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No Evolution Challenge


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I've been looking through other people's AAR on their challenge runs and I know I don't have the patience to make the post look pretty. I'm interested in talking about the challenge and see if anyone else has done it.


I'm only using Pokemon that cannot evolve (mega-evolution does not count). Interestingly, the only pokemon that's not available is Kangaskhan, so I chose it as my starter. Otherwise, I was having a blast with Chatot in a previous run and allowed myself him as well before Julia. Otherwise, here the available mons pre-Shelly:


Pokemon Location
Unown Grand Stairway B2F: Cave
Dunsparce Grand Stairway B2F: Cave
Stantler Malchous Forest: Egg (1/4 chance event)
Plusle Obsidia Alleyway: Event (Pokesnax required) (1/2 chance event)
Minun Obsidia Alleyway: Event (Pokesnax required) (1/2 chance event)
Zangoose Lapis || Obsidia || Peridot: Event Chain (Start the chain in one of the alleys where you see a Zangoose in a garbage bin during night. Afterwards play Hide and Seek throughout the alleys for 4 turns.) (I think it could be found as soon as the first badge in one of the Peridot Alleyways and then "cheese" the random factor to keep the hide and seek only in that region, but legitimately you can find it before Shelly.)
Castform Obsidia: Trade Furret (In the house near the Pokemon Center)
Pachirisu Opal: Event (Beat bullies) (1/2 chance event)
Carnivine Jasper: Cave (In the ward generally)
Emolga Jasper: Event (South of the pokemon center, Rain required)
Cryogonal North Obsidia: Trade Sunkern (Breed Sunflora and trade with the old man inside the leftmost house) (1/5 event chance)
Furfrou North Obsidia: Trade Sunkern (Breed Sunflora and trade with the old man inside the leftmost house) (1/5 event chance)
Carbink North Obsidia: Trade Sunkern (Breed Sunflora and trade with the old man inside the leftmost house) (1/5 event chance)


So far my team is:


Kangaskhan - Lvl 25

Chatot - Lvl 28

Castform - Lvl 25

Plusle - Lvl 26

Emolga - Lvl 20 (just captured)


I plan on going after Zangoose next and will likely start using Carbink and Carnivine. I'm unsure if I'll end up keeping Plusle or Emolga. Emolga has the nice flying advantage while Plusle is a bit faster and has more special attack. 


Would love to hear thoughts and experiences with this type of run.

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