AzureNate Posted August 25, 2018 Share Posted August 25, 2018 On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Bonus: A-Exeggutor- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Expand Amethyst loves Alolan Exeggutor so much that it deserves no description and rating Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alistair Posted August 25, 2018 Share Posted August 25, 2018 Since Ame hasn't done gen 3 yet, I might just go ahead and steal her thunder... he protecc he attacc but most importantly he hijacc Reveal hidden contents Treecko - Cute little gecko friend, maybe a bit proud and distant at times but definitely has your back and probably won't say no to cuddling if he trusts you. Looks soft to the touch. 7/10 Grovyle - Stylish but not as cute, with a very thin body and these leaves look sharp... still deserves some love but definitely not as cuddly. 5/10 Sceptile - Has grown to a good size for hugging, sharp leaves aren't as much in the way as before. Quite huggable, but has a really intimidating glare and that might make things a little weird. 6/10 Torchic - Adorable lil fiery birb, very affectionate, will be a super cuddly and faithful companion, warm and fuzzy too. Gib luv! 9/10 Combusken - Um sorry Torchic, but what happened? Ok still warm but not as fuzzy, not as cute, is mostly muscular legs, claws and talons, don't let it kick you or you'll be hurt. 3/10 Blaziken - Alright doing better again, cannot match unevolved cuteness but doesn't seen as uncomfortable to hug. Comfy feathers, has learnt to control his strength (probably), good companion. 7/10 Mudkip - I HERD U LIEK MUDKIPZ? Cuz I don't. Ok that's a bit harsh, let's just say that I don't find them particularly cuddle-able. Sure, they're cute, but they don't look pleasant to touch. 4/10 Marshtomp - Same as Mudkip but not as cute (look at these weird eyes), and now dirtier. 3/10 Swampert - Same as Marshtomp but even less cute, and now has the ability to crush you in his strong arms if he feels like it. Yikes. 2/10 Poochyena - Probably fairly nice to cuddle but be careful, or you'll get bitten. Touch at your own risk. 5/10 Mightyena - Could totally bite your face off if they wanted. And would, if you weren't their beloved and respected trainer. Right Mighty? ...right? aaaaaAAAAAAAAAA ded/10 Zigzagoon - Cute as hecc lil raccoon but very restless and hair is really tough! Will probably hurt if you hug too tightly. 3-8/10 depending on how rough you like it. Linoone - Smooth af, nice to touch. Not sure how affectionate compared to Zigzagoon tho, and might slip away if you don't pay attention. Still a good boi. 6/10 Wurmple - Bugs are kinda gross ok. Sure they can be cute, but would you actually cuddle this one? I wouldn't. And it has poisonous spikes too. Hell no. 1/10 Silcoon - if the name is any hint, it may feel nice to touch. But it's still kinda spikey, so depends on how much you like this kinda stuff. Besides it's a cocoon. What do you get from cuddling it?? 2/10 Beautifly - Oh look a butterfly! Nice, pretty, would cuddle! Or... would I? Not sure actually. Its face is p weird if you look at it too much. I don't know about this one honestly. ??/10 Cascoon - Basically the same as Silcoon but looks meaner. 1/10 Dustox - Uh. No. Why would you cuddle that. Just because it's still a living being and needs love? I guess, but that doesn't make it cuddly. 2/10 Lotad - ...look buddy, you're cute, you're funny, but I really don't know how to cuddle you. Do I pet your hat? Do I pick you up and tickle your underside? That's weird. You get points for trying. 4/10 Lombre - Body shape looks more huggable and cuddly, I suppose, but something about this pokemon makes me want to not touch it. Not very friendly. Will probably get you drenched too. 3/10 Ludicolo - Miror B/10 (that's a good grade) Seedot - Nice lil seedy ball, easy to hold and cuddle, not very soft though? And probably not really able to return the affection, but it's not its fault, poor little buddy. 5/10 Nuzleaf - Body looks like a smol human. But it's not at the same time. So I wouldn't really feel comfortable cuddling that. Just weird. 