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Rounding up the starters



Hello everyone,


I'm trying to (EP18 spoiler below)


Finish the starter egg side quest (squest as ame would say)

collect all the starters and I'm missing five.








I don't care about stats, gender or level. I just want the mon itself. I've got nearly 11 boxes full of pokemon if you want anything I have. Thanks!

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4 minutes ago, boomdiada_ said:

Hello everyone,


I'm trying to (EP18 spoiler below)

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Finish the starter egg side quest (squest as ame would say)

collect all the starters and I'm missing five.








I don't care about stats, gender or level. I just want the mon itself. I've got nearly 11 boxes full of pokemon if you want anything I have. Thanks!


Snivy is on route 4 and is catchable

Squirtle is in wastelands on rainy days and has a rough video on obtaining it

Froakie is part of Pokedex quest

If your asking for a trade then online section is littery made for that, PM if you want to trade for them though

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You can get a torchic egg on a sidequest near Calcenon, in the cave near the south entrance you fight a trainer, then follow her to Calcenon's gym, she'll ask for something that you can get at the Belrose Manse, deliver it and she'll give you the egg. Oshawott is tradeable for a ledian in one of agate's houses, or at least it was for me; the npc said something related to aqua gang, so i assume you have to be aqua gang to make the trade?


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