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Route 4 Field Changes

Feng Lei

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Ok, so I suck at figuring out which moves change the fields. And Route 4 is apparently full of them, so...


I figured out to melt the snow on the eastern-most side of the route, where there's an area that needs Eruption/Lava Plume to melt the slush. Did that. But that isn't the area I need help with.


Don't have pictures right now, but  in the north of Route 4, there's a clifftop with an item ball and its peak. It's not snow-covered ground, and it's hailing. What do I do to get to that peak? Tailwind? It looks waaay to high to jjump with that. But that was my best idea so far.



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And... fixed. Had to wait for the hail to create snowy terrain. The Item in question I was trying to reach turned out to be a Lycanium-Z. Glad for all those who needed it. Now, onto unfreezing the lake...


Update: got the Blastionite. But I hear tell of some hidden passage behind one of the rocks? Clearly not this cavern, or else it is hidden darn well.


Edited by Feng Lei
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