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(SPOILER) Pulse Pokemon


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So this episode pretty much confirmed that we will fight a PULSE Arceus in the final Episode. Am i the only one who nearly s**t his pants when i read that ?

Also, do you think that Pulse Hypno will make it's return ? I believe it will, because if it doesn't, that read out which includes it's stats and ability seems kind of pointless.


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Pointless PULSE readouts aren't anything new in this game, actually. I have the readout for the PULSE camerupt (which was fireballed into oblivion by Cal's magmortar before can fight it)- and hoo boy would've that thing been a paiin in the butt if we did actually have to fight it! The dang thing had Desolate Land, for crying out loud!


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Some Pulse Readouts turn out to be red herrings for much harder battles.  A new player would assume as they progress to Pyrous Mountain that they would be battling a Camerupt akin in strength to that of the Tangrowth before, but are instead met with the arguably greater challenge of Solaris' Garchomp.  In this episode, we're given the Pulse Readout for Hypno, which becomes a red herring for the gauntlet we face instead.  But yea, Arc Pulse is probably gonna be real scary.


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