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[Spoilers] The crafting of Jewellery.


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A friend of mine made a huge writeup regarding a certain topic breached in Episode 18 and asked me to put it on the forums for him, so here were are.


"Who exactly made the jewelry for Radomus?"


Radomus being the one who stole the 4 gems and requested they be crafted into jewelry afterwards as revealed in Episode 18.


Said poster has come to his own conclusions, but I feel it's a good idea to provide some concrete evidence in a thread as to why it's who they've suspected


The objective is to find out who made said jewelry as Radomus himself states "I asked a friend to fashion each of them into jewelry" which implies it wasn't him. The person who posed this question gave us two likely suspects as to who crafted it, those two being El and Sirius. I'll tackle the likelihood of each one at a time starting with who I can confidently say it isn't, El.


Why the crafter can't be El


There are a few points that could indeed point to the one who made the jewelry being El. The first of which being that El does appear to be an old acquaintance of Radomus and that he knows of the gemstones. However, the answer to why it can't be El isn't exactly easy to find, said answer being the journal of El's tucked cozily away in the Subseven Sanctum. It's locked behind a door that you need to complete a sidequest for, remove an item obtained from said reward, go all the way back and read said journal. Or you can just use rpgmaker to get to whichever lore tidbits you need : ^). Anyway, the reason why El can't be the crafter is made all too apparent in his journal, that being that he's been on Solaris's side since before the game has even begun, and the fact he knows how important the gems are to Solaris, even being granted one by him which helps him regain his sight. It would take an absolutely extreme lapse in faith and judgement for El to then go out of his way to assist the very man who "stole those particular objects." There really isn't much else to say here so let's jump into candidate two who I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt is indeed the person who made the jewelry for Radomus.


Why it has to be Sirius


Sirius is a character who's past has been shrouded in mystery, until now. Up until this episode we had been given little snippets of his past which we can use here to help solidify that he was the one who crafted the jewelry that's so sought after now. Let's start with the big one, being a friend of Radomus, as if we do not meet that criteria we can't say he's the one who did it. The only real clue we are given as to Sirius and Radomus relationship is a specific piece of dialogue between Sirius and Anna in Team Meteor's own Yureyu HQ, where soon after Anna demands Sirius return the Amethyst Pendant, Sirius responds, "Your father gave this to you? He always was a fool." With the INCREDIBLY SHOCKING AND TOTALLY NOT EXPECTED revelation that Anna and Noel are Radomus' children this episode, we can safely say for sure Sirius is speaking of Radomus here, not just speaking of him, but speaking of his past character as implied by the "was." While not an incredibly ample amount to go off of, it does give us somewhat of a foundation to say that at the least, Radomus and Sirius did indeed know each other and interact with each other. Such a foundation will be able to support a great deal of the rest of this hypothesis.


Now that we've established that Sirius can be a candidate, it's time to get into the evidence that supports him being such. We can start with the very room said jewelry was crafted in. As we know, said room has been abandoned for years now, yet traces of its past still remain in the form of shavings from each keystone and notes from the crafter themselves. The room being abandoned helps this fit on a timeline of events, but it's really the notes we're after here which read, "I didn't know... He tricked me... I have to fix it... I'll get them all back... History was in my hands, and then my skull. It is written by the winner, so I must take up the pen. Nose to the grindstone, eye to the needle." (kek) "The sword follows only after." So coming off of that there is a lot there. For one, the maker of these jewels feels he was fooled by Radomus, and if we are to assume it's Sirius, this could be why he projects said being a fool onto Radomus. Not only this, they've now come to grasp the knowledge that these gems hold incredible power, something that most common folk are not likely to know. He knows so much about them now that he realizes he could've very well shaped the world with him, and in his newfound position he will have the power to write history on his own before even having to have his sword soon follow. With how personal these notes feel, the eye to needle portion is very standout as we do know our dear friend Sirius just so happened to come into contact with a needle using his eye. Before moving on any further past these notes however, there's one more important thing to gleam from them. It's these very words Sirius speaks in the void if you speak to him. "History cares nothing for hopeless romanticism. He is as naive as I've been. For neither does history care for its own study. I only needed to recover the scars I carved, not earn my own... History is written by the winners. And I have written too much already. Then there is only one choice." Said choice being to follow up his writing with a sword of his own. This line is, on it's own, basically enough to solidify that Sirius is our carver, what from his naivety to his claim that he "carved" the "scars" everyone is seeking and to the fact that his final line links into his own notes, which would make sense being written sometime after his injury which is depicted in the void where said lines occur. The links don't just stop there though.


Sirius is linked to each and every single jewelry holder in the game if he is the crafter, seeing as the crafter not only made the jewelry, but he was even rewarded with the emerald brooch for his work. It's not just that though, if Sirius is indeed the crafter, he is also linked to the demises of many of the jewel holders, and it all falls back on Team Meteor. We can infer that Radomus was in Team Meteors ranks before he stole the gems, as he has a uniform, and it would give him a way to get close to the gemstones. He then leaves Team Meteor and has the jewelry made, leaving one with Sirius. Sirius, now being a gem holder, would rightfully be targeted by Team Meteor and would have reason to feel betrayed by Radomus. What may have come to Meteor as a surprise though is that soon after learning the power of these gems, whether it be before or after Meteor came to them, the very one they had come to steal the brooch from joined their own ranks now with a grudge, and being a holder of one of these gems, was likely to know each of the holders of said gems. And who is it that personally goes out of their way to get these gems back from each of these people soon after informing Meteor? Sirius. Though the timeline is a tad hazy here, we can assume that Corey, or as Radomus refers to him, "Mr. Molinar" is the first victim as it doesn't do much to diminish this hypothesis. What's important is that it is Sirius himself who goes on this mission to retrieve the gem, from someone who he very well could know, and it is Sirius who kills Corey's wife and is injured in the process, failing to get said gemstone. It doesn't stop there though. Sirius as we learn late into the game, was also involved in the burning of the Belrose House, killing the Caroline and Monty Belrose, the holders of the Sapphire Bracelet. He fails to get this artifact too and reveals his failure in the raid of the Fiore Mansion where he states, "This will be the second house I've had burned down for the sake of these bracelets." Him getting personally involved doesn't end there though as we learn in a sidequest that Sirius had been stalking the Belrose's as well, watching and following them. It would make sense for this to be the second target if we assume he made his notes after Corey fought him off, this being him following through with his sword, using a more direct means of stalking and killing as opposed to something like poisoning someone, but again, there's nothing quite there to say who came first.


With all of this, Sirius knowing of and having a connection to Radomus, the notes in the crafters room going hand in hand with Sirius own thoughts, and Sirius own involvement with each of the gem holders, it would be hard to say that it isn't Sirius who made the jewelry. Conclusions aren't exactly my strong suit so I'll leave it at that.


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So if the gems can be carved why haven't we tried to destroy them at all? Or feed them to a Sableye and wonder trade it to another continent. Just drop em to the top of Pyrous mountains lava pool. Sorry kinda out of topic but I've kept thinking about this since these gem keys to a holy site got introduced. Feels like this whole mess can be solved with one perfectly good sledgehammer.


Also Sirius has always felt like a character who is just there with the characterisation of "ha-ha I'm evil." Am surprised he might be relevant to the plot! The third act is gearing up anyways so it's time we learn what his deal is.

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