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Relationship Points

Marco Reus

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7 hours ago, Marco Reus said:

I know of this thread... you didn't really answer my question.

Why do people care about it? It doesn't seem to so much..

It is suspected that we're going to get extra sidequests depending on the relationship points with each npc Also, it is a theory that we'll get the "true" ending of the game if we get every point of Shade/Anna (you get their points simultaneously).

Edited by Lucreto
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As of right now, it's simply a system that some choose to keep track of to make sure they're in the best graces of the characters they prefer (if you don't have max relationship points with Taka, who even are you?).  They don't currently have much impact, but I think I remember reading somewhere that they might play into some postgame content, though don't quote me on it since I can't remember the source of that info.

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They give different dialogue, for example if you give Titania Blue Moon Ice Cream in the water treatment center, she says "thanks, after all you saved my life" or something along those lines after her gym battle. Though as the users above said they don't mean too much, as of know.

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