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Starter Choices


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Hello! I recently decided I wanted to play Reborn. I really liked what I’ve seen, so now I’m here! I’ll be downloading it soon.

I’ve poked around a bit to try to see what starters were best for the game. I’m doing a normal run since I want to appreciate the story, but I don’t want to struggle too much. I saw that Speed Boost Torchic is popular but I want to weigh my other options a bit as some people said it makes a portion of the game rather easy.

I’m considering Magician Delphox the most, but I wanted to get other opinions on if this is a decent choice and if there are other decent choices also.

I also realize E18 has been played by some people and will be out for release in some months, and that can weigh in on decisions, but please don’t spoil anything in doing so.

Edited by Cashmere
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Protean Frokie is always a great option as well since it can cover whatever typing your team needs. Also, the public release of Ep 18 will be out most likely around mid September. Also, you can gain most of the starters though some of the sidequests, so it lets you play around with a ton of them. 

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My personal favorite is Turtwig. It's a great all-rounder once it evolves all the way. Good bulk, nice attack, and earthquake does wonders (plus curse isnt that bad of a boosting move lets be real). As long as you keep it away from ice it'll do you proud. 

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4 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

@Cashmere Damp Mudkip seems to do pretty good, despite being 4x to the second gym


4 hours ago, Eevee said:

Protean Frokie is always a great option as well since it can cover whatever typing your team needs. Also, the public release of Ep 18 will be out most likely around mid September. Also, you can gain most of the starters though some of the sidequests, so it lets you play around with a ton of them. 


4 hours ago, Maqqy said:

Cyndaquil, Chimchar and Popplio are also good viable choices. Also yes, it would be wise to wait a little bit for the public release of E18 for a more fresh start.


3 hours ago, SnowGlaceon said:

My personal favorite is Turtwig. It's a great all-rounder once it evolves all the way. Good bulk, nice attack, and earthquake does wonders (plus curse isnt that bad of a boosting move lets be real). As long as you keep it away from ice it'll do you proud. 


Thanks everyone! I’m sorry if I’m not getting forum controls right yet. But yes, I am going to wait until Episode 18 comes out more than likely. I like Popplio and Turtwig lots, but having 21 starter choices makes this super difficult. It’s good to know that many of them are available with other means, though!

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2 minutes ago, Cashmere said:





Thanks everyone! I’m sorry if I’m not getting forum controls right yet. But yes, I am going to wait until Episode 18 comes out more than likely. I like Popplio and Turtwig lots, but having 21 starter choices makes this super difficult. It’s good to know that many of them are available with other means, though!


you will have all of them available throughout the game, as all but legendary and most Mythical/UB have been implemented, while not really a spoiler as there is a dedicated official link i felt it was appropriate


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Froakie with protean is my starter. It's a good pokemon but you'll need bulky team members if you decide to use it. Also it won't always ko pokemon.

I've seen that physical attackers tend to do slightly better than special attackers so you could choose a starter based on that.

Btw I don't have a grass type on my team and haven't felt the need for one ever. Just FYI if you're having trouble chosing a type.

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The Ultra Mega Chicken is tops, by far, especially with speed boost. I wouldn't say it makes the game too easy, but for your first run it'll be a godsend. Protean froakie is nice if you want adaptibility, but without life orb it lacks punch. Contrary snivy is the one I'm currently using, and the third best, but grass is not a particular great type. 

Cyndaquil is a beast, with a learnset that exploits fields and IIRC the only fire starter able to learn the in-Reborn's only OP move: nature power, to always give it a boosted move in any field.

Charmander is great in the beginning, learning dragon rage and flame burst (you'll see soon why this is important) 

Mudkip is also one of the best, and its typing will only bother you in the second gym.


Hope that helped

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The only starter that is OP from the get-go is Speed Boost Torchic, as others have said. Protean Froakie and Contrary Snivy are great, but only fairly late in the game. The Froakie line in particular doesn't have a great lvl up movepool, and while it's extremely fast, it lacks the sheer power to OHKO most opponents (which is a problem, considering how frail it is). Charmander is very OP at the beginning because of Dragon Rage, but later in the game it will start to stop pulling its weight.


My honest advice: you should really take into account their lvl up movepools before picking a starter. Good TMs and good Move Tutors are fairly scarce in Pokemon Reborn until very, very late game.

Edited by iDunno
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I started another fan game and it came down to Chimchar and Mudkip.


Chim gets access to Iron Fist which you can make use later on in the game with move trainers. Infernape is also cool. Chim isn't Mega Ultra Chicken tier but it's a good second option.

Mudkip gets earthquake has a great type and seems to have a great move pool. I chose this on the run I just started on Rejuvenation.

I also recommend Turtwig because it's adorable.

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