2/10 Shiftry - Fuzzy fur thingy, looks big enough for hugs, but... oh my god look at the face. Terrifying. Go away please. 1/10 Ralts - Needs lots of love and affection to grow strong. If you give it to Ralts, you'll be paid back hundredfold. 8/10 Kirlia - Getting cuter as time goes by, and her ability to give back the love you share grows too. 9/10 Gardevoir - One of the best companions one can have. Fierce, gentle, affectionate... as long as you treat her with love and respect, she'll cuddle your body and mind alike. 11/10 Nincada - Dirt spoder, dirt spoder, does whatever a spoder can... What do you mean it's a cicada? It looks too much like a spoder to me, and I don't like them. 2/10 Ninjask - Great, now it looks like a fly. And it's probably too fast to catch. Pretty uncomfortable too. 1/10 Shedinja - I like this pokémon, I really do. But it just doesn't look made for cuddling. It's rough, weirdly shaped, not even alive or breathing, and can trap your soul in its shell. No thanks. 0/10 Taillow - Hehe, cute birb! Courageous, affectionate, soft feathers, nice companion! 7/10 Swellow - Gains in elegance what it loses in cuteness. Bigger and therefore more huggable, too. slightlystronger7/10 Shroomish - Do you want to get doused in toxic spores? Because that's how you get doused in toxic spores. 3/10 Breloom - Do you want to get punched by a retractable vegetal arm? Because that's how you get punched by a retractable vegetal arm. 2/10 Spinda - This poor berryholic lost everything to the drink, and wandered aimlessly ever since, drowning its sorrows. Come on, at least give a pat on the back. 5/10 Wingull - Would be better if the beak wasn't so terribly in the way. Still kinda cute. 5/10 Pelipper - Not only is it mostly beak, but it's also making it rain all the damn time. I can like rain, but too much rain kills it. 2.5/10 Surskit - Pretty little fella, but again suspiciously spoder-like... mmmh. 4.9/10 Masquerain - Surprisingly cute, and might be good at using the wings for cuddles, who knows? I'd give it a try. 6/10 Wailmer - You don't cuddle the Wailmer. The Wailmer cuddles you. 5.1/10 Wailord - YOU DON'T CUDDLE THE WAILORD. THE WAILORD CUDDLES YOU. AND CRUSHES YOUR BONES. 1/10 Skitty - Is basically a cat. Are you a cat person? I know I don't mind cats. 7/10 Delcatty - Larger and prettier cat. Much yes. Good for petting and cuddling, without a doubt. 8/10 Kecleon - Looks weird, and might turn invisibe right as you attempt to cuddle it. I don't see this one being very cuddly at all tbh. 2/10 Baltoy - Uuuuh... sure?? Not sure how I feel about this, but I guess it can't hurt? 5/10 Claydol - Okay, I definitely know how I feel about this. 0/10 Nosepass - As goofy as Nosepass looks, which is kinda cute in its own way, I cannot fathom how it could possibly be good at cuddling, or even receiving cuddles. Sorry pal. 1/10 Torkoal - Rugged and just a bit too hot, may blow steam in your face as well, but will undoubtedly love you. Great at torturing Meteor grunts too. Which is somewhat irrelevant here. 4/10 Sableye - This pokémon is creepy as heck and I should not be giving it a good rating. And yet. I don't know why. I kinda want to support it. Gimme a hug buddy. 6/10 Barboach - Here we are, starting to tackle the many slippery slimy fish things... sighs. 3/10 Whiscash - You'd have to avoid its uncomfortably large mouth and dead eyes if you wanted to pet it. I really don't trust this pokémon. 2/10 Luvdisc - I was tempted to throw this one in the trash but you know what, it's better for cuddles than most fish things around. If only because I would actually not mind putting my hands near it. 5/10 Corphish - Do you want to lose fingers? Because that's how you lose fingers. Roland learned it the hard way. 1/10 Crawdaunt - Do you want to lose limbs? Because that's how you lose limbs. 0/10 Feebas - Haha, Feebas... You aren't cuddly. But that's part of your gimmick, innit. Go ahead and swim away, you magnificently ugly fish. 2/10 Milotic - Beautiful, large, soft, kind pokémon. I would dream of having a Milotic gently wrapping herself around me, and letting me stroke her beautiful hair. And you would too. Don't lie. 10/10 Carvahna - No. 0/10 Sharpedo - Please. Stop it. Get some help. -1/10 Trapinch - Oh my god why are so many pokémon ready to chop fingers and hands off their trainers. 