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Ame Rates Every Pokemon's Cuddle-ability


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...I actually forgot this topic existed for a while, I've been super frazzled lately.


But I must.


On 8/17/2018 at 2:55 AM, Amethyst said:
  • Lotad- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think you damage the lillypad unless you just let it sit on you which isnt really cuddling so gonna 2/10 it

It counts as cuddling if you belieeeeeve... But I'll approve at the very least of not wanting to hurt it.


On 8/17/2018 at 2:55 AM, Amethyst said:
  • Lombre- now has a body you could conceivably hug, but covered by slime dex outright said feels bad to touch, might really be a downgrade, 1/10

You gave Whiscash a higher rating than this despite it probably feeling similar? It's a fucking fish. It can't even hug you. How very dare.


On 8/17/2018 at 2:55 AM, Amethyst said:
  • Ludicolo- now BIG fuzzy friend would LOVE to cuddle with BIG smile, on one hand he looks fluffy but on the other hand he looks pineapple, you wanna cuddle fluffy but not wanna cuddle pineapple so what do we do, let's say 7/10 and assume it's just a really really soft pineapple

This, though, I can agree with. Absolutely please do cuddle the soft pineapple.


Aside from Lombre's I can mostly accept these. I'll spare you for today.


On 8/17/2018 at 2:55 AM, Amethyst said:
  • Swalot- C O N S U M E  C U D D L E  ................................................ 3/10
  • Tropius- listen tropius isnt good for much but its the best on-the-go snuggle buddy you're gonna get. wanna cuddle? just lay on and hug its neck. need to get somewhere? it FLIES. hungry? just grab some banana! eat your cuddle friend! delicious ! 8/10

...These give me concerns about your ideas for cuddling, though, for the record. (Also you question cuddling a stomach and then... give a higher rating for cuddling a bigger stomach? I am even more concern.)

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