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Reshiram Path


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Does anyone know which path is considered "better"? As in what the player should do? I only played the Reshiram path so far because I was lazy to go heal before battling Taka in WTC so I'm not exactly sure what is changed.

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1 hour ago, baldr said:

Does anyone know which path is considered "better"? As in what the player should do? I only played the Reshiram path so far because I was lazy to go heal before battling Taka in WTC so I'm not exactly sure what is changed.


The Reshiram path has more content so far, I don't know if E18 evens things out though but so far I like the Zeckrom path more as things seem to work out better on that path.


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On 8/12/2018 at 3:07 PM, baldr said:

Does anyone know which path is considered "better"? As in what the player should do? I only played the Reshiram path so far because I was lazy to go heal before battling Taka in WTC so I'm not exactly sure what is changed.


Although I personally don't like how it has turned out so far, the Reshiram path is probably the best way to go in the long run.

I base that opinion on the fact that choosing NOT to battle Taka earns you +1 Relationship Points with both Shade and Anna.

While you earn Relationship Points with most characters based on choices in dialogue and story progression that relate directly to them, Shade and Anna function a bit differently.

None of the points you earn for them have anything whatsoever to do with their interactions with you.

Not only that, but the list of choices you have to make to accrue points with Shade is the EXACT same list as Anna's.


That list is as follows:

  *  +1:  find all the officers and expose Corey

  *  +1:  beat Solaris' Garchomp at Pyrous Mountain

  *  +1:  Saphira abducted; when Laura asks for your support

  *  +1:  side with Radomus

  *  +1:  say no every time Blake asks for the Ruby Ring

  *  +1:  don't battle Taka at the WTC


So, given how both Shade and Anna are shown (or at least hinted at) in various points of the game to have precognition (a.k.a. future sight), this list is most likely a list of choices that you're supposed to make in order to achieve the best ending possible.


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@The Swordsman



Spoiler within a spoiler


There is a catch to that, though.

I don’t think Taka is actually dead. Either that or he will be brought back to life somehow. My reasoning is that you can get tons of points with Taka (even more than the points you get at the Water Treatment Center for not battling him) by talking to him at various locations in the Tourmaline Desert. If Taka isn’t supposed to be alive in the postgame on the Reshiram route, then why would a postgame-only mechanic be coded into the branch of the story in which he ‘dies’? I could be wrong here, but I used this same logic back in E16 to claim that Lumi and Eve would eventually appear as actual characters in the overworld — and sure enough, they have. I guess it’s a good thing Reborn supports multiple save files! 😅




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15 minutes ago, baldr said:
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Does Taka survive in Zekrom path?



Personally i find the Zekrom path better given seeing Taka attack Solaris and Sirius at Agate with his Chatot in open rebellion before running off with Sirius giving chase, before that you also get to see Solaris getting annoyed with Sirius for patronizing or something Taka


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