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The... Common Candy?


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Yo party people in the house whats up


So I was playing around with the things

The level cap exists to prevent people from only grinding up one or two Pokemon way above their current level, taking the fun out of the game. However when players don't realise it's there, forget, get a lot of trainer battles in, or- god forbid- if something were to happen before they received their badge and they don't get a level cap increase when they expect it- it can be really frustrating when one's star players suddenly ignore somebody- and there isn't a whole lot to be done about that.

...So, what if you could just pop a couple common candies when your Combusken hits level 26 before the second gym, and the problem's fixed? No need to worry about over leveling, and the stats are properly reduced so it can't be abused.

HOWEVER, I'm curious if you guys can think of any ways this could be abused. Nothing can go below level 1 so that's not an issue, but this does make things like level 16 Electrodes conceivable. Aside from that side effect, are there any other ways this could be problematic?

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I can't think of anything. I mean if people had the patience for it, I suppose it would be possible to grind a Mudkip to level 36 for example, and then lower it back down under the cap before fighting Julia. But that would require a certain amount of these candies, and I doubt anyone would have that many early on. A less time consuming example would be Sandslash. It learns EQ just one level after the level cap before getting Aya's badge. It's likely people would abuse it to get EQ and then lower Sandslash back down. Other than those things, there shouldn't be too much of an issue.

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Yeah, over-leveling for certain moves and then lowering it again could be an issue, but at the same time there's an extra level of patience required in intentionally grinding higher-level Pokemon. It's hard to say.

Availability might also come into play, non?

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I'm all for it. The only real issue I see is mentioned above; grinding for certain moves, then lowering basck down, but keep in mind that grinding at levels above the cap would be EXTREMELY tedious and even diffcult to do.

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I feel like they should take a decent amount of effort to obtain in bulk; if people level a pokemon over the cap, then they probably won't continue grinding it up unless they intend to abuse for a good move. So they should only need a few to use it against the gym leader.

Also, I feel like it was obvious enough in the game that you should be wary of the level cap, so if people do continue to level up pokemon after they start to disobey, then that's their fault.

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Very solid point about the move thing. Honestly, I think if they want to go through that trouble though, I'll let 'em. >> Opens more options in a sense, but I doubt anyone will willingly take on anything so tedious.

As for having them in bulk.. I'm currently thinking it should be fine if they're easily accessible. Because, yeah, they should only ever need a few... But that means there's not much harm in their being readily available. What's the worst someone could do?

(and it would be nice to think it was clearly stated enough but there are a lot of people who complain that they can't beat x leader because their pokemon became overleveled one way or another.)

...I guess someone could, theoretically, buy a bunch, run to a high level area, and then de-level all of their pokemon so that they could never escape that area...

But I'm not terribly concerned about anyone doing that...

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I mean if it's the common candy, it should look more like a cheap candy like that piece of butterscotch candy you get from your Jii-chans or am I the only one that got those......

That's actually a really good idea. My Grandfather would give me those nasty pieces of candy too. :wacko:

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Not going to lie, I saw this and immediately thought of how amazing it would've been if I could've leveled my Donphan up to 46, learned Earthquake, then taken it back down to fight Aya. So I would've slightly abused it in that sense. However, leveling up a starter Pokemon to become fully evolved before one of the first gyms would be INSANELY hard due to wimpy wild Pokemon and obedience issues. So I don't see that issue happening, unless a pokemon evolves at 36 and the level cap is 35 :P

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no more questions just put the damn thing in there!! i need it right NOW!! its ridiculous that fighting badge withheld from me until i beat aya! my guys are on level 46 except a fucking pachirisu thats 45! and i cant battle at all. the 45 level cap is just BS because you throw all those enemy's at us before we fight aya and most likely our team might go over the limit! its even worse now thats its a double battle

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I applaud you for actually using pachirisu for that along man, I switched to shinx prior to fighting battling shade. But, I am I the only that hasn't had trouble with the level cap, the only time is when my golbat hit level 26 during the middle of the battle against Florina..

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