1/10 Vibrava - You're cute. I don't really know how to cuddle you, but you're cute. And I'm sure you mean well. Please don't make these horrible sounds when I'm near though. 5/10 Flygon - Cute green dragon bro gives the absolute best hugs, will never hurt you, and will always be there for you. Period. 10/10 Makuhita - Soft chubby little fighter will totally accept your cuddles and cuddle you back, but beware. May not have completely mastered its strength yet. Look at this smile tho. 6/10 Hariyama - Is all serious now. No more cuddly time. All training. Must get stronger. Gets a worse cuddle-rating as a result. 4/10 Electrike - A good, faithful, energetic companion. Maybe not the most comfortable to hug, and might shock you accidentally, but still more than deserves a chance. 6.5/10 Manectric - Electrike but better in virtually every way. 7.5/10 Numel - Watch out for steam, heat and lava, but it's so cute and clueless... super affectionate too. Give the poor thing some love, you heartless monster. 7/10 Camerupt - Unfortunately, has grown out of the comfortable cuddle zone. You can still at least pat it on the head, I bet it's super smooth there. 5/10 Spheal - I honestly think it's one of the cutest pokémon out there, just look at this face. Might be a bit cold, might be a bit wet, but suuuuper soft and deserves LOTS of love. 8/10 Sealeo - Look at the cuteness and cuddle-ability. It's gone now. 4/10 Walrein - I said look at it. It's GONE now. 3/10 Cacnea - Oh boy... I hope you like when it hurts. If you do, this fellow will sure be happy to cuddle. 2-7/10 Cacturne - Same, but much thornier and much creepier. 1-5/10 Snorunt - I'd like to say I wanna cuddle it, but I don't really trust this face. On the other hand, it's so shivering with cold that I feel I can't help but try to comfort it. Come here, Snorunt. 6/10 Glalie - I actually kinda like this pokémon, it's the right kind of creepy imo, but it's definitely not made for cuddles at all. And don't get me started on how uncuddle-able the mega is. 1/10 Solrock - Please stop cuddling rocks. 2/10 Lunatone - No really, that's weird. 2/10 Azurill - Adorable bouncy little baby pikablu, is obviously soft to the touch and you should totally hug it as much as comfortable. Cherish it. 9/10 Spoink - SpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoinkSpoink. Spoink/10 Grumpig - The name says grumpy, and yet I don't see any reasons why it couldn't be a good cuddle buddy. Not the cutest fellow around, but very huggable. 6/10 Plusle/Minun - Awww, look at the kawaii widdle Pikaclones! I think they're also less prone to shocking than Pikachu, which is a significant boon. 7/10 Mawile - On the one hand she's cute and will lure you in for cuddles, on the other hand she might bite your head off without warning. You're tearing me apart, Mawile! Wiseau/10 Meditite - A relaxing and calm companion, probably ready to cuddle, if you respect her boundaries and give her time to get accustomed to you. Mmmm, zen hugs. 7/10 Medicham - Uglier and her body's proportions are off in a Combuskenish way. Sorry, but that's gonna cost you a few points girly. 4/10 Swablu - A bit too small for hugging, but the wings are literally the softest thing ever. That's a yes. 8/10 Altaria - Looks designed for giving and receiving the softest cuddles. And will 100% agree to them. That's a huge yes. 10/10 Wynaut - Why not. 5/10 Duskull - Ok ghosts need love too, but this one is a bit too weird to cuddle, don't you think? Unless you like skulls then go for it. Guzma/10 Dusclops - Oh no, now it's even worse and will probably try to pull you into another dimension if you try to cuddle it, fly you fools! 1/10 Roselia - She might play hard to get, but deep down she wants people to see the beauty beyond the thorns. Be patient, and giver her the love she deserves. 7/10 Slakoth - You won't get him to do much of anything at all, but cuddling and napping together? For suuuuuuure, broooooo! 7/10 Vigoroth - Literally cannot stay in place and is very strong. Do not attempt to cuddle, you'll get an accidental beating. 