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LoL Rants

Dark Desire

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Well since I've been seeing many rants of LoL things in main/other threads recently, I thought I might aswell make a thread for it.

I'll start off: When playing ranked, I know I shouldn't judge and complain about people for there misplays, but when you actually decide to help them and tell them what they did wrong, they just go ahead and tell you that you're a crappy support and that you haven't placed a ward down but you've actually placed about a billion. But the other team is so fed from them just going in when it's 2v5 you can't afford pinks to clear the enemy's pinks because they're taking down your wards.

Oh, and when I tried to sac myself for them by nunu ulting for the slow, they end up going back in and getting themselves killed... #Bronzeleague

Note: This isn't just a thread just to say disrespectful things to people you've had in games, use this thread as a learning tool/being somewhere that you can relieve yourself and share your and your team's mistakes.

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Well since I've been seeing many rants of LoL things in main/other threads recently, I thought I might aswell make a thread for it.

I'll start off: When playing ranked, I know I shouldn't judge and complain about people for there misplays, but when you actually decide to help them and tell them what they did wrong, they just go ahead and tell you that you're a crappy support and that you haven't placed a ward down but you've actually placed about a billion. But the other team is so fed from them just going in when it's 2v5 you can't afford pinks to clear the enemy's pinks because they're taking down your wards.

Oh, and when I tried to sac myself for them by nunu ulting for the slow, they end up going back in and getting themselves killed... #Bronzeleague

This is going to wind up as a qq thread very quickly

I also feel the need to say this (Not only to you, but to everyone else who says this stuff too): #BronzeLeague #BronzeElo #Soloqueue, or anything to that effect are by far the most asinine, tunnel vision things I've ever seen in my life. They are the equivalent of covering your eyes with your hands and proclaiming "I am the smartest person I see!" You along with the other 9 people in that match are all at the same level as far as elo is concerned, and I'm sure that if you were better, then you would have placed accordingly. I would say more, but I do believe that gbay99 can say it many orders of magnitudes better than I ever could.



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First of all, i wasn't stating i was the "best" on that team. I also made my mistakes but when i actually tried to step up and show leadership and tell them what they could better, they apparently shot me down and told me i was trash at the role. But by "#Bronzeleague", I'm not trying to say that Bronze is full of bad players and that they all need to get better, i'm just expressing on how some people just don't care and think ranked is a joke which leads to lost games sometimes.

I didn't want to make this thread just for people to go around disrespecting everyone they had in a bad game, i just wanted this to be a place where people can relieve themselfs and talk about bad experiences they've had during a game and how they can re-look at the game and see how everyone could've done better.

But sorry if my first post offended anyone/didn't get my point clear on the meaning of this thread.

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  • Developers

im trying sorta hard to get over my "blame yourself for everything that ever goes wrong in the world" mindset that I've have for... like.. 5 years or something idk when did i meet tori


then i play league and im only supposed to blame myself

life is hard

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I hate how trying to find a new niche for champions (example, some new jungler) gets shot down by other players even in bot matches, and chances are they haven't seen it before. I wanted to try jungling Draven in bot matches (figured Stand Aside would be an awesome ganking tool) and I think five matches in a row one person queue dodged. If people aren't open to new ideas, what's the point? That's what people play bots for.

EDIT: if you're gonna go in, do something that lets your team know that you're saving them, not initiating - signal that teammate to fall back or something. I am the king of dying to make myself useful after all. :P

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Lag is evil.

Lag needs to be destroyed.

Lag makes millions of players lose every year.

Lag makes me want to throw a puppy off a cliff, jump down after it, and smother it with another puppy.

Also, Comcast sucks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lag is evil.

Lag needs to be destroyed.

Lag makes millions of players lose every year.

Lag makes me want to throw a puppy off a cliff, jump down after it, and smother it with another puppy.

Also, Comcast sucks.

Try AT&T in a rural area. It's like playing chess with a pigeon who just walks all over the board and gains enough intellect to scream "I'M WINNING," but is otherwise deaf to the English language.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After coming stupidly close to Diamond and falling short due to some real bullshit, I am genuinely angry and incredibly exasperated because of this game for the first time in quite a while. This elo bracket(high plat to low diamond) has actually contained the worst attitudes I've ever seen in this game. Literally every single game there's 2-3 people who start to complain "gg," "ff at 20," "it's over," etc. when the slightest bad thing goes wrong. One of your teammates gave first blood? Game over. They got a dragon? Game over. It's sickening how people in silver and bronze solo queue have less negative attitudes, Oh yeah, Did I mention that these people also happen to be the ones who perform poorly and blame their teammate(s) for everything? They just died? Must be someone else's fault. Heaven forbid they actually play less than perfect. Except things couldn't be further from the truth. Apparently the vast majority of people here are actually just terrible. I suppose this shouldn't really be a surprise, seeing as how late in the season it is, and most people who are actually good are probably Diamond I or so. In any case, it's incredibly pathetic how people have so little game sense as to think you can't recover just because your team is 5 kills down. Or that just because someone is "a feeder" that your whole team suddenly lacks the capability to win altogether. Because you know, they themselves can't be the problem. Never.

tl;dr: plat is full of toxic players who like to whine all game and expect wins to be handed to them. also, it makes me mad

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