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im about to go crazy



i cant get past chrysolia forest is there something i should do? also i have a question on the caged pokemon that i had to use to free myself from capture in the factory! do i get to catch them also or do they just stay caged up?

Edited by bocoom
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in the factory you can get the ditto and a rare candy.

now for the forrest, ill have to look back some threads and copy paste some information for you

Allright here we go, chrysolia forest guide:


1.where the rails end you go down 2. turn right and go up 3. pass the dead guy and take a right turn. (you should be infront of a house now)

4. go down all the way to the fountain 5. take a turn left, keep going left until you have to go up. 6. go up... and go right on the first turn.

7. pass the dead guy again, but this time we go right (up should be blocked by a tree) 8. keep going right until you see this big rock formation

9. keep moving right to pass the rock formation (you can sneak under that brush) 10. go down and then left 11. go up when you reach the fountain

12. take a right turn, keep going right (under the brush again) 13. go up and then left 14. go down when you are infront of the building again.

15. take a right turn and then move up (you should see a tree dissapear before you move up) keep going up and TADAAA YOU REAHCED SPINEL TOWN.



1. i am starting infront of the building in the forest 2. go right until you hit some trees 3.move down and go left by sneaking under that brush.

4. keep going left untill you hit more trees 5. go down to the fountain (free remoraids btw.) 6. go right (you can walk above that tree)

7. you should be in the most south east corner of the forest now 8. go up and then left (walk under that brush) 9. go left left left left left

10. you should see a dead guy around now, go left 1 more time! you somehow made it out of this hell! congratulations.

Edited by strhally3
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