1/10 Slaking - Basically Slakoth but huge and not as cute. Also atrociously strong; might accidentally crush you. 2/10 Gulpin - Looks surprisingly good for cuddles, but pray it doesn't belch acid on you, or worse, try to eat you in one bite. 4/10 Swalot - Gulpin but with every risk related to it rising exponentially. It doesn't want to cuddle; you're its next meal. 0/10 Whismur - Good size to hold in your arms, rather cute, shy, quiet (mostly), please give it love while you still can, we all know it won't last. 7/10 Loudred - How do you cuddle something that's mostly gaping mouth and raging roars? 1/10 Exploud - Cf Loudred. 1/10 Clamperl - I... don't think it's capable of cuddling anything. And it won't feel your cuddles at all. Unless you cuddle the inside of the shell but OH LOOK I LOST FINGERS AGAIN. 0/10 Huntail - Nightmare fuel. 0/10 Gorebyss - Considerably cuter, but still slippery slimey fish and actually dangerous too. Do you really want to cuddle that? 2/10 Chimecho - Whew, this generation has a lot of pokémon that just don't look suitable for great cuddling. It's kinda cute and comparatively harmless at least. 5/10 Absol - Does not bring misfortune. Is an absolute peach. Fur is super comfy. Will always be there for you, and will totally cuddle if you prove yourself worthy. All hail Abusoru. 13/10 Shuppet - Can you even cuddle it? It's cloth. Is it friendly at all? Maybe yes, maybe no. Give it a try if you wanna experience strange stuff, I guess. 4/10 Banette - Is legitimately terrifying. A reanimated doll that hunts down the child who abandoned it. Don't even think about it, leave it alone on its quest for vengeance. 0/10 Seviper - WAY too dangerous for cuddles. 1/10 Zangoose - Will never admit it, but is crazy good at both receiving and giving cuddles. Yes, even with the claws. You'll see. If you're worthy, Zangoose will make you like it. 8/10 Relicanth - There is absolutely nothing cuddly about this pokémon, who is also deprived of any personality. 1/10 Aron - Objectively not the best for cuddling, since its shell is made of stone and steel, but will definitely show appreciation, and is pretty cute. So it's still a well-deserved 6/10 Lairon - Uuuh... not so cute, now, are we? 3/10 Aggron - Is a surprisingly caring pokémon who will protect you and hug you in powerful yet gentle arms. Not the comfiest, but the intention counts. 6/10 Castform - Eheheh... tablecloth. 5/10 Volbeat - This kind buggo looks huggable, don't you think? It can't win battles (don't @ me bug lovers), but it can win our affection. 6/10 Illumise - Psst! Just Volbeat but girlier. Don't repeat it though! 6/10 Lileep - Yet another addition to the obviously not designed for cuddling clan. Man this generation really has a lot of those. 2/10 Cradily - Maybe we would consider cuddling you if you weren't so utterly strange! Seriously it's impossible to tell if this pokémon is just existing or trying to plot the world's demise. weird/10 Anorith - Claws, hard shell, but still looks somewhat affectionate. That's really the only reason you're getting a couple points, bucko. 3/10 Armaldo - Still claws, still hard shell, but might be able to give decent hugs this time. Still not very comfortable... and please keep the claws in check. I don't trust them. 4/10 Bagon - This stubby little dragon is kinda cute, and just like he keeps trying, and trying, and trying to fly, he'll also keep trying to win your affection. Never stop fighting, Bagon. 7/10 Shelgon - Err... how do we cuddle you now? I still think you deserve love, but please, come out of your shell? You know you want to, and it'll make things easier for us. 3.5/10 Salamence - Look at you, all grown up and able to fly now! Does that mean if you believe in something and work really hard to achieve it, you can? You're cuddly and inspirational, Salamence. 7/10 Beldum - The only move it knows is Take Down... I'm rather wary of cuddling something that might radomly ram into me because it has no other means of expressing its love. 3/10 Metang - This pokémon is left unscathed by a collision with a jet plane. It doesn't know fear, or pain, or love. It doesn't care about your cuddles. It will keep trucking. 