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HUEnd's Trading Post (Updated 09/23/18)


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I had to create a new thread because mine was too old and archived so I couldn't bump it but let's skip this part and...


Heya folks! I decided to start out a thread to trade away some breeding leftovers and ask for a couple of mons for dex completion and wanted mons in general. Without further ado:


WANTED: (yes I'm kinda picky, but what's in italics is optional)



Gender: Female

Ability: Intimidate

Nature: Careful

IV Spread: 31/31/31/x/31/31

Egg Moves: Aqua Jet, Haze



Gender: Female

Ability: Storm Drain

Nature: Relaxed

IV Spread: 31/31/31/31/31/x

Egg Moves: Curse, Recover, Stealth Rock




Competitively viable shinies (maxed main stats and proper speed, no need to be 100% perfect)




Sellables: Big Nugget, Rare Bone, Big Pearls, Relic items, etc;

Rare Candies



More will be added soon...not many though, I got too many mons already D=





Nature: Bold

IV Spread: 31/x/31/x/31/31

Egg Moves: Heal Bell, Seismic Toss

As I WT'd pretty much every spare mons I had, feel free to ask pretty much anything (outside of leggies/unbreedable mons) you'd like and I'll gladly provide it for ya 😉

Edited by HUEnd
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4 minutes ago, HUEnd said:

@sdddf4 no IVs doesn't matter. @Starry Knight and @DerpyDragon I'll be on the waiting screen in 5 minutes, so get yer mons and get ready to trade. Same goes for you sdddf4 =3

Alright brt

just realized it was Talonflame I have or fletchling will evolve one of my fletchlings sorry...

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30 minutes ago, HUEnd said:

@Chim it's totally fine! I'll take the male one whenever I'm able to trade (~8 hours). Which mon are you looking for?

Alright, I should be able to trade in 9 hours or so right before work. I'm looking for a female Salandit.

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