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"Bro, do you even breed?"


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Hello yall,

I've come here to let out my frustration. I was breeding for a good ivs alolan vulpix for my next run.

After hours of interbreeding (and thanks to a Good Samaritan on wondertrade that gifted me a 5ivs male eevee) I managed to get a 5ivs shiny a-vulpix. The one iv that was at 6 was..... Sp.Def


its highest stat.

the most important want

it's even modest nature.


damn boi

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4 minutes ago, GriffinO1 said:

They never said anything about shinies.

I'm assuming this person is talking about  a Reborn team. He says that he got a 5 iv shiny Vulpix which was modest nature.

Now I've done enough of breeding in reborn to know that you will guarantee have a proper 5 iv regular pokemon before you ever manage to get it's shiny version. It's impossible to not have one.

1 minute ago, keithgun said:

Actually I was

now that I re-read it I didn't make it clear enough. Everything was for the shinyness 😧

Yep, called it

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Just now, Zander said:

I'm assuming this person is talking about  a Reborn team. He says that he got a 5 iv shiny Vulpix which was modest nature.

Now I've done enough of breeding in reborn to know that you will guarantee have a proper 5 iv regular pokemon before you ever manage to get it's shiny version. It's impossible.

Yep, called it

Well my apologies then.

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I've spended more than three days to get a shiny Gible with the non-31-IV in the Sp.Atk stat...

I still don't have one...

I probably won't use it, because I really dislike Garchomps...

But the colours look so nice...

I don't know what to do...


Sad me 😢

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4 minutes ago, Thiazzi said:

I've spended more than three days to get a shiny Gible with the non-31-IV in the Sp.Atk stat...

I still don't have one...

I probably won't use it, because I really dislike Garchomps...

But the colours look so nice...

I don't know what to do...


Sad me 😢

Coolness > perfect ivs 

Otachi, my shiny bred garchomp only has 31 in attack, and rekts just about anything


Ps: sorry for double-posting but I don't forum hard enough

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