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Looking for some Pokémon



Hello! I'm trying to complete the Agate Pokedex side quest. There are some Pokemon I can't find and get, since I restored the city or traded the event Pokemon. Or simply I am unable to find them. These Pokemon are:


Magby Line
Azurill Line 
Whismur Line
Lileep Line
Shieldon Line
Elgyem Line


I'm also having problems getting Shedinja... when I evolve Nincada with a free spot in my party and a Pokéball in my bag, I don't get a Shedinja. Is anyone else getting this, or is this just me? So if anyone has a spare Shedinja, it would be awesome if we could trade!

If anyone has one of these and could trade me an egg or something from the evolution line I'd be very happy. Thanks!

Edited by Racermannen
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