2/10 Metagross - Are supercomputers even interested in cuddling at all? I doubt it. It has evolved way beyond any need for physical affection. It is nothing but metal and supreme intelligence now. 1/10 Regirock - Strong enough to crush you, hard and rugged, doesn't display any emotions. Bad cuddle-ability. 2/10 Regice - Same but colder. 1/10 Registeel - Same but colder and smoother. 2/10 Kyogre - Look, this is really just a prehistoric, mystical killer whale. Looks majestic, but is very dangerous and may kill you accidentally or willingly. And rain. Lots of it. 2/10 Groudon - If it feels as dangerous and uncomfortable as it looks, and I'm sure it does, you may not want to even try cuddling it. 1/10 Rayquaza - Doesn't seem like the cuddly type, but someone so dedicated to calming down the kids when they're misbehaving can't be that bad. Try cuddling; will probably not kill you. 5/10 Latias - Super adorable, affectionate, cuddly, will play with you, hug you, stay at your side and love you. At last a nice legendary. 9/10 Latios - A bit more distant than his sister, but you can surely win his affection with hard work and loyalty. And when you do, certainly just as cuddly as her. 8.5/10 Jirachi - Please hug Nostra! Please please please please please please please! please/10 Deoxys - Mysterious murdery alien. Will zap you into oblivion, or eviscerate you if you approach. Or might just be a softie inside. Wanna take that risk? 0.5/10 5 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoYT Posted August 25, 2018 Share Posted August 25, 2018 On 8/25/2018 at 11:06 PM, Alistair said: Latios - Super adorable, affectionate, cuddly, will play with you, hug you, stay at your side and love you. At last a nice legendary. 9/10 Expand You know what you did 2 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wcv Posted August 26, 2018 Share Posted August 26, 2018 (edited) On 8/25/2018 at 11:21 PM, LeoYT said: You know what you did Expand Also he got her name wrong. Edited August 26, 2018 by wcv Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AzureNate Posted August 26, 2018 Share Posted August 26, 2018 Wow, the Gen 3 ratings are spot-on haha. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corso Posted August 26, 2018 Share Posted August 26, 2018 (edited) Combuskenish Btw great job Ali Edited August 26, 2018 by Corso 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alistair Posted August 26, 2018 Share Posted August 26, 2018 On 8/26/2018 at 12:04 AM, wcv said: Also he got her name wrong. Expand Fixed. There are so many of them man. I was getting tired by the end Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Administrators Amethyst Posted September 13, 2018 Author Administrators Share Posted September 13, 2018 On 8/17/2018 at 4:59 PM, Alistair said: tfw you try to support a not-so-well-loved pokémon by giving it a good cuddle rating but accidentally give it a terrible rating Expand wait NO NOOO IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE GOOD H OW COULD THIS HAPPEN listen it's you all know the truth it's 8/10 in our hearts ok ok ok. On 8/17/2018 at 5:21 PM, ZEL said: I'm very glad you learned your lesson, maybe there's potential for goodness in you after a- ...You think I can't read? You thought I wouldn't read the rest?? Hm??? Did you??? Think you're funny, do you? 1v3 me, bird only, windy weather, no items Expand l-listen i like murkrow!! it's just.. not gonna-- hold on we can talk about this......... On 8/17/2018 at 7:27 PM, Azeria said: > Typh >>5/10 Alright we're duking this out. I will not stand for this slander. Expand NO. its for him sake.... we all know he better than that but he gotta look cool in front of his peers dont bust his cover, yo On 8/19/2018 at 12:45 AM, Hycrox said: Celebi's an onion, meaning it has layers. You know what else has layers? You're goddamn right, Shrek is 10/10 for cuddling, ame thinks so too. Expand uh wait what just happened ? -- thanks for holding them over ali, cuz im slow af but we in this, i actually tried to do hoenn like the day after but then i got started and accidentally deleted the wholle thing so kfgbfkghjfgg