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Reborn, Rejuvenation, Desolation, Full Moon, Insurgence


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Hey everyone,

I played Reborn a few years ago and I enjoyed it very much. I stopped playing because I got busy, but I had gotten really immersed in the game. I started looking into fan games again and learned that a lot of games inspired by Reborn had been made. I was wondering what I should do, as I can only invest into one game at a time. 

Some things I liked about Reborn

- Dark story

- Engaging and well made cast. Kept me interested in the plot.

- Events 

- Cool Sprites

What do you recommend? Do I start Reborn over again, or should I try another fan game? (Rejuv, Deso, Full Moon, Insurg)

An edgy story with good plot is the main thing I want. Also, which one is the darkest?

Hopefully this isn't the wrong place to ask this (I'm sorry if it is!)

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1. Reborn since E18 came out and the new content should keep you pretty busy, might even be worth a new playthrough since it's been a few years.

2. Insurgence since it's actually complete and is pretty good overall, has a darker plot as well. Need to finish it myself but E18>Insurgence right now.

3. Rejuvenation is very good and IMO should be above insurgence but it's not done yet so I'll slot it below the Insurgence.

4. Desolation, I'm behind on that by....I wanna say a year but it was damn good. 

5. Pokemon Spork - Spork is amazing for the memes and dankness but the story is pretty good, and the "CHOOSE ANY STARTER" thing is niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice. 

6. Pokemon Uncensored - If you want a dark pokemon game set in gen 1 with crude humor this is the game for you. 100%ed and I have almost no regrets about it.


There's also Phoenix rising that just came out but that was kinda light on content and while it was good it's nowhere near done, I'd say go for a complete game if you prefer so you can dive into Rejuvenation, Desolation etc at a later date with more content to make that playthrough more fun.

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That depend on what you want to see in the fangame
Reborn is a good fangame, hard difficulty, and having a nice story

Insurgence if you want pokemon fangame with tons of feature, but the game is on 6th gen

Rejuvenation if you really in the mood for challenge

Spork if you want meme and lighthearted story

Desolation is a personal favorite of mine, while the development is slow, they have one of the best story in fangame in my opinion

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1. Reborn because its almost complete
2. Rejuvenation because its awesome but not that much complete
3. Desolation, awesome plot but not nearly finished

4. Insurgence, decent story and finished game. Not nearly as challenging as other 3 games and has only gen 6 pokemon

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