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Pokemons up for trade


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  On 8/14/2018 at 1:56 PM, 「J」 said:

Hello everyone and good day. I've spent quite some time breeding for certain Pokemons till I get good IVs or good IVs and shiny sprite and I noticed more than half of my storage are duplicates. Cleared them up today and decided to do a sort of a giveaway. (I'm still doing the Pokedex quest, but I'll be honest and say I'm not even at 200 Pokemons yet. So... there's a huge amount of Pokemon that I don't have XD)

List of Pokemons I have with me now are :
1. Feebas (low speed IV, the rest being decent) x 36
2. Feebas (4 IV, decent all around IV except for Attack and a little bit here and there) x45
3. Feebas (5 IV, mainly Attack is not at 31) x59
4. Feebas (4 IV, Shiny) x1
5. Gible (Attack) x23
6. Gible (SP Atk) x27
7. Gible (4-5IV, HP not 31) x6
8. Gible (Attack/SP Atk, with slightly lower SP Def) x2

9. Gible (Attack, Shiny) x1
10. Ralts (4IV, HP and Attack not maxed) x2
11. Cyndaquil (SP Atk) x8
12. Alola Vulpix x4
13. Absol (Attack) x24
14. Absol (Attack, Shiny) x1

The minimum IV that you would fine should be 20+ (except for certain Pokemons which I feel "X" stat isn't needed, for example Feebas with high Attack IV).
Don't really need to give me anything in return, as long as you have a Pokemon to trade with.
Initially I wanted to do something like first 30 Feebas traders get a free Prism Scale, but they won't get Feebas in their Pokedex will they?

Edit : By 4 IV, 5 IV I mean there's 4-5 IVs which are 31 in value. I'm not sure am I the only person to call it that or not, but I hope it clears up the misunderstanding

The Pokemons are on a first come first serve basis, I'm terribly sorry if you didn't get what you want. 

PS : Please tell me which type of Feebas/Gible you want, cause there's different IVs etc

Discord : Jan#5101 (I'm also in the Reborn, Evolved Discord server)
In game trading name Jannn

(Also I'm sorry if this post looks like a mess x.x I'm still quite new to the forum)


i need the attack gible i can give you chimchar lvl 1 for it what do you say

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