but its ok we made it hoenn been officially added into first post, i disagree with ali on a solid bout of points but thats ok alternate opions are legal in this realm Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corso Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 I can't decide who made a better job with gen 3 so @Alistair do gen 1 and 2 and then @both do the other gens separately please it's for the community Do it or I'll unleash THAT UNOWN 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ProjectIceman Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 (edited) On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Linoone- hair is now smooth, better to feel, bigger body, better cuddler he go fast then gotta rest, rest iwth him 8/1- Expand Either the 8/1 is a typo or Linoone got the best score ever On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Spheal- round and soft and altogether very convenient! its covered with fur so very soft. actually how do you cuddle this? wouldnt it just roll away? oh, come back... 5/10 Expand I'm honestly surprised Spheal got a lower score than Sealeo and Walrein. @SealThoughts? Edited September 13, 2018 by ProjectIceman Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LeoYT Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Latias- 10/10 source: pokemon heroes Expand Thats what I like to see, Bianca does to. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seal Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 On 9/13/2018 at 1:21 PM, ProjectIceman said: On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Spheal- round and soft and altogether very convenient! its covered with fur so very soft. actually how do you cuddle this? wouldnt it just roll away? oh, come back... 5/10 Expand I'm honestly surprised Spheal got a lower score than Sealeo and Walrein. @SealThoughts? Expand MY KIND HAS BEEN HUMILIATED AND STRIPPED FROM IT'S HONOR. Spheal is a very soft, squishy boy and is too heavy to roll away from touching it making it the ultimate life-form for cuddling. Reveal hidden contents 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Godot Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 Ame is a madwoman, as expected. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hycrox Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: so however good this pokemon is at being cuddled depends on your grandpa. that makese sense right? Expand don't see anything wrong here, carry on Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swampellow Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Swampert- it's kinda like machop if machop were a water type cuz you COULD cuddle it but why would you really want to and also what is its skin even , big muscle man, idk , 3/10 Expand >>>>>>>>>:[ Swampert is a gentleman who will hug you whenever you need. He is warm and friendly >>>>>:[ On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Swellow- taillow but bigger, give it a nice hug and pat as it slowly burns itself to death for the sake of killing all your enemies, poor bird is constantly on fire. you will be too, 6/10 Expand Ama may have put the gun down but I picked it up. very false. Pokemon Amie has shown that giving cuddles gets rid of burns, have you learned nothing. clearly you do not cuddle your friends when they are burned >:[ Large Taillow is very good, one might even say swell, at least an 8/10 still. Reveal hidden contents See Ruby understands, these two are clearly going to cuddle. Give him a chance :((((( Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans andracass Posted September 13, 2018 Veterans Share Posted September 13, 2018 i love this. it's very good. also, ask after the 15th Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Swordsman Posted September 13, 2018 Share Posted September 13, 2018 No bonus for Mega Altaria?! But its like the most fluffy and cuddlable mega evolution of all time. