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Getting a Perfect IV Ditto?



Is there any way to get a full-31 IV's Ditto in the game legally? Can it be done through breeding, or force-resetting? I have next-to-none experience with Pokemon Breeding, but I know that Destiny Knot Ditto could be a big help for creating a perfect team, so I'm interested in getting one.

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*technically* it's possible to reset for one, but the odds would be so astronomically low that I doubt anyone has actually gotten one. but a bunch of people have generated them in as a breeding aid (myself included lol) so I'm sure someone with multiple would probably trade you one.

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Guest Relinquished

If you were lucky enough to participate in Beta... Or backed up to test Alpha... Then there are the RPG Maker files with the game and you can create/edit one, through the Debug Menu/Tools...


That, or soft resetting until you get a 4 IVs one (you can breed perfect pokemon, through time and effort, by having a 4 IV ditto, takes lots of time and effort, though).

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4 hours ago, SHIA II said:

Is there any way to get a full-31 IV's Ditto in the game legally? Can it be done through breeding, or force-resetting? I have next-to-none experience with Pokemon Breeding, but I know that Destiny Knot Ditto could be a big help for creating a perfect team, so I'm interested in getting one.

possible to soft rest for one but it's extremely small chance best bet would be Sandbox mode or debug mode or asking those who do have sandbox mode

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16 hours ago, Starry Knight said:

possible to soft rest for one but it's extremely small chance best bet would be Sandbox mode or debug mode or asking those who do have sandbox mode

if you use debug mode ( which im doing at the moment since im done with the game) u might as well not need a perfect iv ditto since u can just change every stat of a pokemon anyways.

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