gym leader before? or is this not possible?


my team: (all at level 90)



Item: Metronome
Attacks: Thunder, Cotton Guard, Echoed Voice, Electric Terrain
(Combination with Echoed Voice and Metronome works well)



item: Shell Bell
Fly, Strength, Inferno, Flametrower


item: Assault Vest




Stone Edge



item: Left overs


Shadow ball


trick room


item: left overs


iron head
Dragon Rush



item: black sludge


toxic spikes

cross poisson

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Do you mean the double battle with Cain and Shelly? I'd suggest you use Trick Room or Tailwind, because most of your mons will be slowed down by Sticky Web.


As for the second battle, that one is in my opinion one of the hardest battles in this episode. You just have to hope you don't get flinch-haxed by Icicle Crash. You could try using Toxic Spikes. You might also want to teach Brick Break to some of your team members. Charizard definitely needs better moves: go to Move Reminder in Onyx Ward and teach it Air Slash. Consider also going to Move Tutors in Peridot Ward and teaching Heat Wave and/or Tailwind to your Charizard.


Try to keep as many of your mons alive as possible, they will all be healed after the second battle but only if they're not K.O'ed. If need be, stock up on supplies like Ultra Potions and Revives, maybe even some X items.


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Theres a mega-stone in the basement of the Grand Hall for Amphoros if you've done some of the renovations. Alternatively theres a charzard X megastone in a secret room in the fire gym if you need some extra firepower. If you go that second route though, i'd recommend optimizing that Charzard for either special or physical and ditching strength. You could also tutor outrage onto your garchomp, which can sweep a few 'mons in the doubles since theres only 1 fairy and it would give you 100% accuracy versus getting meme'd by Dragon Rush's 75%. If the doubles fight is the problem @Zargerth is right, brick break is great. That aurora veil is the only thing preventing an easy sweep.  


Edit: Spoilers

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