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZEL Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 8/10 put the gun down ama Expand I love how you say this at the 8/10 rating for taillow, not the 3/10 you gave poor wingull How could you do this to wingull you'll make lia cry maybe but it's ok I'll put the gun down If only to force you to live with the shame of an existence in which metagross got a low rating Losty commenting on your awful score for the Lotad line in 3...2...1... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hycrox Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 On 9/14/2018 at 6:25 AM, ZEL said: How could you do this to wingull Expand Reveal hidden contents lia rn 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walpurgis Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 On 9/14/2018 at 10:22 AM, Hycrox said: Reveal hidden contents lia rn Expand also zigzagoon is only a 5??????????????????????????????? i dont know how i feel about this Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans Azeria Posted September 14, 2018 Veterans Share Posted September 14, 2018 On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Gardevoir- beautiful companion, will protect you and returns your feelings so if you wanna coddle so does it, but really warmest dearest friend you could ask for, 16/10 , would be higher but that spike in its chest is often in the way, unless you believe the doujins that say its its emotional cortext and won't hurt, in fact quite the opposite but really let's not go there, ALSO i better not hear ANY backtalking to male gardevoir, male gardevoir are JUST AS GOOD as their female companions and they need love and respect too, OK? #EqualityForGardevoir in fact 19/10 just to get a point across. Expand Overrated/10 more like it. On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Flygon- now its wings sound like SINGING ???? did y'all know that ?? i didnt know that. that's cool af. anyway he a soft boy now, big boi too, he cant hurt you anymore, do him a nice cuddle, or just sleep on top of him or something, 9/10 Expand Yes good. Good boi. Flies now, happy boi. On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Dusclops- steals spirits and sucks things into its blackhole body. i don't think you get too much from it, and you probably risk everything too. 0/10 Expand Why not. Eternal nothingness seems like a pretty sweet deal, and it gets a hug out of it. On 8/17/2018 at 6:55 AM, Amethyst said: Absol- such a cute pokemon! like a little dog friend. the spiky thing on his head might get in the way and i hope him tail not too sharp, but you can bet -I- for one will be cuddling this pokemon all day. i think it needs it, too, cuz everyone misunderstands it. it really benefits from a trainer who can give it the proper affection and it returns it by keeping you safe. what a lovely pokemon !!!! 9/10 Expand Good scores from ame pt 2. Best dark type, fluffy boy. Mega evolution is even fluffier and adorably edgy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tacos Posted September 14, 2018 Share Posted September 14, 2018 Spheal being a 5/10 is just a tragedy. This day will live on in infamy on the Reborn Forums. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadeStrider Posted September 15, 2018 Share Posted September 15, 2018 We all know we want Ame to get to a certain Gen 4 Poison/Grass first stage. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Global Mods Dreamy Posted September 15, 2018 Global Mods Share Posted September 15, 2018 On 9/13/2018 at 9:09 PM, The Swordsman said: No bonus for Mega Altaria?! But its like the most fluffy and cuddlable mega evolution of all time. Expand It'd break the rating counter. glad to see mawile got the love it deserves. she's just shy and gets defensive ok if swampert is a 3 and swellow is a 6 does that make Swampellow a 4.5 or a 9? 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veterans andracass Posted September 15, 2018 Veterans Share Posted September 15, 2018 On 9/15/2018 at 3:30 AM, DreamblitzX said: if swampert is a 3 and swellow is a 6 does that make Swampellow a 4.5 or a 9? Expand swampellow is 5/8ths of swampert and 6/7ths of swellow. 5/8ths of 3 is 1.875 an 6/7ths of 6 is 5.143 swampellow has a rating of 7.118 QED 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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